Although the great prince left, there were some close friends left by him in the mountains. These are only loyal to him, and their leader is the big man with a scar on his face.

Today, he personally came to the mine to check, but he found that there was still only a lot of black rotten stones in the cave, and there was no iron at all. Now, too much human and financial resources have been invested here. After tossing for more than a year, I haven't even seen an iron pimple.

Scar was a little depressed, so he kicked a black stone at his feet into the puddle.

"Damn it, I don't know which bastard dares to cheat the prince. If you dig five more miles and still can't find iron, kill the whole family." scar said fiercely.

Zhu Rongrong and his wife went back after seeing the land. Only Tian Yuqiao and several other children remained there. Zhao and Wang told them not to get close to the water bubble and to go home early.

When the crowd returned, Wang immediately frowned and said, "Rong Rong, I think it's better to forget about the land. There are too many stones there, so it's difficult to dig the foundation. Also, the land is sloping. Maybe we should turn it all over and pave it again."

"But it's all agreed with the village head. I think so. Anyway, there's no suitable place in the village for the time being. Who wants the big head to build a house here? He said this is his home, so he must build a house here." Zhu Rongrong said.

At the thought that they didn't sleep much all night yesterday, and big head kept looking forward to a better future, Zhu Rongrong's face turned red again.

Wang suddenly felt that Zhu Rongrong, who used to look very tough, now had a little more posture of a little daughter. Even the horizontal flesh on his face seems to be a lot less. Perhaps because of the marriage, there is no need to kill pigs. Even her murderous spirit is much less, which makes her look easier to get close to.

Tian Yuqiao took several children of her generation and searched the ground for the black coal. Let's not say that the land has been leveled a lot without them.

The tiger scratched hard on a rock with the black stone just picked up in his hand. He was surprised and said, "Oh, don't say, this thing can really draw words!"

Tian Yuqiao was speechless, but there was nothing she could do. For the time being, she could only use this excuse to let them help. As for the burning of the black stone, let's wait until she determines where the stone came from.

Walking along the wasteland, I came to the vicinity of the water bubble. Big tiger quickly shouted, "don't get close to here, it will be very dangerous."

When the crowd stopped, Tian Yuqiao said, "let's go back first. That's all for today."

She looked up the hill along the water bubble, as if there were a lot of black coal in the water bubble. Could it be that the coal was washed down by the flood from the mountain? From this point of view, maybe there are coal mines on the mountain.

If this is true, as long as you find the mountain where the coal is hidden and buy it directly. Hey, hey ~ I'll be a local tyrant with a mine at home in the future!

Thinking of this, she immediately beamed. Everyone went home, and she took the little guy up the mountain.

"Joe, you've just come back. Why are you going out again? You can't get close to the water bubble. Do you hear me?" Wang warned.

"Mom, don't move the black stones we brought back this time. I'll keep them for use. Oh, don't worry. I'm going up the mountain to find them." Tian Yuqiao said, and took the little guy up the mountain with ash.

After ash went out, he ran away happily. However, when he ran for some distance, he would look back at Tian Yuqiao's sister and brother. It won't go on until they make sure they keep up.

"Ha ha, I know that ash wants Thor. How happy he is." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

The little guy was a little stunned and sighed: "Hey, I have forgotten what my father looks like. He is still gray and happy. He can see Thor and flowers at any time."

Tian Yuqiao helplessly pinched the little guy's face. This time he didn't avoid it. Tian Yuqiao smiled back, like a successful cat. Unexpectedly, the little guy's face feels more and more. He is really a little Zhengtai. No wonder Caicai sticks to him all day.

"Sister, there are black stones on the hillside. It seems that there are many more." the little guy shouted in surprise.

"Shh, I'm going up the mountain this time to find out where the black stone comes from. Once we find a large number of such stones, we will develop. Do you understand?" Tian Yuqiao said mysteriously.

Seeing Tian Yuqiao's dignified look, the little guy immediately covered his small mouth and nodded like a chicken eating rice. "Well, I understand. I will not tell you about it."

When he came to Nanshan Temple, Zhou lame would not stop Tian Yuqiao's sister and brother. Respectfully opened the door, and the sound of children practicing kung fu came from the yard.

Good guy, all along the water are small bald heads, shining in the sun.

"Wow, sister, I also want to practice martial arts with them." the little guy was a little excited.

Tian Yuqiao said, "OK, you practice martial arts here with them. I'll go up the mountain with brother Ji'er and pick you up when I come back."

The little guy joined the practice team, while Tian Yuqiao pulled away Yuanji.

"Hey, this little girl is really blessed and lucky. She's open to money. When she comes to me, she doesn't say to bring some delicious food to see the poor monk." huikong said in some loss in the Abbot's room.

He is not so close to the front here that he can see everything. However, he is not satisfied with this, because the highest level he is pursuing now is to be able to separate the original God. Then you can travel thousands of miles a day and travel around the mountains.

"Sister qiao'er, are you looking for me? What's urgent?" Yuanji asked, wiping the sweat on his head.

"Take Thor with you and let's go looking for treasure." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Yuanji's eyes lit up when he heard of the treasure hunt. He asked in surprise, "treasure hunt? Aren't you kidding?"

"Shh, when did I joke with you? Keep your voice down. The old monk here has very smart ears. Maybe he's still complaining about me in the house at this time because I didn't bring him wine and meat." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile and made a face in the direction of the Abbot's room.

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