Tian Yuqiao dreamed of having a mine at home in her previous life. Unexpectedly, after she crossed, this goal was about to be achieved. Her heart was very excited, so she hurried to the deep mountain with Thor and ash.

It's not her. Thor has been trained to beat leopards in the mountains. It is said that he scratched a black leopard last time. In addition, Yuanji followed nearby, so Tian Yuqiao dared to go deep into the mountains.

During this time, there were troops stationed in the mountains, so those fierce beasts also hid. Tian Yuqiao thought he would have no problem entering the mountains like this.

While walking, she picked up a piece of coal along the direction of the stream. "Thor, ash, you two come here." Tian Yuqiao said.

The two dogs dare not disobey Tian Yuqiao's orders. Who makes people have delicious food in their hands?

Tian Yuqiao pretended to hold water from the stream, but actually poured some lotus pond water from the virtual environment to feed them. After they were full of water, Tian Yuqiao said, "smell this carefully and take me to find it."

Thor and ash sniffed carefully for a while and then shook their heads and ran away. No way, she was going to let Caicai lead the way, but Caicai was only interested in xiaozhengtai. Seeing so many lovely baldheads in the temple now, Caicai became obsessed with flowers. Nine cows couldn't pull it.

Tian Yuqiao touched the red on his waist, stroked the gold's big tail, and sighed, "Hey, it's still you two who are close. Caicai is a guy who values sex over friends."

Gold "squeaked" and echoed twice. Yes, that's right.

Honghong shook her little head. It was very useful for Tian Yuqiao's touch and praise.

Since she got the praise, Honghong immediately raised her head happily and said to Tian Yuqiao, "I'll help you explore the way in front. If you encounter a beast without eyes and dare to bully you, I'll beat it for you."

Looking at Honghong's domineering leak detection appearance, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help laughing and said, "go, go, the safety depends on you this time."

Honghong slipped away and ran down from Tian Yuqiao's waist. Tian Yuqiao immediately felt that his waist was much thinner.

Yuanji is not surprised at this. After all, there is an old monster around him. He was already immune to everything in the world, so he followed Tian Yuqiao and helped her move around the realm.

Thor and ash ran very fast. If gold hadn't helped guide them, Tian Yuqiao would have lost them. Just after crossing a mountain, she gasped like an accordion, wheezing, and her face was red.

"Sister qiao'er, it seems that you should exercise more at ordinary times. Do you want me to carry you?" Yuan Ji was very calm and looked very relaxed.

Tian Yuqiao was helpless. Anyway, there was no one around. Let him carry it. So he jumped on Yuanji's back and helped him carry the stick with his hand.

"Hey, brother Ji'er, if you're tired, tell me to endure." Tian Yuqiao smiled.

Yuanji had a great sense of achievement. He said that his master had trained them in cross-country running with heavy load during this period. As expected, it was not in vain. Doesn't that work? At least he showed off in front of his sister, which made him a brother quite face.

Yuanji carried Tian Yuqiao over the two mountains again, and he heard the louder sound of running water in front of him. Tian Yuqiao took a closer look. It was the river where they caught the fry last time. On the other side, it looks like a cave. There seem to be many people there.

At this time, both Thor and ash had been close to the cave. Tian Yuqiao realized that there had been mining here.

A burst of loss in his heart, he said to Yuanji, "Hey, let me down. It seems that this wealth has no chance with us. There are already people here."

They walked back with drooping heads. Tian Yuqiao couldn't lift up his spirit all the way. I was thinking, who are those people? Will these people have anything to do with Fang Wenhao's previous murder.

"Sister Joel, don't you think the black stone is a treasure?" Yuan Ji asked with a frown.

Tian Yuqiao nodded and said, "yes, once there are more things, they are babies."

"These days, when I went to catch fish with Thor, I often saw them dig out those black stones and throw them in the river. It doesn't seem that they are looking for. Is it really so good?" Yuanji said.

Tian Yuqiao stopped as soon as he heard it. "Brother Ji'er, what you said is true? Did they really throw away all the black things?"

Yuanji nodded and said, "yes, what people don't want. Why do you take it as a baby?"

"Come on, let's go to the river now." Tian Yuqiao pulled Yuanji and ran to the other end of the mountain.

Yuanji was a little confused, while Tian Yuqiao thought, great, those guys didn't know that the coal was also a good thing, but they threw it all away, so I'll pick it up for nothing.

This time she didn't feel too tired because she was motivated. They came to the river. With the help of Thor, they soon found the place where the coal was discarded by the group.

Tian Yuqiao commanded Honghong: "go down and see if there are many black things there."

When Honghong got the command, she jumped up and sank directly to the bottom of the river. This is a place where the river is relatively open and the river is relatively deep, so they choose to throw the excavated waste directly here to avoid attracting the attention of others.

Honghong soon came up with her little head, with a large piece of coal in her mouth. Tian Yuqiao checked with a smile and said, "yes, this is the good thing we're looking for. Brother Ji'er, it's called coal and can burn for a long time. Don't tell anyone. We'll try to transport all the coal in the future."

When Yuanji heard this, he held the coal curiously and said, "this stone can also burn a fire? It's incredible, sister Joel. How do you know?"

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "well, naturally your master told me."

Yuanji touched his head and said that master was really eccentric. He didn't even tell himself and Yuantong. He taught Joe all his housekeeping skills.

At this time, gold suddenly "squeaked" and called two early warnings. Tian Yuqiao quickly threw the coal in his hand into the river again.

He made a silent gesture to Yuanji and said, "Shh, there may be someone nearby. Jinjin sensed that there was danger around."

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