Tian Yuqiao and Yuanji met a group of people when they were preparing to come back. The two leaders were young boys, and they were surrounded by more than twenty evil guards.

Maybe it was because the sick boy had a high status and he looked like he wouldn't live long, so the bodyguards were particularly nervous about him. But no matter how nervous your master is, you can't operate on others.

It's strange to see that it's going to kill people. It's not a big girl who was secretly seen taking a bath. She's speechless.

"Ha ha, this little girl is very interesting to talk about. If you can be a concubine for my brother, you can really spare your life this time." Murong Bo said with a smile.

He also thought that the little girl with pink carving and jade carving in front of him was very interesting, so he planned to make fun of her.

I didn't expect that the little monk next to him was angry just after listening to him! Yuanji couldn't see that others were unreasonable to Tian Yuqiao, so he swung his stick, started first, and hit him directly on murongbo's head.

Gongsun Yu and other bodyguards were stunned one by one. Unexpectedly, the silent little monk would poison the distinguished guests invited by King Jing.

Just when everyone was worried about murongbo, the boy didn't know what means he used. When he saw his hand raised, the silence fell to the ground.

Tian Yuqiao quickly squatted down to check and found that he seemed to have been poisoned with the something like sweat medicine and had no worry about his life.

"Why did you do that?" Tian Yuqiao angrily made a teapot, raised his hand and pointed to murongbo opposite.

Originally, the guard leader could help, but he was poisoned, so he was secretly running his internal power to force poison. There's no way. Murong Bo can only do it himself.

He has no Kung Fu, but the so-called "medicine and poison are not separated". Their Yaowang villa is a medical family, but they are born unable to practice martial arts. There was no way. In order not to let their offspring wither, the ancestors of the Murong family developed some self-defense poisons.

However, these poisons are not fatal, and they can be solved.

"Little girl, he did it to me first. I'm just self-defense." Murong Bo said quietly.

Tian Yuqiao didn't care so much. She took out a lump of medicine powder from the empty realm. She didn't know what it was, and threw it at the boy opposite.

She didn't have time to check what it was. In short, she put it on the side of the poison, so she threw it out.

Murong Bo is also tuoda, relying on his own medical skills, so he is not worried that he will be poisoned. Moreover, there is a peerless poisonous insect in his body, which can dissolve most of the world's highly poisonous insects.

Although he noticed that Tian Yuqiao might throw some poison, he didn't pay attention to her as a little girl in the mountains. I just used a feather fan to keep myself from being lost.

However, when he inhaled the powder thrown out by Tian Yuqiao, his heart immediately trembled. It's hard to say. The king of poisonous insects in his body can't solve the poison

The bodyguard leader beside him was even more unlucky. He had been poisoned by murongbo, and now he was poisoned by the powder thrown by Tian Yuqiao. Now we can only use the word "sad reminder" to describe him. If there is any more, it is the word "unlucky".

"Murong childe, I know I'm wrong. You should detoxify me quickly." old black couldn't help but ask Murong Bo for help.

At this time, murongbo is already a mud Bodhisattva crossing the river and is completely in a state of self-care. How can he help old black?

Fortunately, the bug in his body could control people to walk, so he reluctantly returned to the team.

Seeing that he came back by himself, the bodyguards immediately quit. "Young master Murong, you brought our leader back."

"Yes, he admitted that he was wrong. Just raise your hand and let him go."

The bodyguards talked in all directions, while Gongsun Yu over there covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed twice: "hurry up and help childe Murong into the sedan. Didn't you find that he capsized in the gutter today? He was also poisoned. Cough, ha ha, my childe's mood suddenly improved a lot..."

Seeing Gongsun Yu laughing at himself at the risk of coughing up blood, Murong Bo was so angry that his face turned pig liver.

Gnashing his teeth, he said fiercely, "that smelly girl, let me see. You are not allowed to hurt her. Let them go."

Seeing that Murong Bo was really angry this time, Gongsun Yu didn't dare to say anything more. After all, whether his life can survive this year depends on the boy's mood. Although it is OK to tease him, you can't play too much, otherwise you will only play with fire and burn yourself.

Tian Yuqiao ignored the old black who was cramping on one side, directly pulled Yuanji and led the two dogs away. Where she didn't notice, Honghong sneaked out and bit the old black ankle.

Although it did not deliberately poison, it was enough for old black to drink a pot. After all, its saliva is also poisonous. This time it can only be regarded as bad luck for the old black. Who let him wave a big knife at Tian Yuqiao?

When Honghong tied herself to Tian Yuqiao's waist again, Jin Jin had already told Tian Yuqiao about Honghong's behavior. Tian Yuqiao began to sympathize with the bodyguard. Just because he had just installed an X in front of him, he was poisoned so many times. Tut Tut, what retribution.

In a good mood, he went to Nanshan Temple to pick up the little guy home. When he left, Yuantong came out with a smile and said to Tian Yuqiao, "sister Qiao, master told you to be careful. Don't offend the careful person and get revenge again."

Yuanji frowned, and said in his heart, is it true that the master is talking about the people they met today? If so, it's really dangerous.

In order to protect Tian Yuqiao, Yuanji asked Yuantong to take several young monks to send Tian Yuqiao's sister and brother down the mountain. Tian Yuqiao originally said that he had nothing to do. He didn't have to stir up so many people. When Wang saw it, he had to worry. But Yuanji refused to say anything. Tian Yuqiao was helpless and could only lead a large group of small tails home.

Entering the Abbot's room, before Yuanji spoke, huikong said, "OK, in the future, you can live in the Tian family with tong'er to protect their safety. However, if they get something delicious, you can't eat it alone, otherwise you won't be allowed to live down the mountain again."

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