After being poisoned by Tian Yuqiao, murongbo hurried the team back to their temporary tent.

Seeing his bad complexion, Gongsun Yu quickly closed his mouth for fear that he would annoy this guy. At that time, he will have his own suffering. Then I'll give him a bone scraping treatment, broken tendon healing and so on. When I think about it, he feels his scalp rustling.

Murong Bo threw a small porcelain vase and said impatiently to Gongsun Yu, "this is your life renewal pill today. Remember, no one is allowed to disturb me. I put strange poison within two meters around my tent. Only my grandfather can solve it. Unless some of you don't want to die, try it."

He said so. Gongsun Yu fully believed that he would never cheat. So he ordered his bodyguards: "you are not allowed to go near Murong's tent, or you will bear the consequences."

Gongsun Yu said that and directly took people away. He carefully put away the bottle of medicine and went back to his residence.

Murongbo this time is the soft bone pill refined by Tian Yuqiao's heart, and this time he randomly won the grand prize: three days of weakness in his legs and two days of weakness in his arms.

This is because there is a Gu king in his body. Otherwise, the time should last about five days.

Tian Yuqiao thought that the boy who had won his soft bone pill could not come out to find his own trouble in a short time. But this time I also offended people. I really hope they won't find themselves.

Fortunately, Yuanji and Yuantong brothers came back. They were very sensible. No one said why they came back to live.

When Wang saw the two children coming back, he was immediately happy. Smiled and said, "great, your housewife has cleaned up for you. She cleans up every day. I'm looking forward to your coming back."

"Hey, mom, it's all my master's mercy. He said brother Hao'er joined the army and left for fear that you would miss him, so he asked our two brothers to come back and accompany you for a while." Yuanji lied without blinking.

However, this white lie, he will not worry about the blame of the Buddha. Anyway, I ate all the meat. What are you afraid of?

Wang was a little tired today. When he saw Yuanji and Yuantong coming back, he immediately came to his spirit. He was trying to cook vegetables for his two children. Suddenly he remembered that the two brothers now had an "enlightened" master, so they didn't have to avoid eating. They changed their prepared vegetarian dishes into several meat dishes, and planned to let them have a good meal.

Yuantong immediately frowned: "Hey, master, his old man's nose is smart. I guess he's talking about us now. He doesn't think of him if we have delicious food..."

Wang smiled and said, "then please invite him down to eat. My mother does a lot."

"That's not good. At least my master has the emperor's seal, and his identity is there. If he goes down the mountain to eat and drink, he will be gossip." Yuanji said.

"Hey, wait a minute and finish it. I'll let ash go up the mountain and send food to Shifu. Ash can find his way. There should be no problem." the round passage.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and said that at this time, the old monk huikong must know what happened here. It is estimated that he was so angry that his beard was cocked up.

Tian Yuqiao was amused at the thought of the old monk jumping with anger in his house. Then he echoed: "it's time to exercise. I just hope it won't steal on the way."

The little guy helped ash clarify: "ash is not that unprincipled dog. It must be able to complete the task."

Everyone laughed and decided to let ash go up the mountain to deliver food to the old monk in the evening.

In the depths of the mountain, murongbo looked iron green at this time. He was not poisoned, but angry.

He is the young leader of a noble medical family. He has lived in the environment of stars and the moon since he was a child. I didn't expect that a little girl could not move his limbs with a wave in this small gully today.

However, it's strange that the Gu king in his body can't absorb the toxicity.

"Little Gu, can't you really relieve the poison? The poison should not be very deadly, and according to my judgment, it should be only temporary. Hey, now I can only rely on you. This feeling of powerlessness is really uncomfortable. Don't let me catch that little girl, otherwise I have to test her..."

At this time, gold has evolved to be able to hear the movement of a single line within a radius of 50 miles, that is, it can hear the movement of this person alone as long as it remembers the goal it should pay attention to. For large-scale snooping, it can still only hear within ten miles.

Now it's good to have a breakthrough of 50 Li in a single line. Although it's 50 Li in a straight line, it's enough to inquire about murongbo's movements.

When Jin Jin told Tian Yuqiao about murongbo's anger, Tian Yuqiao immediately frowned. Because she clearly knew how noble a doctor was in the eyes of Jianghu people in ancient times when medical conditions were scarce.

Now she has offended the young owner of the medical family, which is undoubtedly stabbing the hornet's nest.

But now that everything has been done, she won't be afraid. It's no use to be afraid. You can only take it as it comes. Letting it go is the king's way.

Gongsun Yu, at a fixed time, needs to take life extension pills to prolong his life. At this time, murongbo suddenly pushed the door in.

Although his movements seem a little stiff, at least he is controlled by the little Gu so that he can move around.

"Brother Murong, aren't you closing the door? Why did you come out so soon?" Gongsun Yu asked curiously.

After driving out the left and right bodyguards, Murong Bo said, "today we met an expert, perhaps the expert's Apprentice. I can't even solve the poison that the girl film threw on me and old black."

"Oh? Brother Murong, what poison can be so powerful that you can't even use the little poison in your body?" Gongsun Yu was a little surprised.

Murong Bo nodded and said, "yes, we must have met an expert with poison this time. However, depending on her age, she should not be able to refine the poison. It must be given to her by the people behind her."

"Then who do you think might be behind her? Is there anyone in the world who knows poison better than the people in Yaowang villa?"

"Yes, we mainly practice medicine. Poisons are only used for self-defense. I'm afraid she has something to do with the old guy in poison King Valley. In that case, it would be bad."

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