Tian Yuqiao asked Murong Bo for money, and Murong Bo took this opportunity to find out where the suspicious little girl's home was. So he proposed that he was willing to be a "hostage" in their house. It sounds good to be a guest. It sounds bad. He wants to eat! At least Tian Yuqiao thinks so.

She glanced and said, "we don't run a pub or restaurant. If you two want to visit us, you can bring your own meals and drinks."

"Oh, is this girl too stingy? We just went there with two more mouths and two more sets of dishes and chopsticks in your house. It hurts your feelings to mention silver all the time?" Gongsun Yu said with a smile.

He found himself suddenly interested in this little girl who regarded money as her life. It was really interesting. Although the women around them also like money, they will try their best to please their father and themselves, hoping to get a reward. The little village girl in front of you is different. She is bargaining with you.

Murongbo also thought the little village girl was very interesting, but she was quite to his appetite. Seeing that she takes money so seriously, I guess her family should be very poor?

If so, what she said just now must be true. If she really had the prescription for alchemy, wouldn't she have a lot of silver?

At the thought of this, murongbo was a little lost. It seems that it is impossible for him to get the prescription of poison that he can't even solve. Unless master Huiyuan comes back from the dead and asks him where he got it.

What he didn't know was that even if master Huiyuan really "pretended to be a corpse" came alive, he wouldn't know where Tian Yuqiao's danfang came from.

Old monk huikong looked depressed and watched the little ones go down the mountain to eat delicious food, but he had to pretend to be high here. Hey, there's no way. Who makes him bald now?

When he left, he didn't forget to remind him with his round ear: "don't forget to leave some for me, master."

"Oh, master, when did we forget you? Even if we forget our last name, we won't forget to leave meat and vegetables for master." Yuantong smiled and showed a sharp tooth, which made him very cute.

The party came to the foot of the mountain, and the bodyguards were divided into two groups. A group of people secretly hid in the dark to protect Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo, while another group of people went back to their residence and went to get their silver tickets.

When the leader happily took out all his private money, the sunspot asked, "what are you doing with the money? Are you going to marry a daughter-in-law?"

"No, it's Mr. Murong who wants to buy the little girl's poison. He doesn't have any money with him. Our Mr. Murong said to let us all raise money to lend it to Mr. Murong. At that time, even the Yaowang villa owes us. Such a good thing can have a relationship with Yaowang villa. Who is not happy?"

Lao Hei quickly moved and said to the deputy leader, "there is a silver note of one hundred Liang silver under my insole. Please take it. But don't forget to tell Mr. Murong that I also have Lao Hei's share of the human debt owed by their Yaowang villa."

"Don't worry, elder brother. We all keep accounts. OK, I won't talk to you first. I have to hurry down the mountain and send the money to the childe, so that he won't wait until he is in a hurry."

Wang Shi saw a large group of people coming towards his house, including two teenagers, one black and one white. Wang didn't take any precautions against the children, so he quickly told Chen Jiabao to go to the fruit tree and pick some fruit to entertain everyone.

"Oh, Ji'er, who are these two little brothers?" Wang asked with a smile.

Yuanji said, "Mom, they owe us money. They follow us as guests, waiting for their men to take money to redeem us."

Murong Bo deliberately said with a bitter face, "yes, aunt, we owe the girl money. We have no choice but to follow her, otherwise I'm afraid she won't be at ease."

Wang's face sank as soon as he heard it. He said to Tian Yuqiao, "Joe, even if people owe us money, you can't tie people here? What's the difference between us and bandits?"

She said with a smile to Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo, "you two don't have to be afraid. Our family is an honest farmer's family, not one of those who rob others. Even if you really owe her money, you don't have to. Go home and don't let the adults wait. Don't worry. I'll teach her a good lesson."

Gongsun Yu said, "no, since we promised her to come back with her as a hostage, we won't leave easily."

Tian Yuqiao rolled his eyes silently and said that you are a little black bellied man. You slander me in front of my mother! Hey, hey, don't blame me later.

After entering the door, Wang was very embarrassed and said to them, "I'm really sorry. My daughter has been a little financial fan since childhood. You don't have to take it seriously. You can eat in our house for lunch later."

Tian Yuqiao could feel gongsunyu and murongbo across the wall. At this time, he must be holding a victory gesture in his heart. No way, her mother is so kind. Even if she meets the big gray wolf, she will treat others as little red riding hood.

Yuanji and Yuantong did not reveal their identities, but helped Wang draw water and hold firewood. Wang also asked Wang Cuicui to wash some newly picked fruits for the two, and then she went to the kitchen with bao'er's daughter-in-law.

"Hey, Joe, it's getting worse and worse. He has learned to take people home." Wang frowned and sighed.

Bao'er's daughter-in-law said, "madam, I don't think those two people are ordinary people. They are very much like the childe of a rich family. Things may not be like what they said. I believe the young lady won't do that."

Wang Shi was stunned. He just came back and patted his head: "Oh, it's not why. I'm a mother. I don't even know what my child is like? Oh, it seems that I may have wronged Joe."

"It must be so. I think they all came down from the mountain. Maybe they are pilgrims who came to incense. Maybe they really took something valuable from miss. By the way, they can come home to see the fruit forest. It's also a good choice."

"Well, what you said is also reasonable. I don't believe that Joel, a little girl, can bring back two teenagers so much older than her. Ji'er and tong'er are also good children. They certainly can't help Joel do bad things together."

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