Gongsun Yu and murongbo were guests at Tian Yuqiao's house. As a result, they saw that Wang was a liar and said they were kidnapped hostages. Unexpectedly, Wang really believed it. Later, Jin Jin told Tian Yuqiao what bao'er's daughter-in-law said. She felt less oppressed.

My mother, what can you do if you keep being so kind? Your daughter can't be with you all her life. I'm afraid you'll be sold and turn around to count the money for others.

At noon, Wang specially asked Chen Jiabao to catch two live carp and made them a braised fish and a sweet and sour fish. He also made a braised lion's head with meat stuffing, but in Tian Yuqiao's opinion, that's four Xi balls. Maybe it's called lion's head more domineering.

He also cut a large plate of sausage and steamed a large pot of white flour steamed bread. Bao'er's daughter-in-law is also very delicious. She made a specialty of her hometown, Hu spicy soup. Tian Yuqiao was in a bad mood because he was misunderstood by Wang, so he didn't come out to help. But even so, she went to the vegetable field in the backyard and helped choose some dishes.

Seeing that there were big stick bones at home, Wang stewed a radish soup and then made several vegetarian fried dishes. In this way, there will be a big table full of dishes.

These dishes are definitely top-grade mats. Gongsun Yu and murongbo had planned to see where Tian Yuqiao's home was, so that people could inquire about Tian Yuqiao's family in the future. I didn't expect Wang to cook a big table with such enthusiasm. It tastes very good.

Murongbo took advantage of no one, so he asked Xiaogu to help check the dishes to see if they had been poisoned. I can't blame him for his mean heart. I can only say he's used to it. This is a habit he has developed since he was a child. He must have a heart of harm and a heart of prevention.

In addition, there is a Gongsun Yu around him, so he should pay more attention to eating. Gongsun Yu is likely to hang up accidentally.

When Wang saw that the dishes were all ready, he said to the children, "all of you hurry to eat. There are still meals. Don't worry about not enough. And your two little brothers, don't be embarrassed. It's like coming to your own house."

Tian Yuqiao didn't care so much. He said to Yuanji and Yuantong, "eat quickly. Anyway, your master is not here. It doesn't matter to eat more. As for those irrelevant people, we don't care about them."

Yuantong is a big fan of Tian Yuqiao. Seeing that Tian Yuqiao doesn't like those two people, he naturally hates them. Then he took a large piece of fish and put it in Tian Yuqiao's bowl: "sister, you eat more. Today you are angry. Eat more to replenish your qi. Alas, you owe someone else's money and eat and drink. You can't buy this meal anywhere."

Yuanji also said, "that is, these are all silver and will be paid off later."

Fortunately, Wang went out to pack food for huikong. If she heard several children running on the two brothers together, it is estimated that she will scold again.

Gongsun Yu and murongbo were speechless. Unexpectedly, they have been reduced to begging. However, what they said seems to have some truth, so they can only remain silent.

Wang came in. Seeing that they didn't eat, he said, "you do. You're welcome."

Gongsun Yu didn't intend to use chopsticks, but when he saw that Murong Bo drank a mouthful of radish soup because he was embarrassed, he showed a very enjoyable expression on his face. He couldn't help but drink two mouthfuls of the turnip big bone soup. Let alone, he was only allowed to eat some special medicated meals. Now he can eat the turnip soup.

I didn't expect that people in the countryside and mountains could make such delicious soup. Then he followed murongbo and saw which dish he took and which one he ate. Not to mention, every dish on the table tastes very good.

Murongbo was also attracted by the aftertaste of the sausage. For a moment, he forgot to take care of the one around him. When he was half full, he found that Gongsun Yu was also sweating.

I couldn't help picking my eyebrows and asked, "when can you eat so much?"

Gongsun Yu then lifted his head from the bowl, wiped the soup around his mouth, and said in surprise, "I don't know. I don't think I feel uncomfortable after eating these things. Instead, I feel very comfortable in my internal organs. Unexpectedly, the things here are even more effective than medicated diet."

Seeing Gongsun Yu's face has a rare trace of ruddy, which makes Murong Boden commit an occupational disease. Put down your chopsticks and feel Gongsun Yu's pulse.

The Wang family was confused. Tian Yuqiao hurriedly said, "Mom, the Gongsun childe is not in good health. It seems that they can't eat ordinary things. Alas, they are also poor. They haven't eaten good things. They even grab our big turnip soup."

Tian Yuqiao never forgets to make fun of the two people. Who let them hurt themselves to be told by Wang? Hum, you asked for it. You deserve it!

Gongsun Yu did not expect that he ate a little more and was sympathized by a small village girl, oh no, by her family. On the other side of murongbo, he looked surprised.

"God, your condition seems to be getting better. Is it related to the radish?" Murong Bo frowned.

Gongsun Yu was stunned and then said, "it seems that these dishes are good for my condition."

Yuantong burst out laughing and said, "you're too much. Even if you want to eat all these delicious food, you can't use such a lie as a reason. Even children can't deceive such a reason."

Gongsun Yu's face reddened even more, which was the kind of embarrassed redness. Seeing that there were so many dishes, it was not easy for him to boost his appetite. He must not miss this opportunity.

When the bodyguards outside came in, they saw such a scene through the glazed window. The aristocratic son of his family is sitting cross legged on someone else's Kang, competing with the son Murong next to him for the last piece of meat on the plate

"God, am I right? Our childe can eat ordinary things."

"Yes, isn't that childe Murong also very picky? Usually he doesn't eat this and that is bad. Today, his stomach seems to have been stretched for several times."

"Oh, it turns out that the Shizi is not that he can't eat, but that the things made by the family's cook are not to his taste."

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