The meal was like a war. Seeing that the children were in full swing, Wang saw that the dishes cooked by himself and bao'er's daughter-in-law were very much in line with everyone's appetite. Wang's mood was also very good, although she didn't move her chopsticks much.

It's strange that these children never eat like this. Why are two outsiders here today? Can the two brothers eat so much? Even Joel was desperately trying to grab food with those two people. It was really interesting. It seems that these children at home really don't like those two little brothers.

After the last drop of soup on the plate was dipped with steamed bread, the meal was finished.

Ash has already driven to the mountain to deliver food to huikong. He also gets a piece of meat as a reward.

"Young master, we have taken the silver. Here is the bill. Our brothers made up all the silver."

Gongsun Yu looked at the bill, and sure enough, the names of all the guards were written. There were at least ten Liang on it, and many ranged from dozens to one hundred Liang.

It was not so much a bill as an IOU made by the guards. Murongbo's fingerprints are waiting on the top, and even the inkpad is ready there.

Gongsun Yu had a very comfortable meal. He felt that the stubborn disease blocked in his heart seemed to be a little loose. So he was in a good mood and wanted to joke with Murong Bo.

"Brother Murong, this is your IOU. Please have a look." Gong SunYu smiled and handed the paper in his hand.

Murong Bo's face turned green. He said in front of a large group of village girls, can you save some face for me? It's true that my condition has improved. I'll unload the mill and kill the doctor!

I scanned it with my eyes. It's about a few hundred liang of silver. Murong Bo snorted coldly with his nose: "just a few hundred liang of silver, are you as well?" he said and pressed his fingerprints directly.

"Alas, brother Murong is wrong to say that. The silver is small, but I don't intend to ask you to repay this IOU. In the future, this is a treasure. You should know that this IOU is made by the young villa leader of Yaowang villa. If you say this IOU is sold, will those people be willing to pay a high price?" Gongsun Yu smiled treacherously.

Wang felt that his head was not enough. He couldn't figure out what the two children were talking about. Isn't it just about borrowing silver? As for the complexity?

After looking at Tian Yuqiao, Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "Mom, go out and be busy first. It's good to have some of us with them. Now it's time to settle an account with them, hehe."

Wang said, "Alas, that mother went out to be busy first. It's time to pick all the fruits. My mother plans to give them to the villagers."

She said that and left. Seeing Wang's departure, Tian Yuqiao immediately stiffened her face. She didn't want to have too much involvement with these two people, so she said, "five hundred Liang, not less."

Murongbo counted out 500 taels of silver and handed them to Tian Yuqiao. Fortunately, there was a lot of silver prepared this time. I gave her five hundred Liang, and there were still a lot of silver spindles and silver coins left.

Tian Yuqiao took the five hundred taels of silver and then said, "there's also the money for the food just now. This is what our family usually doesn't want to eat during the new year. You've eaten it all."

Murong Bo gnashed his teeth and said, "tell me, how much silver is it?"

Tian Yuqiao stared at the cloth bag containing the silver and said, "since you have brought it, don't take it away. Isn't the silver strange?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the gold over there had passed and pulled the burden of silver to Tian Yuqiao.

Murong Bo was completely speechless. He said that this stingy little girl is really a lion. Even her mouse is so greedy! what? Mouse~

He was most afraid of mice since he was a child. He was immediately frightened with an "ah ~" and then jumped out of Tian Yuqiao's glazed window.

Fortunately, the window is open. If it is closed, Tian Yuqiao is expected to charge him for maintenance.

Gongsun Yu laughed and coughed: "hahaha, I didn't expect that the dignified Murong Bo was afraid of mice. It's killing me. How much money would it be worth if I sold the news? I think I'm really developed this time."

Tian Yuqiao counted the remaining silver spindles in the package, which looked like seven or eight Liang. He went to his house with his bag. He just made an appearance and collected the silver and silver notes he got into the virtual environment.

Add the silver in the purse left by Wen Hao when she left. Now Tian Yuqiao has a total of more than 1300 liang of silver in his hand.

I'm in a good mood and don't bother to argue with the two plague gods outside. I just hope they won't appear in front of me in the future.

Gongsun Yu over there asked Wang for a lot of big turnips. Even murongbo was very interested in tianyuqiao's green vegetables.

It seems that their water is sweeter than other places. If it is really a geomantic treasure land, he doesn't mind opening another branch of Yaowang villa here.

With a lot of bodyguards, they were doing radish pulling in the field. Gongsun Yu felt that he was too full, so he wanted to exercise, and murongbo wanted to find clues in Tian Yuqiao's house.

He just found that the dishes here seemed better than those sold out. In addition, the soil in the land didn't seem very good. After grabbing a handful with his hand, there were still some stones in it.

He could not help frowning. Although he had never planted vegetables, they were similar to medicinal materials. He naturally knew that if he wanted to grow well, he must have fertile soil and had better have some aura.

This soil must not work. Is it because there is aura under the ground? No wonder the little bug is ready to move today. Maybe it can detect something.

Murongbo secretly released the little Gu and asked it to look for clues in the ground.

However, how can the golden eye of gold accommodate such a poisonous insect? It directly ran down from the wall and caught murongbo's little Gu without hesitation.

As soon as he was about to put it into his mouth, Murong Bo shouted, "ah, this mouse is really my nemesis. Miss Joel, please call your pet back?"

Tian Yuqiao hurriedly called Jin. Seeing that there was an ugly insect in its claws, he slapped it down and said, "Jin, aren't you full? Don't touch insects in the future. How disgusting."

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