Murongbo wandered around Tian Yuqiao's house, hoping to find the secret of Du's unique vegetables. However, it was found that the land of the Du family was the worst in the whole village, not one of them.

The soil is mixed with a lot of broken stones and some black broken stone fragments. He frowned and could not imagine that such green vegetables could grow out of such soil.

He also planned to go to the glazed shed of Du's house, but he saw outsiders at home, so he was very unfriendly to these people. Especially the vegetable field in the backyard, which is not allowed to be approached by outsiders.

There was no way. Murong Bo could only let the insects planted in his body to help find out the reason. As a result, Jin Jin found that they were sneaking in the backyard, so he pressed down the little Gu.

No matter how small Gu struggles, Rao is the king of all Gu, but he can't afford gold. The black and fat body and small mouth of the little Gu can't bite the claws of gold at all. The power of Gu insect is that it is impossible to prevent. Now I met gold, which is definitely its nemesis.

If it weren't for Tian Yuqiao's disgusting black insects, it's estimated that the little Gu would have been in Jin's stomach by now.

Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao came in time. Otherwise, if something happened to the little Gu, Murong Bo would be eaten back. It could be a serious illness or death.

Because murongbo lost the control of the little Gu at this time, his limbs were paralyzed at this time. So he stood directly beside the fruit tree, and Gongsun Yu next to him enjoyed the surrounding pastoral scenery leisurely.

When Tian Yuqiao photographed the little Gu, he saw Murong Bo sitting on the ground.

She didn't know why, so she smiled and said, "unexpectedly, master Murong is afraid not only of mice, but also of insects. In that case, you'd better not stay in our house too long. We are poor and dangerous. We can't guarantee that one or two insects will pop up at any time."

As soon as Tian Yuqiao finished, the red on her waist slipped down Tian Yuqiao's skirt and detoured back to murongbo.

It didn't show up because it knew its head was too special. However, he just dumped his body outside. In his opinion, this is a kind of tail swinging action of "selling cute", which is also learned from the gray guy.

However, in the eyes of Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo, the Du family is really like a tiger's mouth and a wolf's nest. It's really not suitable to stay for a long time.

After murongbo received the little Gu, he turned pale and, under the control of the little Gu, pulled gongsunyu away from the Du family. Waving his sleeves, he left many terrible memories here.

After everyone else left, Jin Jin complained to Tian Yuqiao. The depressed little eyes always vent its inner dissatisfaction.

"What's the matter, gold?" village head, my family and I have discussed. We plan to build the House years ago. I don't know if we can do it? "Zhu Rongrong asked with a smile.

"Well ~ it depends on the masons and the villagers who come to help. Now it's getting colder and colder. If I say, I'd better wait until spring and build a house after the busy farming season." the village head frowned and suggested.

Tian Yuqiao said, "Grandpa village head, sister Rong is worried. In her heart, wow, as long as the house is built, maybe Brother Big head can come back, ha ha."

Being hit by Tian Yuqiao's words, Zhu Rongrong's face "Teng" suddenly turned red. Seeing this, Wang quickly scolded Tian Yuqiao and said, "Xiaoxue, you girl is really more and more unruly. Your sister Rong Rong is a person who doesn't like procrastination. Don't talk about children in the future."

Tian Yuqiao nodded and said, "Mom, I know it's wrong. Hey, hey, but this house still needs to be built quickly. We'll follow the previous agreement. Anyone who comes to our house to help sister Rong Rong will get a basket of fruit in our fruit forest when the new year comes, in addition to 20 Wen a day."

Seeing that the village head was silent, Zhu Rongrong said again, "yes, if the villagers who helped from beginning to end, whether in this village or outside the village, I asked my father to send two kilograms of pork for free."

The village head quickly said, "no, I don't mean that. I just gave you a proposal. I didn't mean anything else. Now that you've all decided, I'll stick a big red paper at the entrance of the village so that everyone can see it."

Wang asked Chen Jiabao to catch two big carp for the village head, tied with a straw rope and carried them away.

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