In the evening, after the little guy came back with Caicai, Wang told him what he had discussed with the village head today.

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "little brother, it's a time to raise troops for thousands of days. You've learned in a private school for a long time. It's estimated that you've practiced your calligraphy well. Dare you write a notice on big red paper? It's pasted on the half wall at the entrance of the village."

"Elder sister, are you helping elder sister Rong write a notice inviting villagers to help?" the little guy asked seriously with his little head tilted.

Zhu Rongrong nodded, smiled and said, "yes, although I can read, my sister. But my hands are hands holding knives. It's a little difficult for me to hold a brush. Now there are few good-looking writers in the whole village. Yutang, it depends on you."

The little guy was so excited that his face became pink. He patted his small chest and promised: "don't worry, I can write well. Just tell me how to write, and I'm sure I can do it well. Hey hey, I'm just worried that if I write too well, the words will be stolen."

"Oh, you little fellow, you are neither a big official nor a literary giant. Who is rare to steal your words? If you steal them, they can't be sold." Tian Yuqiao joked with a smile.

Wang urged, "write quickly. When you're finished, you're ready for dinner."

After Tian Yuqiao told the little guy what he thought, he immediately frowned and asked, "sister, let's pay 20 Wen a day. The price is already very high. Why give them fruit and meat?"

Tian Yuqiao didn't want a little man to become stingy, so he said earnestly: "little brother, now we don't lack that little thing, and do you also want everyone to help build sister Rong's house as soon as possible?"

The little guy nodded heavily.

Tian Yuqiao then said, "that's right. If we don't answer correctly, people are satisfied. How can people work hard for us? Moreover, everyone is from the countryside. They can see our fruit trees all over the world. If we don't share some sweets, does it seem that we are too stingy?"

The little guy nodded and said, "elder sister, I know I'm wrong. Anyway, there are so many fruits on our tree, we might as well send some to the mountain. Master huikong, Ji'er and tong'er should also like to eat, as well as the little monks who were damaged by the flood."

Tian Yuqiao rubbed his little face and said with a smile, "yes, the little guy is really a child to teach. All right, write quickly. My sister won't bother you, otherwise I will be seen by my mother later. It's time to say me again."

Zhu Rongrong smiled and said, "Oh, I didn't expect that sister qiao'er was afraid of people?"

After the village head returned, he asked his old companion to stew the two big fish. The family ate delicious. He drank more wine when he was happy in the evening.

"Old man, what makes you so happy?" Fang asked with a smile.

The village head said, "big head, when he left, he left Rongrong a sum of silver to build a house here. Now it has been decided that the person who goes to help can receive 20 Wen a day. When the new year comes, he can also receive a basket of water and fruit."

"Yes? It's really so good. We have to help and call some people for the fruit. You don't know, our little grandson keeps yelling all day and wants me to ask him for some fruit. This time is good. By the way, my mother's side..."

The village head and his family are studying their own Xiaojiu, while Tian Yuqiao's family is busy sorting out the sketch of the house together. On the other side of the Tian family's old house, today is a sleepless night that makes everyone unable to sleep.

"Mom, I don't think my daughter-in-law looks right. I can't eat anything all day today. Would you like to see Dr. Lin?" the scholar said with a frown.

Li Shi said with a curl of his mouth, "your daughter-in-law has so much dowry in her hand. Let her give money by herself. I don't have money to give her. I serve her like an ancestor all day. Now the good little girl was promised by her and eloped directly with the short man. Hey, mom, I didn't get a penny of dowry..."

Reading Lang was speechless and said that he was a mother. This time, he couldn't look down on his married daughter-in-law. Especially after the girl Chunhua eloped with three inch Ding, Li's attitude towards Ma was even worse.

For one thing, unlike several other daughters in law, she was at her disposal. Second, with money in his hand, Ma readily asked his maid Qiuyue to buy food for her in the town. I want to eat sour today and spicy tomorrow.

The worst thing is that every time you buy something, you only buy a little. After buying it, she took it directly to the fourth room. Even her mother-in-law couldn't borrow the light. Li was so angry.

In addition, Gao's wife talker spoke ill of Ma On Li's ears all day, which made Li's attitude towards Ma worse day by day. However, Ma doesn't care about her mother-in-law's attitude. Anyway, as long as xueshulang is good to herself, she doesn't care what the word "filial piety" is greater than heaven.

In Ma's words: "my mother-in-law didn't give birth to me or raise me. I haven't eaten a grain of rice in my mother-in-law's family since I was a child. Why should I be filial to her?"

This remark was naturally passed to Li's ears by Gao Shi, who was so angry that he almost lifted the table.

After returning to his new house in the east wing, xueshulang looked a little sad. Mahalanobis was pale and nestled in the nurse's arms. His poor appearance was really heartbreaking.

"Why? Does my mother-in-law refuse to let you go to see a doctor?" Ma Qiang asked.

The scholar hesitated for a long time, and finally stamped out. He thought about asking Dr. Lin to come first. As for the medical expenses, if he couldn't, he would pay himself.

After the scholar left, Ma cried bitterly in the nurse's arms. "Nanny, I really regret that I didn't listen to you and married such a man. At first, I thought he was learned and looked handsome. I didn't expect that his family was so poor, and I had to live in a yard with those village women. Now even when I was about to give birth, my mother-in-law refused to invite the matchmaker in advance..."

Ma gushed with the nanny about her grievances in her heart. The nanny ordered Qiuyue to say, "Qiuyue, you should find a way to borrow a car or something. Take ten liang of silver and hurry to the town to ask the matchmaker to come back."

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