Since he married the Tian family, Ma has never been used to Li, which makes Li very dissatisfied with Ma. At the beginning, Li still thought about Ma's silver, but after a period of time, Li found that Ma didn't give her silver, so he no longer tolerated ma.

Even when cooking at ordinary times, she deliberately didn't let anyone bring her share. Now Ma's stomach is getting bigger and bigger day by day. Although she spent the silver she brought during her pregnancy, in Li's opinion, she should give the silver to her.

However, Li Shi could not help Ma Ma. After all, Ma Ma ran away with someone for a spring flower, but there were two old women and the girl Qiuyue. During this time, the three servants brought by Ma also went to live in the new house. Anyway, there is a free house over there, which is convenient to serve.

In this way, even if Li Shi wants to find trouble for Ma Ma, there are people around Ma Ma Ma at any time, so Li Shi is very depressed.

Now, seeing that Mahalanobis was about to give birth, the nanny didn't know who had a stable mother in the village, so she thought about asking Li to hurry to the town to invite two.

Li's face was cold. Instead, he said, "which woman doesn't have children? Why is she noble? When our daughter-in-law is pregnant, they can all go to the ground to help work. Where did you invite wenpo in advance? It doesn't cost money?"

Nanny couldn't bear to look at her young lady sad, so she sent Qiuyue to the town to find a matchmaker. It was dark in the middle of the night. Qiuyue was a little girl. Naturally, she didn't dare to go alone.

But the situation was urgent. The two old women at home had to keep them to take care of Ma Ma, so Qiuyue had to bite the bullet and go out with money to find a carriage.

In this village, if you talk about it, only Tian Juhua's family has a mule cart, and then there is Tian Yuqiao's little donkey cart. It must be too late to make an ox cart. Qiuyue girl has no choice but to beg Tian Yuqiao.

In the middle of the night, she came to knock on the door, which naturally led to a gray bark. Wang lit a light in the room and went down to open the door.

The little guy was also awakened by the cry of ash, because ash wouldn't scream if he didn't meet strangers. He put on his clothes and carried a fire stick in his hand. The little guy was ready to accompany Wang to the gate.

"Second grandma, our lady is about to have a baby. I want to borrow your donkey cart to go to town and see if I can invite a matchmaker." Qiuyue shouted timidly.

As soon as Wang heard that there was a little girl outside, he opened the door and let Qiuyue enter the house. By the light of the oil lamp, I recognized that the person was the little servant girl of the old fourth daughter-in-law.

"The donkey cart can be lent to you, but who will send you at this time?" Wang frowned.

Qiuyue knelt down directly to Wang: "ask second grandma for mercy and save our young lady. Her situation is not very good. She often gets angry with the old lady recently. Even the wet nurse is not sure of the time now."

"Get up quickly, eh, OK." Wang sighed and said to the little guy, "Wulang, go and find the family treasure and let him work hard."

Although the little guy didn't like to see the people on the other side of the old house, he didn't have much conflict with the four rooms, so he went out of the door with ash and ran towards the fish pond.

Ash naturally knows the way. Under its leadership, the little guy goes straight through the fruit forest and takes a shortcut. He doesn't have to worry about falling into the pit. He soon woke up Chen Jiabao from his sleep, along with his mother, Mrs. Chen.

"Oh, why did you get up?" Wang asked with a frown.

Mrs. Chen said, "madam, I heard that your relatives are going to have a baby. No matter what, I'm also a visitor, so I'm going to help."

Wang nodded and arranged for Chen Jiabao to send Qiuyue to the town to ask the matchmaker not to mention it for the time being, but to talk about old lady Chen and Wang.

After they were dressed, they went to the old house. Before leaving, Wang ordered the little guy: "you take good care of the house at home. It's estimated that my mother won't come back tonight. Plug in the door."

"Mother, I'll wait for you to come back."

"No, it's ok if your fourth aunt can give birth smoothly today. If she doesn't give birth all the time, she won't come back today. You have to go to the private school tomorrow. Don't delay your sleep. Listen to your mother's words and plug in the gate quickly." Wang's face was flat and assumed the posture of an elder.

The little guy had no choice but to "Oh" and watched Wang go to the old house. On his side, he held ashy's neck, rubbed it a few times and said, "ashy, if you hear that it's my mother and they're back later, remember to put this wood. Oh, this is called a bolt. You'll do this and then do that..."

The little guy patiently taught ash to open the door. Only four or five times, ash was able to open the door.

"Good, good. Let my sister give you the reward tomorrow. Ah ~ I'm so sleepy. I'll go back to bed first. You must watch it. Don't lock my mother out later. Remember."

"Woof, woof!"

As soon as Wang and Mrs. Chen arrived at the Tian family's old house, she immediately felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere.

"It's strange that the four ladies are going to have a baby. Why are people still sleeping here?" old lady Chen didn't know why.

Wang's heart is like a mirror. This must be because Li doesn't like Ma. However, in this case, it is not convenient for her to disclose it to Mrs. Chen. He smiled and said, "maybe they are tired. Let's go. Let's go there quickly."

She then took Mrs. Chen to the new house over there.

The scholar Lang was sweating all over his head, and Dr. Lin was already in the house at this time.

"Hey, this is because the pregnant woman is in a bad mood recently, resulting in unstable fetal heart. I'm afraid this baby may have dystocia, and you don't have a stable mother-in-law, and I can't help you."

Reading Lang held Dr. Lin's hand and asked with red eyes, "Uncle Lin, you are a doctor. You must have a way, right?"

"I'm just a barefoot doctor. Why didn't your family invite Mrs. Wen to come home earlier to deliver the baby? Also, your mother should be more experienced than me because she has given birth to so many children. I've never delivered a baby, and there's nothing I can do about it. I'll prescribe a pair of birth promoting drugs for her later, otherwise I'm afraid the mother and child will be in danger."

After that, Dr. Lin took the medicine box and left. After all, he had done everything he could do here. He really can't take care of the rest.

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