Ma's side was going to be dangerous. At this time, Li was in the upper room. Listening to the scream of killing pigs, he was so depressed that he covered his ears with a handkerchief.

"Oh, what a howl? She didn't make any noise when killing pigs, but it's true." Li frowned and complained.

Mr. Tian sat against the wall and said, "I say you old woman, the fourth family is also your daughter-in-law. Why isn't your grandson in her stomach? How can you be so hard hearted and watch that Ma Ma's pain there? You don't say to take care of it."

"I care? What do I care? Besides, what do I care? She holds the old silver money in her hand and doesn't bother to invite the matchmaker in advance. Now she's in the sedan chair and pricks her ears. What do you care about? She's just suffering for herself. How can she be a daughter-in-law and eat and drink in front of her father-in-law?"

Mr. Tian was speechless, but he still advised: "old lady, if you want me to say, you'd better go and have a look. After all, our house is renovated with the money given by our in laws. If our in laws know..."

Before he finished speaking, Li's son came to God again. He said angrily, "he knows what he can do? Is his daughter right? She asked Qiuyue to go out and buy snacks for her. Did she ever honor our father-in-law?"

"You... I really don't understand. What time is it now, you old woman? Why do you care about so many useless things? She doesn't give you food, and you haven't starved to death?"

Old man Tian was also a little angry. After all, Ma Ma's stomach was pregnant with his grandson!

Fortunately, there are Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang over there. They boil water and help to cheer up Ma. The two old women wiped the sweat from their faces and breathed heavily.

"Second lady, thank you so much. If you hadn't come to help, we would be tired to death. Hey, if you said it, the child is really naughty. Look, it's bothering his mother..." the nanny forced herself to squeeze out a smile.

"Hey, I hope she can give birth naturally and the mother and son are safe." Wang said.

However, at this time, the cries of Ma's side were no longer human, and the cloth strips bitten in her mouth were about to be bitten off by her. The veins on the head jumped up and the blood vessels could be seen clearly.

"Miss, you must hold on. The girl Qiuyue has gone to the town. Don't worry. Mrs. Wen will come soon. Try harder and see if you can give birth by yourself."

"Nanny, I ~ I may not be able, I have no strength..."

Mahalanobis collapsed directly at such a critical time, and then fainted.

She saved trouble, and the rest of the people in the room turned into a pot of porridge. Under the pressure of the mountain, Wang ran to the room.

Just about to clap the door, she found that the door was not inserted, so she rushed directly into the East Room of Shangfang.

Go in and shout, "Mom, the fourth daughter-in-law has difficulty giving birth. Now she has fainted. Please go and have a look. After all, it's life-threatening. It's your daughter-in-law and grandson."

"Bah, why don't you worry about it? Why didn't she treat me like her mother-in-law? When she ate her own stove, did she ever think of me as her mother-in-law?" Li Shi still hated it.

Wang Shi was a little speechless, while the old man Tian picked Li Shi up from the Kang.

"You dead old woman, you're going to die. If you don't hurry up, I don't need big shoes to kill you! Hurry to see my fourth daughter-in-law. If my grandson has something good or bad, you'll go back to your mother's house." old man Tian said ruthlessly.

Li Shi was a little scared at this time. After all, it was human life. So he murmured two words that he didn't know what it was, and reluctantly went to Ma's house.

She is worthy of being an "expert" who has given birth to a bunch of children. Seeing that Ma fainted, she directly scooped half a ladle of cold water with water and splashed it on Ma's face.

Not to mention, this move is really effective. Stimulated by the cold water, mahalanobi woke up and made some effort.

Fortunately, at this time, the stable mother-in-law outside has arrived. Chen Jiabao asked to move. The little girl Qiuyue knelt down and kowtowed to others, so they were willing to work in the middle of the night.

"There are too many people in the room. It's airtight. All of you who have nothing to do should go out." the slightly fat woman ordered.

Mrs. Chen took Wang out first. The nanny was not at ease. She accompanied her while the others went out.

I heard the steady woman inside shouting, "madam, try your best. Oh, it's terrible. Why did the child come out with his legs first?"

As soon as they listened outside, Wang's heart suddenly "cluttered" for a while. There is no caesarean section in this era. If a child comes out with his feet first, the child is likely to be suffocated.

Li asked, "I said this big sister, is it a boy or a girl in her stomach?"

"I touched it. It's a handle. But now in this situation, you still have to be prepared for the worst."

Li Shi also went out and went back to his room. I don't know what to discuss with old man Tian.

Reading Lang was so anxious outside that he dared to swear that he was not so nervous when he entered the examination room.

Although Ma Ma is usually a little naughty, after all, she is her own lady. Hearing her sad cry getting weaker and weaker, the scholar Lang's heart was pulled up.

Then I heard the midwife inside say, "it's broken. It's broken outside. Make a decision quickly. Now is it big or small?"

Reading Lang's head suddenly "hummed" and almost fell to the ground with a somersault. Fortunately, Chen Jiabao gave him a hand, and he staggered to hold the door frame firmly.

Li's side also pricked up her ears to listen to the sound. When she heard wenpo ask so, she immediately stared round her eyes. He shouted to the outside, "old four, come in and I'll talk to your father."

Where else does the scholar have the heart to listen to her nonsense? At this time, his heart was like frying in an oil pan. Or Wang reminded him, "fourth brother, my mother called you."

The scholar Lang staggered and didn't know which leg to take first. He went into the upper room to find Li Shi. He thought his mother could do anything. Unexpectedly, Li Shi had a smile on his face.

"Mom, my daughter-in-law has difficulty giving birth. Do you think of a way to help?"

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