When Mahalanobis had a difficult labor and was dying, Li called xueshulang to the house. Wang waited anxiously outside, wondering if there would be any local methods for Li, which might really work?

The midwife over there was so anxious that he urged her to decide whether to keep the big one or the small one.

Ma's wet nurse naturally let her protect her own young lady, but at this time, there is an unwritten rule that once a woman encounters such a situation, only her man can finally decide who to protect. Although the midwife was invited by the little girl Qiuyue, she had to follow the rules of her profession.

"You are so merciful that you must protect our young lady. Without one child, she can have another one in the future. If adults don't have one, there will be nothing." the wet nurse pleaded with tears.

Mrs. Feng pleaded: "you are also a person who has given birth to children. If you were my miss, please compare your hearts."

"Yes, yes, if your daughter is my miss, you must want to let your daughter live."


Tian Yuqiao woke up long ago. At this time, she was staring round her eyes and listening to the "live broadcast" of the old house.

Even Tian Yuqiao knew everything that Li Shi had discussed with old man Tian in the house.

Li Shi studied with old man Tian and said, "old man, I'm afraid there can only be one adult and one child over there. Moreover, the stable woman said that there is a boy in Ma's stomach. You said that the old Ma family is just her daughter. If she died, wouldn't her son be able to inherit all the Ma family's property?"

Although Mr. Tian is an honest man, he will inevitably waver in front of his grandson and money. What principles and moral integrity? Go to hell.

"Hey, isn't it too damaging for us to do this? It's going to damage Yin virtue." old man Tian frowned.

Hearing the hesitation in his tone, Li Shi continued to swim and said: "Old man, what does Ma Ma usually do to us? You don't see it. If she dies, it's hard for her in laws to say anything. It's a big deal. Let's give Mrs. Wen some more sealing fees. Think, once our fourth son inherits the horse's family property, isn't it equal to the fourth son inheriting it? When he has money, we'll choose two sensible children for him , how nice it is for a filial woman to be a daughter-in-law? "

Mr. Tian's eyes flashed, and he patted his thigh and said, "well, it's her husband. It's her malpractice first. The word filial piety is greater than heaven. Since she is unfilial, we don't need to sacrifice a grandson for her life. That's it. You'll call the fourth later and let him protect our grandson."

"Oh, it's all right, old man. If you want me to say it, it's really time for our Tian family to make a fortune." Li's eyebrows immediately danced.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help sneering twice and said that this is the heart of the people. And Jin continued to interpret the situation there for her, but Tian Yuqiao was not very interested in other things.

Since Li Shi didn't want Ma to live, he couldn't let her do it. Tian Yuqiao hooked his lips and directly flashed into the virtual environment.

Earlier, when she first met Honghong, she dug some ginseng in the mountains. Now she looks very good and has a big circle of fat.

Tian Yuqiao looked at the faint purple light emitted from the root. This ginseng is going to evolve here! Good, good, this effect will be better.

She didn't dare to do more. For fear of causing trouble, she cut off a ginseng beard directly. Anyway, she can grow well in the future.

Holding it in the palm of her hand, she said to herself, "this should be OK. Take the gold and I'll take you to a good play."

When Tian Yuqiao arrived at the Tian family's old house, Li Shi had finished his ideological work. In fact, he also felt that Ma Ma was not gentle enough to treat himself. He also wanted to find someone who was gentle and knew how to hurt people. So he stammered out two words at the door of the window: "keep... Keep small!"

Nanny, they all stood in place stupidly, as if they had heard a bolt from the blue. They couldn't believe that it was what my uncle said. He asked his son not to have a wife. What a heartbroken man!

As soon as Tian Yuqiao entered the yard, he heard the scholar Lang say so. His heart was cold. He looked at the scholar Lang contemptuously and scolded him in his heart: you damn Ma Bao man, wait. You will have good fruit to eat in the future.

Although Ma Ma was in a semi coma, she clearly heard the word "small". She was so angry that she said that if she could survive safely this time, she must make the Tian family look good.

However, at this time, she had no strength to give birth to the child.

Seeing Tian Yuqiao coming, Wang frowned and said, "qiao'er, your fourth aunt is in danger. You are a child. Why do you join in the fun? Hurry home."

"Mom, this is the medicinal material brought to me by Thor on the mountain before. It's ginseng. You secretly put this into aunt four's mouth, maybe she can stand it." Tian Yuqiao whispered.

Wang naturally didn't worry that his daughter would lie. Anyway, now shushulang is going to keep her young, so she treated her dead horse as a living horse.

She took the ginseng whisker that Tian Yuqiao had handed her, which had been beyond recognition by gold on the way, and looked like a mass of yellow soil.

After Wang went in, while the steady woman didn't notice, she put this lump of sticky stuff into Ma's mouth.

When Mahalanobis had the last light of lucidity, he saw that Wang seemed to feed himself something. Then she felt that there seemed to be a trace of strength on her body. Her body, which had been somewhat exhausted, seemed to be moistened by the spring rain.

The strength was gradually restored. At the thought that the heartless man wanted to let himself die, the strong idea of survival and the heart of revenge rushed to her mind.

As soon as Mahalanobis gritted his teeth and exerted himself, he gave birth to the child against his will. The steady woman over there was stunned. She didn't expect that Ma Ma could give birth to the child safely.

"God, God bless us. Mother and son are safe. Mother and son are safe." wenpo folded her bloody hands and quickly worshipped the Buddha.

She doesn't want anyone to die. It's unlucky.

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