Mahalanobis is dying. Fortunately, she is not a heartless woman. She didn't cut Mahalanobis's stomach with big scissors at the first time to keep it small. This gave Tian Yuqiao a chance to save Ma, and cut a beard from the ginseng she moved into the virtual environment.

Nanny and their children quickly boiled water to bathe their children. The smell of blood in the house also needs to be cleaned up.

Mrs. Feng handed the steady woman another five liang of silver and said excitedly, "thank you for saving our young lady. Thank you. You must be rewarded for your kindness, and you will have great luck in the future..."

Mrs. Wen was a little embarrassed and took the silver. This time, she got fifteen Liang and nearly killed her young lady. She was ashamed, but she still wanted the silver.

Mahalanobis fainted before he could take a look at the child. Seeing that there were so many people waiting on her, Wang took everyone back.

When Tian Yuqiao left, he looked at the other side of the room and sneered to himself. His heart said it was good this time. It was estimated that someone should cry, ha ha.

Reading Lang was surprised and happy, happy and afraid. He was happy that he had a son. The boy's cry was very loud. It made several dogs nearby bark. It looked like a healthy child.

I'm afraid that if she knew that she had made the choice of keeping small at such a time, I don't know if she would eat herself?

But now that everything has happened, shushulang can only admit bad luck. Holding the big fat boy who was washed clean, the scholar Lang's face blossomed happily.

The two men who went to the room, Mr. Tian and Li, looked at each other face to face.

"Hey, you, what's your idea? Now our daughter-in-law is not dead. If people know, we've just persuaded the fourth to choose to protect our children. It's estimated that we can't fall out with us?" old Tian smoked a dry cigarette and twisted the word "Chuan" between his eyebrows.

Li quit and immediately retorted, "why, I just made a proposal just now, didn't you nod and agree? How can you blame me for this? You are the head of the family and can't be so careless. When you meet something, you push out my old woman. Do you still look like a man?"

Mr. Tian was speechless and stared. He didn't know how to refute the unruly and unreasonable old woman.

After the separation of the Wang family and the Chen family, they went directly back to the yard. The little donkey has been fed fodder by Chen Jiabao. After all, he tossed about all night and asked him to have a meal.

After entering the house, Wang took Tian Yuqiao and asked, "qiao'er, this time thanks to the ginseng you brought to your mother. Although it doesn't look like ginseng at all, it saved your fourth aunt's life. Isn't it? Wow, there will be some blessings for our qiao'er in the future. Let's save people's lives and God will take care of us."

"Hehe, mom, in fact, I don't know aunt four very well, and she robbed sister Rong's man when she married. This time I'm just trying to prevent some people's conspiracy from succeeding. You can't say that everywhere. It's very valuable." Tian Yuqiao said solemnly.

Wang quickly closed the door and made sure that there was no talent outside.

"Joe, if Thor gets you that medicine again in the future, you can't sell it. It can save lives at a critical time. Let's keep it. If we have a chance in the future, we know Hao'er's whereabouts, let's find someone to help and send some to them." Wang said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and nodded: "Mom, don't worry. I'm naturally reluctant to sell good things. Moreover, our family is not very short of money now. I'm going to build more houses and invite more people to help grow fruit trees next year."

When Wang heard the speech, he immediately said, "Joel, you will be our little housekeeper in the future. You can discuss this with your brother. My mother will support you."

Tian Yuqiao went back to sleep. Wang was even more tired all night. As soon as his head touched the pillow, he fell asleep directly.

On the other side of the Tian family's old house, Ma called them one by one. The next day, there were big dark circles under their eyes, especially Li's, which was like smoking makeup. After all, it's strange that she can sleep this night when she is old and has done such a sorry thing.

In order to make up for his mistakes yesterday, xueshulang treated Ma very attentively. It's very considerate to bring her porridge and medicine in person.

"Madam, try this. I specially asked Qiuyue to add bird's nest. You gave birth to our Laotian family's seventh grandson yesterday. Even my parents said that our Qilang was crying loudly. He must be a senior official in the future."

The scholar said happily as he gently blew the bird's nest porridge in the spoon.

However, Ma's face was plain. If she had treated herself like this, she would have felt very warm and happy. But after what happened last night, she had already given up on the man with human face and animal heart in front of her.

Oh, this is the man she chose! She didn't choose the sons of those rich families in the town and the county. It's like there's a little ink in Tian Dahai's stomach. He's not as ignorant as those dandies. I hope this man can be good to himself. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment of his life and death with his children, he chose to let his children live.

Ma not only hated xueshulang, but also all the people related to the Tian family. Of course, this also includes her newly born Qilang Tian Yulin.

Poor little fellow, I haven't eaten a mouthful of mother's milk since I was born. The wet nurse used rice paste to satisfy his hunger.

Reading Lang naturally didn't know that Ma heard his decision last night. His hospitality to Ma was entirely due to his guilt and guilt. He thought that Mahalanobis was unwilling to feed his child because he was worried about affecting his figure.

Yesterday, Li took advantage of Ma's sleepiness after giving birth to the child, and specially asked the people in the family to tell everyone what happened last night.

As for the people brought by Ma, Li said that she was afraid of affecting Ma's mood and delaying her recovery. It also listed the various consequences after many Ma knew about it, so the nanny and they also promised not to tell their young lady about the scholar Lang's choice to protect the children.

Li Shi thought that this matter had been done perfectly, and the quantity of Mahalanobis would not be much. She was relieved.

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