Ma's child was born smoothly, and in Ma's heart, he has hated all the people of the Tian family. Of course, this naturally does not include the second room side. After all, the second room has long been separated, and this time thanks to Wang's feeding himself, I don't know what it is, I have the explosive power of that moment.

Due to the great loss of vitality caused by the birth of children, although Ma had hatred in his heart, he didn't bring it out at all on the surface. On the contrary, the nanny who knew her better felt that she had become calm and restrained after she had given birth to her child.

The nanny was very pleased and often praised Ma: "Miss, you have finally grown up. Now you have become a child's mother. In the future, you should learn how to hurt people. Although my uncle can't give you a rich and noble life, he can make you live safely."

Where can ma listen to the nanny? Now in her heart, she hated her pillow man. I didn't expect that he could be so sentimental and unjust that he chose to keep the child instead of his hairy wife.

She now regrets that her intestines are green. She married to such a place where birds don't shit and was so far away from her parents. It's hard to tell her two elders about her grievances.

Fortunately, there is a nanny around, which makes Ma's heart feel much more comfortable. Ma secretly vowed that when his body slows down, Li's old witch will feel better. Let her enjoy it for a while.

Things at the old house of the Tian family will not affect the whole mountain village. When the village head pasted the big red paper notice written by Tian Yutang on the half wall at the entrance of the village, the villagers naturally came to watch.

Some people recognize one or two words and stumble to read: "what? Here's twenty Wen. Isn't it that the mountain is recruiting again?"

"I don't think so. Aren't all those soldiers gone? Let me see. Maybe it's for us to pay for the ancestral temple. I heard the village head say earlier that the ancestral temple worships our ancestors..."

The village head and other people gathered more and more at the entrance of the village. Seeing that almost all the people from all families came to join the fun, he came out of the yard.

Separate the crowd and squeeze in. The village head smiled and said to everyone: "Cough, everybody be quiet and listen to me. As everyone may know, Zhu Rongrong of Ningguan village married to our village. Now the big head's child has gone to war. He is a good child. Before he leaves, he asked Rong Rong to buy him a family business here. Therefore, Rong Rong plans to hire everyone to help build a house and pay 20 Wen a day."

The village head deliberately said in detail, fearing that the villagers would not believe that Zhu Rongrong could afford the money. Then he said: "Not only do you have 20 Wen a day, but you finish it from beginning to end. It's the new year. When the new year comes, the Zhu family promises that everyone will send another two kilograms of pork. The Tian family also said that they will represent the big head and give a basket of fruit to those who come to help Zhu Rongrong build a house in the village."

As soon as the village head said this, the villagers immediately talked at the bottom, and the scene was suddenly noisy.

"Oh, my God, the Zhu family is worthy of being a rich family in Ningguan village. If they talk casually, they will build a house."

"No, the Zhu family is really rich. They even send pork."

"If I had known that I would have married the daughter of the Zhu family and had a big house to live in, I should have done it earlier. Alas, I really regret it ~"

Everyone has different opinions and says everything. Most people think that the money for building the house is from the Zhu family. The village head is embarrassed to say that it is the silver given by the big head. We can only do it first.

Anyway, it doesn't matter what people think, as long as they sign up to help at that time.

Today, neither the little guy nor the big dog went to the private school. They sat behind the temporary square table outside the gate of the Tian family, eating fruit and waiting for someone to sign up.

Soon a villager came over with a smile and saw that there were two little guys at the door, just like two small door gods. But the majestic big dog standing behind them was really frightening.

"I said Wu Lang of the Tian family. What about your adults? Who do we have to ask to sign up for help building a house?"

"Yes, where have all your adults gone for such a big thing?"

The villagers didn't believe that such a big thing would be left to two fart older children.

The little fellow has the final say: "uncle, Bobo, big brother, aunt, now I am the only male of Tian Jia, so I will have the application. I will give you a record of my application if I want to sign up, and then I will pay you the wages according to my name."

Big dog also imitated Tian Yutang's appearance and said, "yes, if you want to sign up, just come to us to record. But my ugly words can be said first. We don't want everyone to sign up. We only need 40 people at most, so we need to pick young and strong people."

The villagers saw that the two children were interesting, but they didn't dare to despise them, so they lined up to the fruit forest along the courtyard wall of Tian Yuqiao's house.

At the top of the line was the famous lazy man in the village. When the little guy saw it was him, he frowned and said, "cousin big dog, let him try it on your side. If he can't lift the stone lock, don't him."

The little guy didn't talk nonsense to the lazy man, so he gave him to the big dog. The lazy man said quickly, "I said Tian boy, don't you know my strength? I could beat three of them."

"Elder brother, I'm really sorry. This is sister Rong's rule. Either you go there to pick up the stone lock and stick to it for ten minutes, or you'll fight with her. If you win, I can let you help." the little guy said.

At this time, Zhu Rongrong was sitting in the front door of the Tian family, eating melon seeds with Wang. Hearing the noise outside, he immediately looked out.

Although Zhu Rongrong's skin has been better fed by Tian Yuqiao's virtual lotus pond, after all, she has been "famous" for many years, and most people are afraid of her.

When the boy saw Zhu Rongrong looking at himself, he immediately felt that the cold wind was blowing out from the back of his neck. He was so frightened that he quickly smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away.

"Next..." the little guy shouted with a smile.

In fact, the registration process is to select excellent and capable villagers to help, so Tian Yuqiao thought of such a way to frighten them with stone locks.

Naturally, the little guy won't let everyone carry the stone lock. It's just specially set up for some people.

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