Tian Yuqiao set up a registration office directly at his door. In order to train the little guy and the big dog, he decided to let them learn something useful. I'll leave the registration to them.

There was ash at the gate, and no one dared to make trouble. After all, ash's tusks have grown. Its eyes are really penetrating. If anyone has a quarrel with the little guy, ash will yell at the man.

Although the Tian family's old house has just had a noisy night, the people in the Tian family's old house know about the movement of Tian Yuqiao's house.

Silang ran to the upper room angrily and said to Li, "milk, go out and have a look. Tian Yuqiao's dead girl's house is recruiting workers. I heard from the people in the village that he will give twenty Wen a day. When the new year comes, there will be pork."

LIULANG also said later, "yes, I heard the children in the village say that if they go to help the family, each family will be given a big basket of fruit. It's the fruit on the fruit trees of Joel's family. Suck it ~"

Although Tian Yushu is eight years old this year, he is weak and ill since childhood and seldom goes out. I really wanted to eat the fruit this time, so I was particularly interested in it. This little guy has almost no sense of existence in the Tian family. Now he came to Li's house to eat some fruit.

The gold side "squeaked" to remind Tian Yuqiao that there were actions in the Tian family's old house. Tian Yuqiao hurriedly asked Chen Jiabao to take Dahu and erhu to pick some fruits and give them to the old house in two baskets.

There are many people here today. She should send it in advance. Lest Li Shi bring people to make trouble later, she will be too passive.

Several people were quick, so they quickly climbed up different fruit trees and picked persimmons, sour pears, apples and oranges. There are two baskets full of these fruits, each of which can look like forty or fifty kilograms.

When several people came back carrying the fruit, they had successfully attracted the attention of the villagers. There are many villagers who are still hesitant to sign up. When they see such good fruit, they can't help but be moved. They hurried to sign up.

Tian Yuqiao stood in the yard and said, "let's put the fruit outside the door first. Bring it back to you and give me milk directly. They sent it there. Oh, by the way, one basket is my mother's filial piety to my Lord. My fourth aunt just gave birth to a child yesterday, and the other basket was sent directly to my fourth uncle and fourth aunt."

Chen Jiabao answered, went back to take his own wheelbarrow, tied two baskets of fruit with hemp rope, and pushed it to the Tian family's old house. Big tiger and two tigers help hold the basket around to keep the balance of the unicycle.

Everyone was talking: "Oh, the second room of the Tian family is really filial to their father-in-law. When they separated, there was nothing."

"That's not why. At that time, I remember that their house was still burned by the grandson of the old house. Tut Tut, they can really repay good for bad."

"Oh, it's too unkind to say that there is an old house."

The villagers who were idle and sitting under the surrounding trees to watch the excitement began to talk.

Tian Yuqiao was very satisfied with what they said, so he asked Chen Jiabao to pick two more baskets of fruit.

"Everybody, today is our first day of recruitment. Since everyone is here, whether they can be selected or not, everyone can choose two fruits to take back to eat." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

As soon as everyone heard it, they were all interested. Those who reported their names earlier also came back one after another.

Tian Yuqiao saw the women who had just talked about the fact that the Tian family's old house was not something. Each of them was eager to drool, so he muttered a few words in Wang Cuicui's ear.

Wang Cuicui went back with a smile, took a tray, washed several red and big apples, and carried them under the tree opposite with a smile. Said to the women, "aunts, I've washed the apple. If you're thirsty, eat some."

As soon as they heard this, they immediately said a lot of new year's greetings to the gate of the Tian family. Then one by one, he divided all the apples on the plate.

Tian Yuqiao thought they would be reluctant to eat and took it home to their children. I didn't expect that they would bite all over their mouth. Looking at the expression on their faces like eating honey, everyone knew that the apple must be very sweet.

Although the apple is a wild apple tree dug out of the mountain, the fruit is very unusual under the careful care of Tian Yuqiao. There is a aura of fragrance in the pulp, which makes people not only produce saliva and quench thirst after eating, but also the taste stays in their mouth for a long time.

Those women who got the benefits of the Tian family naturally worked harder to praise Tian Yuqiao for being sensible, Wang's filial piety to his father-in-law and being good at educating children.

Li's eyes lit up when he saw a large basket of fruit at the old house of the Tian family. But when she knew that there was still a basket of fruit and that it had been sent to Ma Ma, she was immediately unhappy.

"Hum, those two rooms are becoming more and more disrespectful. The old fourth daughter-in-law used to eat alone, but now the Wang family sent her the old ones alone. What does that mean? Obviously, it is to encourage the arrogance of Ma Ma Ma." Li said angrily.

Tian osmanthus, no matter how much, picked a red and big orange from the basket, opened it and ate it. While eating, he said, "Mom, what do you care about her so much? The fourth sister-in-law can't eat so much alone. We'll go to her when we're finished. Mom, try this orange. It's really sweet."

Li stuffed an orange in his mouth and immediately felt sweet and delicious. Originally, some voices were dry due to fire, but now they are even more comfortable. In that case, she has more power to swear.

"No, we can't let that cheap hoof of Ma develop such a habit. The eldest and the third, go to the fourth and bring me the basket of fruit. We haven't separated yet. All things have to be distributed by my mother-in-law." Li said angrily.

Gao is naturally happy. She can eat two more fruits if she has a basket of fruits, can't she? So he grinned and took Jiang to the fourth room.

After getting the fruit from Tian Yuqiao, Ma was more grateful to her so-called "second sister-in-law". She happened to have no appetite recently. Now when she saw the fruit, she asked the nanny to peel an apple for her.

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