Li Shi asked Gao Shi and Jiang Shi to go to the fourth room to take care of Ma Ma for fruit. As a result, they didn't return. Li Shi was anxious and asked Tian Guihua to hurry. The result was good. Before Tian Guihua entered the house, she was hit by Gao through the door curtain.

When Tian Guihua cried, Li immediately thought it was someone from Mahalanobis. He scolded directly without knowing the situation.

Now Mahalanobis didn't recover and didn't have the strength to scold Li. Otherwise, she will certainly let Li Shi have a good look at what is called a super bitch in the county.

Li Shi was naturally very proud when he saw that Ma was silent. He thought that Ma was afraid of her being a mother-in-law. Now, instead, he is a good son born to himself and comes out against himself. Angry, Li Shi directly dumped shushulang, slapped Shulang for 270 degrees, and directly hit the door frame.

Then the scholar's forehead bulged a red jujube bag, and the blood flowed down the door frame to the ground.

This is the first time that Li Shi hit shushulang. After slapping, she regretted it herself. I don't know where to put the hand that hit the man.

At this time, Mr. Tian just came back with a dry cigarette bag from outside. He just went to the entrance of the village to watch the excitement. By the way, he talked with some old men about adding a little grandson to his family.

I was in a good mood. I didn't expect that as soon as I entered the gate of my yard, I saw Li beat his precious son Shulang. Mr. Tian hurried forward and slapped Li.

"You dead old woman, what are you doing? You can beat old four's face?" old man Tian trembled with anger.

The scholar over there went into the house as soon as he closed the door without saying a word. Before he went in, the last look he left to old man Tian was a strange and indifferent look. Old man Tian's body suddenly shook and almost fell.

What does this look mean to my son? Did you get beaten by your old lady's slap and the boy took revenge? If that's the case, aren't all your efforts in vain?

He was so angry that he immediately grabbed Li's hair and beat her up. Li Shi didn't react at first, but later, when she reacted, how could she give up?

She didn't care whether the other party was her own old man or not. She went straight up and caught a few blood marks on old man Tian's face.

"Well, you dead old boss, you've learned how to beat people. After all these years with you, have I eaten well or dressed well? I gave you children and helped you manage your family, but in the end I got your fist?"

As Li Shi said this, he grabbed old man Tian's face.

The four rooms were tightly closed, and the other side of the big room was eager to see the excitement. They didn't bother to take care of it. Jiang Shi also returned to his house for fear of suffering from fish in the pond. Erlang foolishly came in from the outside. Seeing that old man Tian and Li were fighting there, he wanted to ask. As a result, Jiang forced him close to the house.

Tian Guihua sat on the ground and was a little scared. Although on weekdays, Li would quarrel with Mr. Tian, he didn't reach such a point. She was so frightened that she sat on the ground and forgot.

"You dead old woman, hurry to apologize to the fourth."

"I bah, he is also my son no matter what he says. Even if he is the emperor, he must recognize me as a mother?"

At the beginning, Mr. Tian planned to play for Sifang. After all, he didn't want his fourth son to hate himself because of Li's slap. However, Li Shi seems to be possessed today and doesn't know what to say. No matter how old man Tian winked at her, she was just fooling around.

Later, he was so angry that he became very angry. Originally, it was just intended to play on the spot, but it turned into a mixed doubles competition.

Although Mr. Tian always went to work in the field, he was kind to Li after all and didn't hurt him. Li Shi was different. Originally, she lost a lot of property because Ma Ma didn't die. She was depressed. Today, she was beaten by the old man. She was immediately angry and killed old man Tian directly.

On the other side of the West Wing room, Gao's mouth was wide, and he was peeking through the gap between the window frame and the wall. While watching, he gave a live broadcast to Tian Dajiang.

"Oh, the head of the family, you can't look at your father. He's already bloody on his face. Tut Tut, I didn't expect that my mother-in-law is so weak that she wants us to give him a meal. Now she's playing father-in-law. She's so fierce."

Tian Dajiang also found a leaky wall hole and looked out. Unexpectedly, she smiled and said, "look, this is the first time my mother has hit the fourth. If the fourth becomes a senior official in the future, I will not like to see her. I know the fourth's temper too well. I've been indulged since childhood. How can he stand it this time?"

The East Wing room, the third room, Jiang's Hotan Dahu and a group of children also listened to the movement outside. Because Jiang Shi got some benefits from Ma Ma during this period, she simply blocked the house she lived in, so now she has no gap to look out.

She is a little regretful now, thinking about whether to leave a seam for the theater in the future~

I dare not open the window to watch the war between my father-in-law and my mother-in-law. It's really scratching my heart and liver.

"I blame you for blocking the wall so tightly. This time, I can't see anything. Believe it or not, my sister-in-law must be watching the excitement."

"Shh, keep your voice down, but don't let your parents hear it, or you will have good fruit to eat." Jiang quickly stopped.

"By the way, I'm a little greedy when you say that fruit. Why don't you go and get some when your mother doesn't pay attention."

"I dare not. My mother's anger has been bad recently. I won't touch this mildew." Jiang turned his eyes and said.

When the scholar Lang came into the house, he sat next to Ma Ma with his head down and helped her peel the apple.

When Ma saw it, he sneered in his heart and said he deserved it. Your mother can slap you in the face for a few fruits. You really think how great you are in her heart.

"Well, my husband, don't be sad. Isn't it because I left the fruit that your mother beat you? I won't eat it. I'll take it to her." Ma said.

The scholar Lang immediately blushed and said, "no, this is the fruit brought to you by the second sister-in-law. My mother has her own."

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