He helped Zhu Rongrong recruit the 40 most capable men in the village. Then Wang called chrysanthemum's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, as well as the village head's wife and widow Chen. He said he was helping to cook for everyone and burn hot water.

The village head's family is naturally very happy to get this job. After all, as the village head, Wang Heng's family is not short of the two money. Even if he wants to eat Du's fruit, he's embarrassed to speak, isn't he? Now that Wang has let his old woman go, that is to say, he will have a share of meat and fruit at home when the new year comes.

The original Honda Yuqiao intended to remind Wang, but unexpectedly, Wang thought of it himself.

"Oh, it's just a pity. Your uncle Zeng's family has become famous since he helped repair the imperial mausoleum on the mountain." Wang sighed.

Tian Yuqiao said, "Mom, the blacksmith invited by our family this time should also be enough."

Tian chrysanthemum smiled and said, "Joe, your mother didn't mean that. She said that your uncle Zeng went back to the town and set up a blacksmith shop in the town. Now he is a capable man, ha ha."

"The last time we built a house, it was your uncle Zeng and your eldest son who helped make arrangements. Now I don't know what to do. Your two uncles are not the material to be in charge." Wang frowned and said.

Tian Yuqiao knew what Wang was worried about, so he comforted: "Mom, we can't rely on others for anything. Anyway, now I have all the drawings in my hand. The carpenters who built sister Rong's house are the last carpenters. I think there won't be any big problems."

Just as everyone was planning to go to the cemetery, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside: "sister Qiao, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your family wants to build a house. Why didn't someone go to the town to send us a message? Fortunately, my father heard carpenter Hu in the town say this, so he..."

Before he finished, he heard his father's voice coming from outside, and the cry of Huahua and Huihui playing together. The mother and son haven't seen each other for a long time. Huahua licked the ash wet for a moment. No way, the dog met, either smelling or licking~

"Uncle Zeng, why are you back?" Tian Yuqiao smiled and went out to meet him.

"Don't be busy. I know your family has something to do. I also heard that there will be fruit to eat at that time. Your uncle, I've been greedy recently. I heard that there are fruit points to help in your family, so I closed the shop and came back to help. Hahaha, by the way, I brought two old guys. If I build a second entrance yard, I need some iron guys." said father Zeng.

Everyone went to the land early. At this time, the forty villagers in the village had gathered there.

This time, Zeng's father still took the lead. He was responsible for managing the craftsmen with skills. As for the eldest and second brothers of the Wang family, they are responsible for managing the villagers.

The people in charge of the survey began to measure the land. A moment later, they said to Wang and father Zeng, "the land is uneven. It seems that we have to level it before we want to start construction. We also have to uproot the grass, otherwise it will affect the service life of the house."

"Yes, this grass root is in the ground, but it is easy to be reborn by the spring wind. Then arch the wall again."

Everyone is talking about what good way to completely remove those weeds. Tian Yuqiao didn't worry about it, and directly said to Zeng Changsheng, "elder brother Changsheng, let's clean up the stones in the ground first, and then burn the rest of the grass directly. There's no wind today, and the fire should be under control."

After looking at the land, Zeng Changsheng smiled and nodded and said, "this is the only way. This land is really not very good."

In order to prevent the coal from being discovered, Tian Yuqiao specially asked, "everyone, there are black stones on the ground. That kind of stone must be picked out first. It's said that it's unlucky for the stone to stay in the ground. Burn the wasteland after picking the stone."

With her reminder, although everyone is a little confused about this statement, since people pay, listen. Everyone began to pick up stones. Big tiger asked people to separate the black stones.

Tian Yuqiao can only do this. If so many people know that coal can burn, it will be difficult to do.

There are many people and great strength. In addition, big tigers often come to pick coal these days, so in a half day, everyone has picked almost all the coal in the field.

Tian Yuqiao directly asked Chen Jiabao and Dahu to transport the coal back. The villagers naturally didn't care about this. Then the other stones were thrown into the water bubble, and the large ones were directly laid on the edge to prevent someone from falling in.

This is a good thing for the village. What's more, it's good for your family. The two families will have frequent contacts in the future. If something happens here, isn't it too wrong?

The soil in the ground was finally more than the stones, and everyone began to burn the wasteland. They are all experienced dealers. Naturally, they know how to control the fire. We soon burned the land. When the fire went out, we used hoes or something to flatten the land as much as possible.

And the carpenter has started to hang the wire according to the drawing size given by Tian Yuqiao, and it's noon.

The Wangs and their wives had prepared the food and had it pushed here for everyone to eat.

The food was not bad. It was almost the same as when Tian Yuqiao built his house last time, so everyone was very satisfied. When working in the afternoon, they worked harder one by one.

Zhu Rongrong saw that Wang helped himself all day. He was a little embarrassed and said, "thank you for your help. If it weren't for your help, I would have a headache."

Just before dinner, I saw an ox cart in the village with two and a half fans of pork. The driver turned out to be the eldest brother of the Zhu family. Behind him were several other brothers and father Zhu.

After they greeted each other, Zhu Rongrong asked, "Dad, brother, why are you all here?"

"You girl, why don't you find your father when you get married? You just sent a message back for building a house, and didn't ask us to help. Your brother's hands itched at home. Your father and I were also experts in Pan Kang. Do you look down on your father or what?" Master Zhu said deliberately with a straight face.

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