Father Zhu and his four sons all came to help. Wang had no choice but to make room for Wang Decheng and Wang Dehai. Now there are three people from Chenjia village living in the Wang family, so it seems a little crowded. But fortunately, the Zhu family are not picky. There is a place to sleep.

"I'm really sorry. We came in a hurry. We were going to go back to live again. Alas, it's all my greed." father Zhu said with a red face.

He had planned to help during the day and go back at night. He'd better not even eat here. How can Wang promise? So Zhu Rongrong asked them to stay there.

Mrs. Chen came with her daughter-in-law and slept in their house. These days, seeing that Tian Yuqiao was in no danger, Eryuan brothers volunteered to go back to the mountain.

Now she can live, Tian Yuqiao thought. If Zhu Rongrong's house is built quickly, she will simply add a few more houses. Anyway, she plans to hire some people to help in the future.

At dinner, father Zhu and father Zeng, together with Wang Decheng, Wang Dehai and several brothers of the Zhu family, drank a lot one by one. It's really rare to have a thousand cups of wine with a confidant. These old men get together and really gossip.

Tian Yuqiao didn't expect that men could gossip like this. Listening to them exchanging things in their village, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help laughing several times.

At the old house of the Tian family, Li had planned to let the eldest, the third and the reading Lang go to Tian Yuqiao's house to make money. As a result, boss Ma and his wife, accompanied by the housekeeper, came to rely on the mountain village that night.

Ma heard Qiuyue say that her parents were coming. She immediately wanted to go to the ground. The nanny quickly hugged her and said, "my little aunt, you can't go down. Fortunately, this house is newly built. Otherwise, if the wind blows through, you will suffer for most of your life."

"Hahaha, I heard my daughter gave birth to a fat grandson?" boss Ma walked in with a smile.

As a result, as soon as I entered the house, I saw a ball of cloth wrapped around my son-in-law's head with blood on it. It seems that there is still a wound on his face, and the hand print on his head is quite clear. Depending on the size, it should have been beaten by a woman.

Boss Ma immediately frowned, looked at his daughter and said, "Saihua, did you beat your husband again?"

Mrs. Ma also said, "you can't be so capricious anymore. Don't be so heavy next time. By the way, where's the child? Show me."

Mrs. Feng hurried to bring the child. The little guy was sleeping soundly. Wrapped in a red quilt with white broken flowers, it looks like a small candle.

"Let me be a grandfather first." boss Ma smiled and was about to pick up the child.

The groom immediately quit, grabbed the child, glared at him angrily and said, "you have thick hands and big feet, how can you hold the child? The child is still so small, you can't hold it for you. How can you flash your waist?"

"Cut, where did he get his waist? He only grows his waist at the age of 80. Hurry up and hug my baby grandson."

"Get up, I'll sit on the Kang and I'll hold it. Just stay next to you. Don't wake the child up. He should make a noise then."

Mahal's tears flowed down, feeling full of grievances. Now it's like a flood with the gate open, eager to pour out.

Seeing this, Mrs. Ma quickly handed the child to the wet nurse. In the past, he hugged Masai flower and comforted her: "if the girl doesn't cry, it's hard to have children? It's good if the mother and son are safe."

He drove all the people out, and even xueshulang was driven away by Ma. She hugged her parents and cried bitterly. After crying for a long time, Ma said, "Mom, I hate. Why didn't I listen to your two elders at the beginning."

"Girl, what's the matter with you? Is it because the fourth son of the Tian family is bad to you? If that's the case, dad will take you back tomorrow. It's not that I can't afford my own daughter."

"It's a girl. Don't cry. I have a mother to decide for you. If your mother-in-law bullies you, we'll go home. Why should we be wronged in this broken place. People clean up the yard every day. It's hard to see you now, alas."

Mahalanobis suddenly felt that it was nice to have someone to support him!

She really wanted to leave this place that broke her heart and died. But she hasn't got revenge yet. How can she leave like this? Her mother-in-law, and the ungrateful scholar, she must retaliate one by one.

I didn't tell my parents about protecting the big and the small. Instead, I said I was ok here. When she comes home one day, she will completely break off her relationship with this side.

Boss Ma didn't understand what was going on, so he nodded and agreed.

"Girl, when did you stop loving here? Let the nanny take you home."

"By the way, girl, what's the matter with your husband's face and head?" Mrs. Ma asked.

Mahalanobis simply explained the matter of Wang's sending fruit to himself: "in fact, it's nothing, just because his mother wants to leave all the fruit given to us by his second sister-in-law. I don't agree, he doesn't agree, and then it's like this."

"Hum, what a wicked old woman!" boss Ma's beard trembled with anger.

"Don't pay attention to your mother-in-law. By the way, girl, my mother brought you 200 liang of silver. You can take it. You can buy whatever you want to eat and buy in the future. Don't pay attention to your mother-in-law's old immortal."

With tears in her eyes, Ma accepted the big bag of silver coins. She knew that her parents were worried that she would suffer. They specially asked someone to exchange the silver coins so that she could spend money in this place.

It's better for the people who raise themselves to treat themselves well, others, hum~

The old couple took people and stayed here for one night. The next morning, they went to meet old man Tian and Li.

As soon as boss Ma met, he angrily said to old man Tian, "I said, in laws, after our daughter married, there was no shortage of silver to supplement your house. Why does she want to eat something, but she needs your permission?"

Mrs. Ma also said, "I gave my daughter all the money. It's all her private house. What did your family give her? I tell you, if my daughter is wronged a little more, don't blame us for being rude."

Li Shi was a little worried at first, but now she doesn't care so much when she sees that others are so tough. She roared, "I'm a mother-in-law. How can I let her fool around? If there are delicious and easy to use, naturally, I have to be filial to my mother-in-law first."

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