Boss Ma led his wife to see his daughter and little grandson. As a result, he listened to Ma tell her about her situation after she married the Tian family. They were so angry that they all hit the roof beam with fire. Early the next morning, they ran to argue with Li.

However, Li stubbornly stuck to the word "filial piety", which made boss Ma and his wife speechless. However, they also showed their attitude. If the Tian family let Masai flower suffer again, they would pick up their daughter, and even the child would be taken away.

Before the second old man left, Ma also told the nanny to pick some of each fruit for boss Ma to take back.

"Girl, these are all good fruits. Just keep them for yourself. Besides, parents live in the county and can buy them whenever they want. Don't worry about us."

"Yes, daughter, my parents are not short of words. You've had a hard time here. Keep it yourself."

Ma smiled and said, "Mom and Dad, we can't eat all this fruit. If the old miscellaneous hair in the room cares about her, wouldn't it be cheaper for her then? You'd better take it back to eat. This fruit is different from that in the county and city. It's especially delicious."

When they think about it, what the girl said is also reasonable. If so many fruits are cheap, Li's old immortal might as well take them back to eat. Moreover, they ate an apple alone last night and found that the taste was really different, so they took a basket of fruit and took it away.

Li Shi was so angry that he almost jumped out of the window. Seeing that the carriage had completely gone away, she patted the edge of the Kang and scolded: "I really married a money losing goods. There are things I don't know to be filial to my father-in-law, but they all took them to her mother's house..."

Old man Tian frowned and said, "OK, don't make trouble for the family. This time, thanks to the old fourth daughter-in-law's failure to shake off all the things we did before, otherwise, people still don't know how to make trouble with us."

Seeing that her young lady was in a low mood, the nanny sent everyone away, secretly took a letter from her arms, handed it to Ma Ma, and whispered, "Miss, this is the letter that the master asked me to bring you when he left."

Mahalanobis opened his eyes and suddenly brightened. Her father said in the letter that when the child passed a hundred days, he would have a banquet in the county. At that time, Ma Ma and his children will not go back to the Tian family and stay in the county directly.

The child will also be surnamed ma. As for the Tian Dahai, if he is willing to step in, let him live in the county. At that time, the Ma family will allow him to continue his study and test his merit and reputation. But he must make a clean break with the Tian family and never communicate with them again.

If he doesn't agree, let them leave.

After reading it, Ma looked at it carefully twice, and then asked the nanny to burn the letter paper.

Li, who went to the room, couldn't sit still and called all his three sons. "Old man, tell your sons."

Mr. Tian knocked the ash on the sole of his shoe and said: "It's said that the girl Zhu Rongrong is going to build a house. Now you don't have anything to do. Even the fourth child doesn't go to school. In that case, why don't you all go and help. I heard that the brothers of the Zhu family have also gone? You also used to help make arrangements. After all, there is no adult man in the second room."

Look, what old man Tian said is all for the sake of Tian Yuqiao's family.

Tian Dajiang said, "isn't Wang's two brothers still there? Why do you want us to help? I'm still making an appointment to drink in town today."

"Yes, I also made an appointment with my friend to go out. Dad, for so many years, we have been providing for the fourth grader to study, but he hasn't stopped all day. Now he doesn't go to study, so let him repay us and let him go." Tian Dahu said.

When the scholar Lang heard this, how could he promise? He said, "Dad, look at my head. I was beaten by my mother yesterday. How can I go out and meet people like this? Besides, my daughter-in-law has just given birth to a child, and I have to take care of her at home."

As soon as Li heard this, he was worried again and roared, "what do you take care of? Why is she more delicate than the princess? Which woman doesn't have a baby, why does she need so many people to serve? There are two old women and a little girl, and you need a big man to serve. I said, old four, you are really good. Where have you read this book?"

"Yes, the fourth brother's reason doesn't work. When your sister-in-law and third sister-in-law had finished giving birth, they all went to the back vegetable field to help work in two days. Why is your daughter-in-law delicate?" Tian Dajiang said.

Tian Dahu also said, "well, besides, you are a scholar. Why did you go there and really let you work? It doesn't exist. Just tell your second sister-in-law that you can help calculate the accounts and pay everyone. By the way, mark me and your brother, and remember to bring our wages back together every day."

As soon as Tian Dajiang heard this, he suddenly came to his senses and said, "by the way, you help the steward. The salary can't be the same as that of ordinary workers. It's estimated that you have to give you at least 30 Wen a day. Fourth, go, we all support you."

The scholar Lang had no choice but to go to the cemetery at the foot of the mountain with a big clock head.

Father Zeng is in charge here. Seeing the scholar Lang of the Tian family coming, he put down his work and asked with a smile, "Oh, isn't this master Tongsheng? Why did you come?"

Father Zhu saw a man and heard that the boy was the fourth Tian family who had abandoned his daughter before. His eyes suddenly turned red.

I couldn't help saying that I swung my hoe and passed. "You're a heartless man. You asked people to go to our house to talk about matchmaking, but in the end you married a girl from another family. Now that my daughter has built a big house, what do you want to do here? Get out of here. If you don't get out of here, don't blame me for killing you."

It happened so suddenly that everyone didn't have time to react. They saw that father Zhu's hoe had arrived. He was so frightened that the scholar ran away, and one of his shoes ran away. He couldn't care to pick it up.

Fortunately, Zhu Rongrong got the letter and came to persuade her father. He said, "Dad, it's lucky he didn't marry me. I heard the godmother say that Ma's family is much richer than ours. In this way, her life in the Tian family is not good at all. Dad, we really have to thank Tian Dahai for not marrying me. If he marries my daughter, I'll be really unlucky."

After hearing this, father Zhu put out his anger, but he still breathed heavily.

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