Reading Lang went to Zhu Rongrong's house, but he was found by Master Zhu. Before he could speak, Master Zhu swung his hoe and planned to teach the heartless man a lesson.

Originally, this matter was a big pimple in the old man's heart. Now the scholar happened to bump into it himself. Does the old man have the reason not to be angry? The fire in my heart was like being spilled with gasoline and ran up.

The scholar ran home in embarrassment and asked him to be scratched with blood by grass roots and branches. After returning to the Tian family's old house, Li Shi saw his appearance and lost his shoes. He immediately roared, "why, you've been driven out by the wolf? Is it possible that Joe's dead girl is chasing you?"

The scholar ladled some water with a ladle and poured it directly on his head. Then he said, "I met Zhu Rongrong's father."

"Why, his father is more frightening than a wolf? Look at your running." Li quickly asked Tian Guihua to help Xuelang go back and get a dress and change it.

The scholar limped back to the house and changed his clothes. Then he came back and said to Li: "Mom, I said I wouldn't go there. You have to let me go. It's a good thing that I was met by the Zhu family. They still hate that I didn't marry Zhu Rongrong at the beginning. Father Zhu directly swung a hoe to kill me. Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I might have been buried in the pit by now."

As soon as Li Shi heard this, he immediately became angry. That's the scholar Lang she raised and provided for. If she does well in the future, she wants to be a scholar master. How can he be beaten by a pig killer?

Without saying a word, Li called the eldest and third brother who pretended to be dead mice in the house. "Let's go over there and judge your brother. I don't believe it. How dare they kill people?"

"Mom, the brothers of the Zhu family are not easy to mess with. They all have strength. I won't go." Tian Dajiang was the first to retreat.

Tian Dahu also said, "yes, ma'am. Besides, the fourth brother didn't do well in that matter. He proposed marriage to someone else and married another daughter. Why is it our fault?"

"You two want to be shrinking turtles, don't you? They climbed out of my stomach, so they went to Wang's with me and said." Li said angrily.

When they heard this, they didn't go to Lao Zhu's house for trouble. They went to Wang's house. That feeling was very good. Anyway, Wang's orphans and widows were also bullied. Maybe they could take some good things from her house.

At the thought of this, Tian Dajiang said, "if it weren't for the chaos caused by the second younger brother and sister, the people of the Zhu family wouldn't ride on our head. We really have to go to her and have a good theory."

Tian Dahu also said, "yes, the second sister-in-law doesn't distinguish between inside and outside. She can't tell who is far and who is near. I think she has a crush on other men outside on the eighth floor. That's why she doesn't regard us as real relatives."

Gao was very happy when she heard that some men here were going to find fault. She hurried Jiang's family in and said to Li, "Mom, we all go with you to find our second younger brother and sister and ask for an explanation for the old four. Look at the old four's injury. How can we make their family pay twelve or eight liang of silver for soup and medicine?"

Tian Dahu was like being awakened by a word. He quickly shook his head and said, "yes, our fourth is famous. If he is frightened by the old man this time and forgets all the books he has read over the years, he can't make up for ten liang of silver."

"Yes, my daughter-in-law's brain is very smart this time. Why don't we let them pay us eighty-two, or we'll sue them in the county yamen." Tian Dajiang said proudly.

He was very proud of Gao's proposal.

Li patted his thigh and said, "yes, let them compensate this time. If they hadn't taken the Zhu family to live at home, they wouldn't have hurt our fourth brother. Let's go and find the Wang theory."

When she finished, she took her family, old and young, and Da Lang to Shiro. Anyway, all the people in the family gasped for breath, except the injured Shulang and Ma Ma, who was in confinement, almost passed Tian Yuqiao's home.

They were not stupid. They didn't dare to make trouble at Zhu Rongrong's house. After all, there were about 50 people there. They went directly to Wang's house and thought about blackmailing Wang.

Ash ash also went to build the house early in the morning to help look at the materials, so Tian Yuqiao's home is now the most empty time. Fortunately, there are also the village head's wife, Tian chrysanthemum's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, widow Chen and her son embolus at home.

Li took a large family and bravely went outside the gate. Tian Dajiang kicked the open gate with one foot, and then Li stepped on his small feet and went in. Beside Li, Gao twisted his big ass and helped him there.

It looked like the old empress dowager was on a trip, hugging and hugging.

Tian Yuqiao was picking vegetables with everyone in the yard when she heard that her door was kicked open with a "bang". She immediately frowned and said in her heart, who is so impolite?

As a result, he turned around and saw Gao Shi. While digging nose excrement with his thumb, he also smeared it on Li Shi's sleeve... Oh, Tian Yuqiao almost didn't spit out all the food he had the night before.

When Wang saw it, he quickly stood up, threw the dishes in his hand into the basin, wiped his hands with an apron, smiled and said, "Mom, brother and sister-in-law, why are you all free?"

With the help of Gao and Tian Guihua, Li found a chair and sat in the yard. With a look of asking questions, he said to Wang: "what do you call me? You call me my mother? Yo, my old woman can't afford it."

Tian Yuqiao immediately understood what was going on. It must be Li's intention to come and find fault. Now we can only play it by ear to see what she wants to do.

In fact, I had long thought that Li might want Tian Dajiang to come and work for money. After all, such a thing is not once or twice. But this time, it seems that she has caught Wang's handle. It should not be. The fruit was sent to her long ago.

"Niang, what do you mean by that?" Wang was also confused.

Li snorted coldly, "what do you mean? You pretend you don't know. It's all those bastards you recruited at home. They almost killed our fourth."

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