Reading Lang was almost frightened by father Zhu. When he got home, he told Li what had happened. The Li family, no matter how much, directly took a large family of children and three generations to the Wang family to ask questions.

As soon as she went in, she began to play tricks, as if she had been wronged. Seeing Tian chrysanthemum smiling on one side, she waited to see what moths the old crafty woman could toss out.

Don't say it. It didn't disappoint everyone. The Li Shi directly began to scold Wang Shi: "your man is not at home. Although you have separated, since you still call me mother-in-law, I have to remind you. How many men have you recruited at home now? Can't you count a slap?"

This shit basin was buckled by Wang, one by one. Tian Dajiang also said, "yes, second younger brother and younger sister, it's awesome. The people in our village have always been simple, but no such immoral things have happened. Why don't you want to be the first person?"

Gao also said, "isn't it, second younger brother and younger sister? Your two brothers came here before. We didn't say anything here. We passed with one eye open and one eye closed. Now I heard that you have taken in a family from another village. You said that your family has money to feed the old outsiders. Why can't you give our mother more money during the new year's festival?"

Tian Guihua said, "it's you. If you hadn't left the pig killers in Ningguan village, my fourth brother wouldn't be hurt today."

Then everyone realized that the words in front of us were all paving the way for this. Tian Yuqiao sneered and looked on coldly. He said that it was because of this. If he couldn't do it, he would be an enemy.

Tian Dahu said, "sister-in-law, you said that you recruited so many men at once. I don't know how to say hello. If this is spread, you will lose the face of our ancestors for 18 generations. Alas, what a shame."

Li's face calmed down a little, and then he said, "now things have happened. The wild man you provoked back beat our scholar Lang with a hoe. Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise he might have told us his life. Now what should you do about it? If you don't give an explanation, I'll go to the people of the whole village to comment on us."

Tian Yuqiao realized that he went to the construction site with shushulang. As a result, he clashed with the Zhu family. But why did he go there? Didn't his daughter-in-law just have a baby?

Tian chrysanthemum interrupted: "I said, you godly old woman, did you smear shit on her daughter-in-law? Why did she just recruit men at home? Did you see it or what? She gave the house over there to others? What's the matter? It's better than your family. At the beginning, she separated the three orphans and widows from the family. It's good to teach others a lesson now. Bah."

"Oh, which onion are you? It's not up to an outsider like you to take care of our family's affairs." Li angrily said.

Tian chrysanthemum was in a hurry and was about to fight with Li Shi. Fortunately, she was stopped by Zhu's daughter-in-law. Now there are many people in the Tian family's old house. It would be unwise for her mother-in-law to conflict with others at this time.

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "milk, the village head grandpa knows about our house. His wife is in the main room. I'll invite her out and let her explain to you."

"No, Joe, I heard it." Fang stepped out of the hall.

Li did not expect that the village head's wife was here, and her momentum was not as strong as before.

"Oh, sister-in-law, are you here?" Li said.

No matter how angry she was, she only dared to vent on her daughter-in-law, but did not dare to offend the mother-in-law of the head of the village.

Fang Leng hummed, "OK, you, you mother-in-law, can really be called an example."

"No, no, it's also my family's misfortune. I let my daughter-in-law do such a shameful thing. Alas."

Li Shi doesn't distinguish between good and bad words. He actually thinks others are praising himself. It's embarrassing that Fang Shi doesn't know which line to say next.

"Milk, I don't understand. What shameful thing did my mother do? Did she let her son abandon other girls, or let her son sneak in other people's fish ponds?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

When she said this, Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu suddenly blushed. Naturally, they were angry, not because they were embarrassed. They both clenched their fists and wanted to rush directly to kill Tian Yuqiao.

But reason told them that they must be calm and not impulsive. The village head's wife is still here.

Fang didn't know how to answer Li's words. After hearing Tian Yuqiao say this, she came back to her senses and said: "Yes, Wang is kind-hearted. Everyone knows it very well. He helped everyone through the flood with the owner of the Jiren hall before. It's the eldest Tian and the third Tian. I heard that they worked in the mountain. It seems that they stole something from the mountain. That's why they were driven away."

Li quickly quibbled, "no, nothing. I just thought you and them accidentally drank too much wine and fell into the pit and got hurt."

"OK, we'll deliver dinner to you later. If you Tian family have a little conscience, you'll help them. Otherwise, you'll come and go back." Fang said coldly.

After all, her man got a lot of benefits from Wang. Money is money and things are things. So this time she had to help. It was a disguised return of Wang's personal feelings.

Li Shi said, "when it comes to help, I'm just about to say this. I'll let the boss and the third go, and I'll calculate it according to 20 Wen a day."

Tian Yuqiao knew that Li Shi would say so, so when he heard Fang Shi ask them to help, his heart suddenly clicked. Sure enough, Li Shi was really good at climbing along the pole and directly took the way.

"When I said help, I was like Zhu's father and son. Why, you are all relatives of Li Dao, and you have to pay for work?" Fang responded and quickly added.

Li's mouth was tilted and said, "this is wrong. Zhu Rongrong is going to build a house this time. Her father and brother should help. Our family is surnamed Tian. Why should we help her in vain?"

"In that case, there will be a total of 40 people over there. It's enough. You'd better go back," Fang said impatiently.

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