After Li went back with a disheartened face, he thought about waiting for three or five to go to Wang for an explanation. On the other hand, Zhu's father was angry and blamed Zhu Rongrong for blocking himself, otherwise he had to beat the Tian boy's head out.

Zhao quickly followed and advised, "you can't be too violent. You think you can be fine if you kill someone else?"

"What's the matter? One life for another. Anyway, my old man has lived for so many years, and I still earn money by changing his life with that boy." father Zhu said, and drank the wine in the cup in one gulp.

Father Zeng smiled and said, "you see, I'll tell you, brother Zhu is such a hot temper. He's like a firecracker. He'll touch the fire and won't listen to anyone's advice. If everyone hadn't watched him in turn today, I wouldn't have made much trouble."

Brother Zhu also said, "no, we don't dare to stop my father. Maybe the hoe will swing on our head."

"You bastards, you don't stand by your father at the critical moment. That smelly boy always gives up on your sister. Why don't you want to teach him a lesson? Don't say I'm from Lao Zhu's family when you go out in the future. I can't afford to lose that face, really ~"

The brothers of the Zhu family looked at each other and smiled bitterly. There was no way. The father was the leader at home, and no one dared to disobey him. Now the fourth of the Tian family is unlucky enough. What are you doing there when you have nothing to do?

In the next three days, life was fairly calm. Now the foundation over there has been laid, and the surrounding wasteland has been leveled.

On the other side of the Tian family's old house, since Ma Ma gave birth to Qilang, she has become more and more reluctant to see Li and all the people in the Tian family's old house. Even Jiang's wallflower, Ma didn't bother to pay attention to it. Every time Jiang came to chat with her, she was always ready to answer.

Because Ma Ma has a grudge against the people of the Tian family, she will not continue to give Jiang's silver flowers. Tian Dahu was used to this period of time. He can go out every few days to improve his food. Now that Jiang could not get money from Ma, he became more and more depressed.

Fortunately, he still had two dollars in his hand, so he found an excuse to go out and ran to the town for a drink.

The tavern he was looking for was very humble, and he could afford the consumption here. He ordered a pot of wine, a plate of peanuts and a plate of broad beans, and drank the muggy wine himself.

Unfortunately, he met two acquaintances in the street. Isn't that three inch Ding and the girl Chunhua who was abducted and run away by him? When Tian Dahu saw him, he immediately hit the fire.

Ran to the street and picked up three inch Ding: "good boy, I lived in our house for so many days. When I left, instead of saying hello to me, I abducted our daughter. Do you know my mother almost scolded me for this?"

Three inch Ding's feet hung in the air, kicked and said, "brother, brother, let me go quickly. It's not good for you to be watched by so many people in the street."

Tian Dahu threw three inch ding on the bench and asked, "you boy, give me an explanation. We agreed to do a big business together. You're so good that you forget what you promised me before?"

Three inch Ding turned her eyes and thought for a long time. Then he remembered that he had studied with Tian Dahu and wanted to abduct Tian Yutang, and then let Wang take money to redeem people.

"Brother, come on, I'll pour you some wine. Don't be angry. I went out for a reason this time. Don't you know, I found another good job this time."

Three inch Ding said that, then he waved mysteriously to Tian Dahu and motioned to Tian Dahu to come. They have been working together for a long time, so they naturally understand each other's meaning.

"Elder brother, I originally wanted to go out to hide with Chunhua this time. I was afraid that the Ma family would rob people back. As a result, I went to Sishui county. After I went, I met the men of a rich man's family. I got a message. Do you know the sister of your second sister-in-law? It's the little girl who always follows behind her mother's ass."

Tian Dahu nodded and said, "of course I know. It seems that her name is Wang Xiuer. If it's said, the little girl is seventeen and eight years old. Originally, I was going to marry my son and think about looking for a chance."

"Big brother, big brother, stop quickly. That girl is not what you can think of. She is the favorite of the old rich man. How many concubines do you want her to be? Oh, look at my brain, I forgot." three inch Ding patted his head and said with a depressed face.

"What do you mean by coming back this time?" Tian Dahu said.

"Oh, Third Master, don't you know that? The woman that Mr. Zhang likes has gone to your village. He is offering a reward everywhere. If we can trick your second sister-in-law's sister out, there will be a reward of one hundred Liang silver." Chunhua said.

"Really? That's great. It's just that the little girl usually doesn't get out of the front door and the second door doesn't step. I'm afraid it's difficult to get her out. Besides, I don't have much contact with the second room at ordinary times. I don't walk much at all. I'm afraid it's a little difficult. We can't break in and take people away?" Tian Dahu frowned.

"It's easy to do. Just follow the plan we discussed before. Tie up the only son in your second sister-in-law's house and let them exchange Wang Xiuer at that time." three inch Ding smiled obscene.

When Chunhua saw her, she immediately said, "I said, don't think I don't know what your idea is. Don't think you want to use it yourself after you abduct Wang Xiuer. Anyway, I've been staring at you for a while to see if you dare to have a crooked mind, hum!"

Hearing the sound of spring flower "hum", coupled with her charming little appearance, three inch Ding's heart was very itchy. Immediately, he pinched Chunhua's ass and said with a sly smile: "be careful, when I arrive, I can't have that kind of crooked mind. I can't serve you as a little beauty. If there were another one or two, I'd have to explain my life."

Looking at these two people flirting and swearing like no one else here, Tian Dahu immediately made a mistake and said, "all right, all right, don't be tired of here. Let's discuss the next plan while it's still early."

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