Tian Yuqiao's side, everyone was busy building a house for Zhu Rongrong, so they didn't care about anything else. As a result, Tian Yutang went to and from school alone these two days. Soon, three inch Ding and Tian Dahu found out the time and route he used to go to school.

The little guy still feels strange. After learning these days, he can always see his third uncle wandering around the village. He also wondered whether the Great Lake wanted him to help talk so that he could go to Zhu Rongrong to help build a house and earn money.

But every time the uncle and nephew just nodded and said hello, they passed by, which made the little guy a little confused. However, since the other party didn't speak, he naturally didn't bother to pay attention to the great lake.

"Brother, I'm sure. The boy passes through the village before the sun goes down every day. In a few days, their private school will give the children a holiday. We have to hurry up or it will be too late." Tian Dahu said.

Three inch Ding said, "don't worry, brother. As long as you think of a way to let him out at noon, you can say there's something at home. Only if you go, you can't make people doubt. Then it's up to my brother. I promise I can catch him. Then we'll wait for the reward. Maybe we can give two more."

"Don't swallow it alone, or don't blame me for poking it out." Tian Dahu threatened.

Although the two have experienced countless "life and death together", neither of them is a good thing. In the face of interests, you can definitely stab each other twice. Therefore, Tian Dahu's worry is not superfluous.

"Brother, look what you say, as if I'm not human. Don't worry. Our brothers are the grasshopper tied to a rope. They can't jump on me or run away from you."

"You know, we'll do it tomorrow. You'll prepare in advance at the corner of the official road. Don't screw things up at that time." Tian Dahu didn't forget to tell him.

"Yes, as long as you can find a way to get the boy out, I'll take care of the rest."

After the two separated, Tian Dahu hummed a little song and went home. He wondered how he would spend the fifty Liang silver if he got it? You can't let Jiang know. Then find a place to have a good night, and then go to the gambling house to have fun.

Seeing that Tian Dahu came back from the outside with a smile on his face, Jiang smiled and asked, "Yo, the head of the family, what's the matter with you? Look at your happiness. I don't know. I thought you found the money."

"Oh, I'm happier than picking up the money." Tian Dahu said.

When Jiang heard the speech, he was immediately surprised. He hurried to take two steps and asked, "did your brother find you another big deal? If you are in charge of the family, you can't forget my rotten wife."

"Shut up, ladies. Why do you ask everything? Get out and do what you should do."

Jiang was bored, so he went back to the house to pick up the fruit Li gave them three rooms.

Without a word, the next day, the little guy still had breakfast, and then walked towards the village with his schoolbag and small lunch box.

Along the way, he always felt as if someone was staring at him. When he looked back, he found nothing.

"Eh, it's strange that I haven't slept well these days. Why do I always feel like someone is secretly staring at me behind me? I must be too tired these days, eh!"

The little guy didn't take this matter to heart. Now he has been exceptionally promoted by his husband and went to the intermediate class. This makes him feel a little stressed. After all, the children in the intermediate class are usually twelve or thirteen years old. He is such a small bean with others. He feels like a bean growing in the corn field~

At noon, when the children were close to home, they naturally went home to eat by themselves. People who live far away like little guys can only eat in private schools.

He had just opened his food box. Before he could eat, he saw Ning Erya running in from outside in a hurry.

"Yutang, someone came to see you outside. What did you say? Your mother fell down today and just fell into a water bubble..."

"What? Something happened to my mother?" the little guy immediately blushed.

"Er ~ that's what someone said. Someone knows that person. It seems to be your uncle."

As soon as Ning Erya finished speaking, the little guy ran out with his feet flying. If Tian Yuqiao were here at this time, she would use "a man like wind" to describe the little guy's speed.

"Niang ~" the little guy shouted as he ran outside.

There was no one outside the private school. He couldn't manage so much. He ran forward with his head depressed.

We have arrived at Zhu Rongrong's butcher's shop. Now the men of Zhu's family are helping to build houses in the mountain village, so the butcher's shop is supported by Zhu's daughter-in-law. Fortunately, they have done this at ordinary times, which is not difficult for them, but the sales volume is not as good as before.

Seeing the little guy running in a hurry, sister-in-law Zhu asked, "why, Wulang, why are you running so fast?"

"Sister-in-law, it's too late to explain to you. I have to hurry home to see my mother." the little guy said and ran away.

Sister-in-law Zhu shook her head and said, "Hey, this child is really rash. I don't know what's going on at home."

The little guy took two breaths and just turned a corner. This happens to be the place where the pipeline has not been up yet. And the villages on both sides are just out of sight over there, so ambush here is the best choice.

Usually little guys take the main road. Today, because they are worried, they think about the path to go down. Unexpectedly, as soon as I went out, I felt black in front of me, and then my mouth was covered with a big white handkerchief.

After struggling hard, he felt dizzy for a while, and then fainted.

When the little guy woke up again, he didn't know where he was. After moving his arm, he found that he had been tied and even his mouth had been blocked.

He struggled to get up from the ground and wanted to look out through the gap in the window, but he found that it seemed to be an abandoned warehouse with all the windows on it. Some old tables and chairs around him broke when touched, and he couldn't step on them at all. Plus his feet were tied together, he couldn't move at all.

There was someone talking outside. The little guy listened really. They seemed to have taken his schoolbag and planned to blackmail him for money.

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