Three inch Ding tied Tian Yutang away as he wished, which worried the Wang family.

By dinner time, Wang couldn't sit still before he saw the little guy come back. He said to Tian Yuqiao, "Oh, Yutang is a child who seldom plays. Why didn't he come back so late today?"

"Mom, I'm sure he'll be fine. Now I heard that he was mentioned to the intermediate class by his husband. It's estimated that he asked his husband some questions that he won't. haven't he once before? Don't worry, he'll be fine." Tian Yuqiao smiled and comforted.

But even so, Zhu Rongrong or big head had been picking up the little guy before. Later, Caicai followed him all day, so he didn't walk alone in a real sense. Although the little guy left alone these days, he didn't come back so late.

By the time the light was on, the little guy hadn't come back. Wang can't sit still this time. Even Zhao is worried.

"Boss, second brother, you two call Dahu and erhu and go to Ningguan village. Why hasn't my grandson come back?" Zhao ordered.

Tian Yuqiao hurriedly asked Jin Jin to listen around and see where the little guy was.

It's just that although gold can hear, the little guy can't make any sound now, so even gold can't do anything.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't sit still this time and said to Cai Cai, "take the gold up the tree and have a look. Maybe it can see farther."

"Squeak!" gold looked around the tree and didn't find the little guy. Tian Yuqiao was a little depressed and said, "gold, you haven't practiced your perspective yet. Alas."

"Zhizhi! I'm still young. When I grow up and the eye in the middle of my forehead opens, I can see what I want to see through the obstacle."

Tian Yuqiao was speechless. Now he didn't know what to do. He quickly asked Chen Jiabao to drive the donkey cart to the private school.

As a result, when she went to the private school, she found that the doors of the private school had been locked. So she went to the sour scholar's home and wondered if it was like a make-up class. Maybe the little guy was led home by his husband to study his homework and forgot the time.

Tian Dahu has been paying close attention to the movements of Wang's side all the time. Seeing that all the forty or fifty people who helped build the house in her house turned on fire and looked for people everywhere, he couldn't help worrying. So he went out and asked pretending to be concerned. He learned that everyone was indeed looking for someone.

"Oh, second sister-in-law, if you need help, just say it. I heard that Wulang was lost. I can't ignore being a third uncle. I'm familiar with the town. I'll go there." Tian Dahu said.

When Wang heard the speech, he immediately looked grateful. He said to Tian Dahu, "third, thank you very much. Oh, by the way, if it's convenient, you can go to Jiren hall and ask shopkeeper Yao to help someone find it. Thank you."

"Second sister-in-law, we can't write two fields at one stroke. At least Wulang is my second brother's blood, isn't it? Don't worry, I'll do my best. You don't have to worry too much. Children are too young, maybe they are playful." Tian Dahu smiled and comforted.

After seeing Tian Dahu hurried away, Wang said to Wang Xiuer with satisfaction: "sister, although my mother-in-law is sometimes unreasonable, after all, we are still a family. Look at the old three, we really have something wrong, and he works hard."

Wang Xiuer said, "sister, stop talking. Let's go out and look for it. The villagers have gone to several nearby villages separately. Let's walk around the village."

Tian Dahu was also lucky. He ran into an ox cart from another village to the town. After giving the driver two copper coins, he went straight to town.

Now Tian Yutang is in a broken warehouse in the town. He just came back from the town. He didn't have the ability to fart, so he went back again.

Originally, three inch Ding was going to do that with Chunhua. As a result, he heard someone knocking at the door outside. Scared, the boy suddenly softened and shouted angrily, "who? Fuck, I'm really in a hurry."

"It's me." Tian Dahu lowered his voice.

Hearing the voice of Tian Dahu, three inch Ding put on his clothes. By the way, she covered her with Chunhua's clothes, and then went out to open the door for Tian Dahu.

"Oh, I said, brother, why are you back again?" three inch Ding looked at Tian Dahu and there was no one behind him, so he let him in.

"Hurry up, let's move the boy. There are dozens of people looking for people over there. The target we're going to catch this time is to find people. We don't stop. First move the boy away, and then catch the little girl. Then we can exchange two shares of money. That's good. Hurry up. You'd better send the boy to the county overnight."

As soon as three inch Ding heard this, he thought what Tian Dahu said was reasonable, so he quickly prepared to go. Tian Dahu opened the door and saw no one outside. Then he left in a hurry.

He went back for nothing else, just to tie up Wang Xiuer. At that time, I will take her directly to Sishui county to receive the reward, regardless of the three inch Ding. As for how much Wulang's child can be changed by three inch Ding, it's not his responsibility. Anyway, it won't exceed one hundred Liang silver.

He hurried back happily and met many villagers looking for people along the way.

"Oh, Tian Laosan, what's the matter with you? Do you have any news about the children?"

"Yes, yes, Wulang is a good child. Don't really take it away by the wolf."

Tian Dahu said, "well, to be honest with you, I went to the town just now and wasted a lot of effort to sneak into the city. Just for this, I spent a lot of money on the soldiers who looked at the city gate. As a result, I didn't see Wulang. People familiar with him inquired, and no one had seen him. I guess he didn't go to the town."

"Oh, if so, let's look at the nearby mountain. It's going to winter. Everyone is worried that the wild animals in the mountain will come out and take the child away."

Tian Yuqiao had learned from his husband that the little guy ran away at noon and was in a panic. So Tian Yuqiao went to village head Ning's house again. At this time, Ning Erya was already asleep.

"Erya, wake up quickly. Grandpa asked you, where is Tian Yutang today?"

Ning Erya rubbed her eyes with her little fat hand, yawned and said, "he said he would go home to find his mother, and then he left."

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