Tian Dahu saw that the Wang family had a big scene looking for Tian Yutang, so he quickly found a reason to run to the town and informed sancunding to move people farther away. And he himself planned to catch Wang Xiuer while people came out to look for Wulang in the middle of the night. At that time, he would own all the one hundred Liang silver.

His wishful thinking rang, so he went back to the mountain village in the dark and walked in the direction of Tian Yuqiao's house. Now Wang Shi and Wang Xiuer are working in a group. They are going to go up the mountain to have a look.

Three inch Ding was sleepy now, so he pulled the spring flower. They still changed their black night clothes, and their heads were covered with black cloth.

After they looked at each other and made sure there were no flaws, they took a big sack and put Tian Yutang on it directly.

A little donkey cart had been prepared outside, and three inch Ding directly threw the little guy on the cart. Chunhua also sat in the carriage, and then she stretched out her arm, which pulled up three inches of Ding.

"Hey, hey, thank you, ma'am ~" three inch Ding didn't forget to turn back and kiss Chunhua, so he reluctantly returned to the shaft to catch the car.

The little guy's ears are easy to use. When he heard the conversation between the two people outside, he immediately understood that it was a couple who kidnapped him this time. Just who would it be? I haven't offended anyone at home.

"I didn't expect to catch up so tightly over there. Now the city gates are closed. Forget it, let's go directly into the mountain and go out of the city early tomorrow morning." three inch Ding said.

The spring flower deliberately said in a thick voice, "let's just give the boy over there and let them exchange him for the girl. In this way, we don't have to do anything. Why bother? If someone knows, we can't get away, can we?"

Three inch Ding's bitch's eyes turned over. Then she nodded and said, "you're still wise. It's good. Let's do it like this."

As soon as the little guy heard it, he was in a hurry. Heart said that these two people actually want to change themselves for a girl. Are they going to hurt their sister Joel? If so, he would rather have an accident himself than let them deceive his sister with their own.

After making up his mind, the little guy clenched his teeth. Xin said that no matter who you give me, I don't admit that Tian Yuqiao is my sister. Then I'll pretend to be crazy and see what you can do with me.

They found a place close to the city gate and prepared to go out of the city to the county as soon as the city gate opened early the next morning and hand over Tian Yutang to exchange money.

The little guy was carried down again, but this time he was left in the stable. There was also a faint smell of horse dung inside, which made the little guy have a headache.

On the other side of the mountain village, Wang and Wang Xiuer sisters were walking up the mountain. Along the way, they met Yuanji and Yuantong.

"Ji'er, tong'er, the jade hall is gone. I'm going up the mountain to have a look. Is he on the mountain?" Wang asked anxiously.

"Mom, don't worry. Brother Wulang didn't come to the mountain. But my master has figured out that he has this disaster today, so he specially asked our two brothers to go down the mountain to pick you up." Yuanji said.

Wang's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it. The heart is right. I'm really confused. There is a ready-made expert in calculation on the mountain. Why don't you just ask him directly?

Tian Dahu has too much fruit at night, so he is looking for a tree to drain water. As a result, as soon as I fastened my pants, I found two small bald heads down the mountain. He was so angry that he clenched his teeth. It seems that things will not be so easy this time.

He wanted to follow the Wang family up the mountain, but he was afraid that he would be found by the monks. However, he had to continue to hide at the foot of the mountain. I was thinking that when Wang Shi and her family went down the mountain, I would find another chance to do it myself.

In other words, the Wang family and Wang Xiuer went up the mountain together with the two brothers Eryuan. He went directly to Nanshan Temple and entered the exclusive Abbot's room of old monk huikong.


Old monk huikong raised his hand and said, "no need to say more. I know what you want to say to the poor monk. Don't worry. There will be news tomorrow. Don't be impatient and watch the change ~"

Wang Shi was speechless, but seeing the old monk close his eyes again and look settled, she could only give up. Although he felt anxious like something, it was not good to disturb old monk Qingxiu huikong.

There was grass in his heart, and Wang couldn't sit still at all. Even in the face of such a big word "Zen", she couldn't calm down, so she took Wang Xiuer to the hall to worship the Bodhisattva.

When he came to the main hall, facing the huge bronze Buddha, Wang knelt down directly on the futon, and so did Wang Xiuer. Both sisters knelt down and prayed piously, kowtowing and thanking.

"Bodhisattva, xinnv Tian Wang, I sincerely pray you here to bless my child's peace!"

"Buddha, believer Wang, I hope you can bless my nephew to return as soon as possible and make him safe ~"

Tian Dahu waited at the foot of the mountain for a long time. The night wind blew loudly, disordered his bun and blew off the withered yellow all over the ground.

"Ah ~ ah snee! Her mother, these two women shouldn't stay in the temple at night? If so, hum, don't blame me for being rude. A widow, a big girl who hasn't left the cabinet, stays in the temple to hook up with the monks. If this comes out, Hei Hei, I'll see how you'll be a man in the future."

Tian Dahu murmured gossip while wiping his nose.

Now Tian Yuqiao is asking Jin to listen carefully to the news around him, and Tian Dahu's words happen to be heard by Jin. Tian Yuqiao naturally knew, so she seemed to have a little eyebrows in her heart. She felt that the little guy's disappearance might be related to Tian Dahu.

When she was in Ningguan village before, Ning Erya seemed to say that it should be the people from the old house who deliberately sent false news to the little guy.

"Tian Dahu, I didn't expect to have you this time. Let's see. If my brother loses a hair, I'll want your arm. If he loses a hair, I'll want your leg. If he has a bruise on his body, I'll kill you!" Tian Yuqiao said fiercely.

The hair on the gold body stood up and "squeaked". It was terrible~

Caicai was also stimulated by the fierce murderous Spirit sent out by Tian Yuqiao. He immediately arched his waist, and the hair on his back stood up. This is its instinctive reaction after detecting the danger. It can only be said that Tian Yuqiao has made Caicai and gold feel the danger at this time.

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