After the village head Wang Heng left, he didn't expect that his backyard almost caught fire. And this fire is not an ordinary fire, but his old wife Fang's jealous fire! It's also strange that Silang went back to spread gossip. He only heard half of it, so the women in the village are worried that their men will learn bad from the village head.

Although Wang Heng deliberately let out some wind in the village this time, he didn't say that he was carrying official documents. He only said that he went to the County Yamen to work for the new county magistrate. No one knew what he was doing.

And he still told the men that although men are also interested in gossip, they don't like to spread it, so there will be a series of rumors.

If Wang Heng knew, he would be angry on the road.

Fortunately, Fang got a letter from her daughter-in-law. At first, she was flustered, and then she became excited. She was more excited than Wang Heng when he knew that Gongsun Changyin was the new county magistrate. After all, she was a woman and had never seen anything in the world.

At the thought that his old man was trying to help the new county magistrate, so he hurried to the county without saying hello to himself. She was still suspicious of him here. Fang immediately hated the women who talked about their wives in the village.

He went out directly with a fire stick and shouted to the group of women watching at the door, "you guys know to talk to your wife when you're free. Do what you should do quickly. Don't worry about our family in the future."

"Oh, we still have no good intentions to repay this time, but it's true."

"Hey, let's go. Let's all go. I really don't know a good heart. People don't mind having another young and beautiful woman in the house to serve their men with her. Let's worry about it."


The carriage goes fast and comes back fast. Before the sun set, the carriage had returned to the Tian family.

Wang Dafa went directly to the forage room to feed grass and water to the horse. The village head went directly into the main room and saw Wang. They were all waiting there, as well as Zhao and his mother-in-law.

He was stunned at first. Then he said, "everything has been done. Hey, I didn't expect that Wang Heng could be invited to dinner by officials in his life."

"Oh, old man, you've worked hard today. Please sit down and have a rest. I'll pour you water now."

Fang was ashamed that he had suspected his old man before, so he was trying to make up for it.

Naturally, the Wang family knew the jokes made by the village head's family today, so they didn't say much and let Fang pay attention to the village head.

"Old man, when will you pick up our county magistrate over there?" Fang asked.

The village head took back a receipt from the government and handed it to Gongsun Changyin. He smiled and said, "this is the letter from the other side. The details are written in it."

"Brother Gongsun, read it to us." the little guy sat on Gongsun Changyin's leg and urged.

Gongsun Changyin looked at it, his face relaxed, then smiled and said, "they still have to clean up and prepare. It's estimated that if they are fast, they can come in one or two days. If they are slow, they won't be more than three days at the latest."

"Oh, that's great. Brother Gongsun will be the county magistrate in a few days." the little guy blushed with a smile.

"Yutang, you can't make such a fuss with your elder brother Gongsun in the future. He is the county magistrate, and you have to be a little humble." the village head said seriously.

"Yes, our Wulang child is really used to no big or small." Wang smiled.

This made Gongsun Changyin feel a little embarrassed. He quickly got up and said, "I owe you all for your help. No matter what I do in the future, I'll write down your kindness here."

He then bowed to sweep the floor and made a bow to the people at the head of the house.

The village head hurriedly stood up and said with a frightened look on his face, "I don't deserve it, county magistrate. Don't you hurt the people by doing this?"

Wang sat there in peace of mind, and so did Zhao. In their eyes, they have regarded the boy as their own child. Seeing him as poor as a rag and seeing him become an official, they can accept this gift.

After the matter was settled, the big stone in Wang's and Tian Yuqiao's heart even fell. Gongsun Changyin also said that the first thing he did after taking office was to catch the three inch Ding and Chunhua. He will never tolerate those who abduct and sell children and try to blackmail.

With his promise, Zhao and Wang Xiuer were relieved and finally able to sleep at night.

After the village head got home, Fang urged, "I said, old man, you are really good at it. You are a great county magistrate. Tell us quickly what delicious food those officials invited you to eat at noon?"

When the village head saw that everyone in the family was there, he crossed his legs and said, "it's nothing. There was a banquet in the Yamen backyard. The old people at the same table were all dressed in official clothes. How dare I eat? By the way, old woman, I'm really hungry. Get me something to eat quickly."

"Look at your unpromising manner. It's not easy for people to invite you to dinner, but you're too scared to eat. How can they do, and the county magistrate is powerful?" Fang angrily said.

"Oh, you don't understand. The official is just being polite to me. Isn't it because I'm in the light of the county magistrate? I really dare to use myself as a dish." the village head said helplessly.

Many people couldn't sleep this night. After all, the appointment of a new official is a big event. Anyone who knows about this is naturally a little excited, especially the village head's family. It feels like it's unreal.

At night, at Tongfu Inn, steward Zhang hugged Chunhua and said, "I'll take someone to catch the little girl tomorrow, so as not to have a long dream."

"If I say so, you should go there today. Can he not say that the boy has gone home? What if he leaks the news and runs away again?" Chunhua Jiao said angrily.

"Oh, it won't be so fast. Besides, we newlyweds have to make love for two days. Can't we? We can't marry a daughter-in-law for others and delay our happiness? Come on, baby, let me hurt you today..."

Early the next morning, I heard erhu shouting outside, "no, there's a team of outsiders riding towards the village."

"Isn't it from the government?" Wang said.

"No, I don't think they dress up as officers, but like thugs."

Tian Yuqiao's heart is not good. These people come so quickly.

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