Today's mountain village is a little unusual. It was disturbed by a team of twenty or thirty people early in the morning. These people all rode fast horses and wore uniform clothes one by one.

They drove straight to Tian Yuqiao's house at the foot of the mountain. The villagers along the way were so frightened that they didn't dare to go out. They closed their doors and locked them, hid in their yard, stepped on their stools and looked out at the excitement.

"Steward, the Tian family should be in the green brick wall in front." an attendant reported.

Steward Zhang and Chunhua sat in the carriage together. When they heard that, they opened their eyelids and looked outside.

Chunhua said, "there is not only a house here, but also two houses over there. I don't know where Wang Xiuer will live."

"It doesn't matter. Just let them divide their troops in two ways. Half of you surround the yard with me, and the rest follow your wife to the house at the other end. Don't let a fly go, or don't blame me for turning my face ruthlessly." manager Zhang ordered with a straight face.

The evil slaves in Zhang's house all know that steward Zhang is cruel and cruel. Naturally, they dare not neglect him. He answered and automatically divided into two teams to encircle Tian Yuqiao's house.

There are only a few women in charge of cooking over there, and Wang Dehai's house is locked. Therefore, the evil slaves in Zhang's house did not have any trouble, so they frightened several women inside and dared not say a word.

Fortunately, Wang Xiuer stayed at Tian Yuqiao's house today. After learning that the outsiders might be from Zhang's house, Wang hid her in the vegetable cellar. Tian Yuqiao felt that the vegetable cellar was unsafe. There were many of them. As long as they searched, they could find people, so he asked the little guy to take Wang Xiuer to the fish pond.

Tian Yuqiao planned to use the traps around the fish pond to deal with the guys who robbed people, but in order to be safe, she still hid Wang Xiuer in a basket. Some wild vegetables were placed outside the basket as a shelter, so that the little guy sat on the basket and pretended to fish there with a fishing rod.

Although he thought it was too late, Tian Yuqiao asked Chen Jiabao to report to the official. This time, the messenger to Chen Jiabao was gold. Fortunately, Zhu Rongrong over there could read.

Chen Jiabao didn't dare to delay. He directly asked Zhu to drive a mule cart to the county. And Zhu Lao, they brought a large number of villagers who came to help the workers, and they used to shovel what they used to do to help.

"It's outrageous that they dare to rob people in our village openly," said father Zhu angrily.

Father Zeng also limped behind the crowd with a hoe. Although his legs and feet are difficult to use, it's good to gather a number of people in the past to scare the other party.

Zeng Changsheng ran up the mountain to inform Yuanji them.

Wang's legs trembled with fear. Those people had Kung Fu. Although their walls were very high, they took a ladder up. When the first person came in, he opened the door directly inside, and everyone else followed in.

Steward Zhang asked with his mouth curled, "is this Tian? Did you take in a girl named Wang Xiuer? Hand over the person to me quickly, or don't blame me for being rude."

I feel that Wang and they are trembling. After all, they are rural people. They have never seen such a scene before, so everyone is still a little afraid. Tian Yuqiao said calmly, "you all said our surname is Tian. How can we take in people surnamed Wang? Oh, by the way, there is another family surnamed Tian across from my house. Are you sure you didn't go wrong?"

Manager Zhang frowned and took a look at the people around him. The man whispered in his ear, "yes, it's this one. Mrs. Chunhua pointed it out herself."

"Hehe, you little girl, actually learned to cheat. Is that what your mother usually taught you? Good children don't lie. If you tell the truth, I'll give you this bag of candy. How about it?"

When he finished, he waved and ordered people to take out a package of candy prepared before. Tian Yuqiao reluctantly turned his eyes and said in his heart, mom, I've been more than thirty in my two lives, okay? How dare you use such a childish trick, eh~

Seeing that she was indifferent, the steward angrily said, "well, since you don't pay people, we'll search by ourselves. Don't worry, we won't hurt the innocent, but the premise is that you must stay here honestly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."

They began to search Tian Yuqiao's house. Let alone, they didn't destroy the things in the house except turning things upside down. As a result, Wang Xiuer was not found in the house. The steward ordered his hand to search in the yard.

"Search those corners carefully for me. Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you'll have to dig people out for me."

After hearing that Wang Xiuer was in danger, Gongsun Changyin sneaked away from behind and went directly to the fish pond to pretend to fish there with the little guy.

He was worried that the little guy alone would not be able to protect Wang Xiuer. As a man, he could not die. Blame yourself for not being able, otherwise you don't have to be afraid of those naughty people.

On the other side of Nanshan Temple, when Zeng Changsheng arrived, huikong smiled and said, "Changsheng, this is the cause and effect between them. You shouldn't ask me for help. Go back, even the monks of our temple won't go down the mountain with you."

When Zeng Changsheng heard the speech, his eyes were congested and continued to kowtow: "master, people say that Bodhisattva is kind-hearted. You are a living Bodhisattva. You can't die."

"Amitabha, it's not that you don't save, it's not that the poor monk should save. Just watch it get better. If you don't have anything to ask, you'll stay and play a game of chess with the poor monk. When we finish a game of chess, we can finish the things at the foot of the mountain."

Zeng Changsheng was stunned and said that if I played a game of chess with you, it was estimated that Joe's house would have to be burned down. That group of people is said to be ill intentioned. How can this be done?

Father Zhu led a group of people. On the way, they were stopped by another wave of evil slaves in Zhang's house. They searched Wang Decheng's place. Because there was no land there and the small yard could be seen at a glance, they left two people there to guard, and the rest came to help.

On the way, they saw a group of villagers with farm tools, and immediately showed their weapons. This is a bright broadsword and axe. Even if the villagers are brave, they dare not fight with these people. After all, the guy in their hand is not as good as others' broadsword.

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