Tian Yuqiao's family was completely surrounded by the evil slaves of Zhang's house, but she didn't worry too much. After all, these people are from other places. They don't dare to go too far. At least Tian Yuqiao can be sure that these people must not dare to hurt people easily.

Zhu Rongrong was stopped. Because the villagers were afraid of those like bandits opposite, no one dared to come forward. Only the five Zhus and their sons, which is simply not enough. Moreover, the other party carries bright weapons in their hands, and their hoes are not at the same level as others.

The two sides are deadlocked. The other side just blocks them and doesn't really start. Although Zhu Rongrong was anxious, he did not dare to joke about the lives of his relatives. In particular, she has children in her stomach. She just hopes Tian Yuqiao can think of a way to avoid danger.

Ash didn't care so much. He directly bit two evil slaves, and then ran towards his house like an arrow.

Father Zeng smiled bitterly and said that the villagers were really timid. Unexpectedly, they were not as bold as ash at this time. But what reason does he have to laugh at others? Don't you dare to break through?

Father Zhu is so angry that he gnashes his teeth. Now he only hates himself. Why didn't he bring a pig killing knife? He used to kill pigs at night. Now he wanted to help his daughter, so he didn't take it with him for fear of scaring the children in her belly. After all, there is blood in the pig knife, which is bad for the fetus.

Now it's too late to regret, so we can only help delay these people.

"Hey, Rong Rong, what do you think we can do?" asked fourth brother Zhu.

Zhu Rongrong said in a low voice, "we've helped Joel and them by holding a stalemate with them. If these people also make trouble in the past, isn't it more dangerous there?"

After listening to Zhu Rongrong's words, everyone felt very reasonable. Even if you don't dare to break in, just stand here and be a coward. At least you can stop these evil spirits, can't you? In this way, the sense of guilt in my heart will be reduced a lot.

Steward Zhang searched Tian Yuqiao's yard and still found nothing. He was a little anxious. After all, I'm in someone else's territory. This is not Surabaya county. I'm afraid it will be bad for me if I delay too long.

So he said, "I heard that there are fish ponds in their house. Leave two people here to watch them. Don't let them go out. Others follow me to the fish pond."

As soon as he left Tian Yuqiao's yard, a man suddenly came outside and said to him with a smile, "I know where they hid people. I can lead you to find them. But you have to give me one hundred liang of silver, otherwise I can't do such immoral things."

Steward Zhang frowned and looked at the man up and down. He thought he was rustic and should be the villagers of the village. So he said, "as long as you take us to find someone, the silver will naturally be yours."

When he finished, he threw a piece of silver directly to the great lake, which looked like ten or two. Tian Dahu smiled and took the silver, but he couldn't help biting it hard with his teeth. Good hang didn't cut off his teeth. After confirming that the silver was real, he smiled and put the silver close to his body.

He has been looking for opportunities to attack Wang Xiuer these days, and Wang Xiuer is in seclusion these days, so Tian Dahu never waited for the opportunity. Today, when he heard something outside, he knew the opportunity was coming. As a result, he jumped out on the way to rip off.

It's easy. He can get one hundred liang of silver without any effort. He himself was lamenting that he was too smart. If he had known this, he should have studied by himself. Hey, it's really cheap, old four.

With him leading the way, the group soon came to the edge of the fruit forest. Tian Dahu turned his eyes and said, "see, there's a child over there. In the bamboo basket sitting under his ass is the person you're looking for. To tell you the truth, this family is still my relative, so it's inconvenient for me to come forward. Give me the silver quickly."

Steward Zhang narrowed his eyes. He didn't think the man dared to deceive himself, so he asked his men to give him the remaining silver.

Holding a large bag of silver, Tian Dahu didn't go home directly, but went halfway up the mountain. He found a hole in a tree over there. It was very secret. He planned to hide all the silver. Keep it and spend it slowly later, so that he won't give the silver to Li Shi.

The little guy was a little nervous when he heard the movement behind him. However, Gongsun Changyin pressed the little guy's arm with his hand and said, "don't be nervous. Let's pretend to fish as if nothing had happened. Don't show flaws."

The little guy nodded and bit his teeth. He didn't look back. He was still fishing. But the fish had been hooked, and he didn't finish.

Suddenly, I heard "Gudong", "ouch", "Pooh"... Several voices from behind me.

The little guy couldn't help looking back and saw several people in blue fall into the trap in the fruit forest. Suddenly he couldn't help laughing and said, "ha ha, they deserve it. It's their bad luck."

"Damn it, isn't that man cheating us on purpose?" manager Zhang scolded with gnashing teeth.

Chunhua also came at this time. She immediately said, "ah, I just remembered that before, someone always wanted to steal their fish, so they dug a lot of such pits around. Be careful."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" manager Zhang said bitterly.

Chunhua was wronged and quickly leaned her face against Zhang's chest: "ouch, it's just remembered."

After losing five people in a row, manager Zhang learned to behave well. He asked people to use the knife in his hand to explore the way on the ground. Soon, the remaining ten or so of them walked out of the fruit forest and came to the little guy and Gongsun Changyin.

"Little thing, do you get up by yourself or let me chop you to death with a knife, and then throw you into the pond to feed the fish?" manager Zhang threatened with a ferocious face.

The little guy was shocked, and then he heard "woof woof", and ash had been killed from the backyard.

Sooner or later, ash directly knocked down the evil slave nearest to the little guy and bit his thigh bloody.

Seeing this, steward Zhang quickly hid in the crowd and ordered his men to be humane: "kill this dog for me. I want to eat dog meat in the evening."

The little guy was worried about ash's safety and said anxiously, "ash, run, they dare not kill, but they dare to kill you."

Ash roared twice and still put on a fighting posture. He didn't listen to the little guy at all.

Seeing that what he said had no effect, the little guy summoned up his breath and shouted, "ash, come on!"

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