Wang Xiuer was taken away and Gongsun Changyin was wounded. Even ash was lying on the ground and bleeding. At this time, the little guy's eyes were red with tears. When he saw Tian Yuqiao coming, he cried and said, "sister, they killed my ash and beat brother Gongsun, sobbing ~"

In the distance came the sound of gongs opening, followed by a burst of neat footsteps.

It was Chen Jiabao who led a group of officials. He was sweating all over his head and urged: "Sir, hurry up and be ahead. Those villains are going to kill and set fire in the village."

The leader was the county magistrate of the county. In order to hurry to rescue Tian Yuqiao's family, he came on a horse.

In front of him is Constable Feng Wu. After he was beaten last time, he is frantically looking for a chance to do meritorious service. This time I heard that the new county magistrate's temporary residence was attacked by a group of local ruffians. He immediately rushed to the front bravely.

Now the injury on his ass hasn't healed, so he limps when walking. But it didn't affect his eagerness to do meritorious service. He directly led a dozen yamen servants behind him and tied all the people in charge of Zhang with ropes.

It's too simple to ask why you don't use chains. This time they came to meet the new county magistrate. What are they doing with chains?

The rope was temporarily picked up from the ground outside. It was left by the villagers on Zhu Rongrong's side. Over there, more than a dozen evil slaves who stopped father Zhu and them have been tied by the people of the Yamen. At this time, they are being watched by the villagers.

The county magistrate Zhang Fang wiped the greasy sweat on her face and asked, "who is the new county magistrate? The next official is Zhang Fang, the county magistrate."

Chen Jiabao pointed to the embarrassed Gongsun Changyin and said, "here, that's the one."

Zhang Fang was stunned immediately. After a long time, she respectfully bowed to Gongsun Changyin and said, "I don't know if the county magistrate was killed here. It's too late. I hope you will forgive me."

Gongsun Changyin wiped the blood on his face and said, "I'm fine. Hurry to catch them and interrogate them one by one."

"Yes. The small one is Feng Wu, the county constable, who is willing to ride in front of and behind adults..."

Feng Wu's nagging showed his sincerity, but Gongsun Changyin couldn't listen at all.

Although they are thugs, they dare not really fight against the government. When they learned that the young man who was laughed at and beaten by themselves was really the county magistrate, they were all stupid. They don't need to be caught. They want to kneel down and smoke their big mouth.

The captors will not show mercy to them. They first serve them with a knife back, and then kick the evil slaves of Zhang's house to their knees.

"Sir, we don't know Mount Tai. Please let us go."

"Yes, sir, we also act according to the order of the superior. I really don't know you are the county magistrate."

"Pooh, if you have anything to say, come back to the Yamen with me later." Feng Wu's face is ferocious. He can intimidate such a person most.

Wang Xiuer hurried to Gongsun Changyin's side. While checking his injury, she asked with concern, "are you okay? Why are you so stupid? It's clear that you are a scholar and dare to fight these villains..."

"I'm fine, you're fine." Gongsun Changyin said, fainted and fell directly into Wang Xiuer's arms.

In the last second of his consciousness, he seemed to feel a soft touch on his forehead, accompanied by a fragrance of women's freedom. Unfortunately, he didn't enjoy such a time for long, and fainted very disappointingly.

Father Zhu, they have come. The old monk huikong also took a group of young monks down the mountain. Zeng Changsheng was still sulking. When he saw that someone had saved Wang Xiuer, he had to admire huikong's clever plan.

"Amitabha, hehe, you really saved the day. Boy, look at the way your nose is not your nose and your face is not your face. Hey." Hui Kong shook his big head and said.

"Oh, this is master huikong, isn't it? Disrespectful." the county magistrate quickly came forward to salute huikong with a smile.

Shiye also arrived later. He had planned to greet the county magistrate, but unexpectedly, he saw a county magistrate who was half beaten to death.

Gongsun Changyin was badly hurt. He couldn't do it at all with Dr. Lin's three legged medical skills. When everyone was depressed, the old monk huikong took out a bottle of medicine from his sleeve.

"Ji'er, take this to him three times a day, one at a time. Before long, he can wake up. Hey, this is the medicine used by the poor monk to protect his life. Take one less..."

Seeing Hui Kong's face hurt, Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "master, how about ten meals?"

Hui Kong shook his head and said he wouldn't agree so easily.

"Fifteen meals, no more." Tian Yuqiao made a face.

Round Channel: "master, you promise. If you really annoy her, there will be nothing in the future."

Huikong was helpless. He poked the round cerebellar bag and said, "you are a hateful little thing. Well, the poor monk agreed."

Outsiders naturally don't know what they mean by how many meals they say. Only Wang frowned silently. The heart said that he was busy in the future. Huikong's mouth became greedy. He didn't like ordinary meals anymore.

After Gongsun Changyin took a pill, his breath was much more stable. The county magistrate over there has asked Feng Wu to escort the evil slaves of Zhang's house back to the Yamen.

At this time, only Xian Cheng and shiye stayed here. This time they came to pick up people. Unexpectedly, they encountered such a situation.

Gongsun Changyin didn't wake up, and Wang didn't intend to keep these two giant Buddhas in his home. Huikong naturally knew Wang's worry, so he said to the county magistrate, "well, I think he will wake up in at least two or three days. You might as well pick him up later. Now it's not convenient for him to go back with you. Let him recuperate here."

After studying for a while, Xian Cheng and shiye nodded and agreed. After all, there are a lot of things in the Yamen. However, in order to protect the safety of the county magistrate, Zhang Fang specially left two yamen servicemen here so as not to bully the county magistrate again.

When they left, they thanked huikong.

"Master, thank you for your help, otherwise our county magistrate will die."

"Yes, master, please accept our worship."

When they finished, they actually knelt down and kowtowed to huikong.

Huikong smiled and didn't refuse. After all, if the new county magistrate had an accident, the county magistrate and shiye were the most motivated. One can't do well. They'll both follow the bad luck.

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