After the county magistrate and shiye left the mountain village, huikong helped Gongsun grow Indian spirit. While he was inputting Qi into Gongsun Changyin's body, huikong frowned more and more tightly.

"Master, do you think his injury is even difficult to cure?" Yuanji asked softly.

"Hey, this boy usually doesn't have enough to eat. He's so weak. His back was almost interrupted this time. Fortunately, he didn't break, otherwise he would be a loser." huikong frowned.

When Wang Xiuer over there listened, she immediately lay down in Zhao's arms and cried to death.

"Mom, I'm all to blame. If it weren't for me, Gongsun childe wouldn't have ended up like this."

"Sister, don't cry. No one wants such a thing. What I don't understand is how they know you're hiding there." Wang said.

Tian Yuqiao said, "don't worry, these people can't suffer. If they are beaten in the yamen, they will tell everything."

The little guy stood at the door and wanted to come in, but he didn't step. Want to go out, and reluctant to leave. He lingered back and forth at the door, scratching his heart and liver.

"What's the matter, little brother? The master said that Gongsun childe's life was not in danger." Tian Yuqiao said.

"Elder sister, ash is afraid to die. Come and have a look at it quickly." the little guy ran straight to tears.

Tian Yuqiao remembered that the gray injury seemed to be more serious. For people, the evil slaves in Zhang's house did not dare to die, but they were different from dogs. They really wanted to split the ash in half at once.

He was dragged to the gray kennel by the little guy. The ground was covered with a thick layer of hay just by the little guy. At this time, it was soaked with blood. The gray intestines flowed out of the abdominal wound, and the tongue hung on the hay.

Seeing the little guy and Tian Yuqiao coming, he tried to move, but he just gave a low cry, and then he lay there with spasms of his limbs. The tail still moved. When it was dying, it was still trying to wag its tail. However, the action it is used to doing at ordinary times seems so difficult at this time.

Seeing the signs of life getting weaker and weaker, Tian Yuqiao thought it was too late, so he ordered the little guy to get the needle and thread for sewing.

"Sister, what do you want that thing for?" the little guy cried.

"Don't ask, it's too late, hurry up." Tian Yuqiao snapped.

It's rare for the little guy to see his sister so serious, so he hurried to find Wang to ask for a needle and thread.

Tian Yuqiao took advantage of the little guy's absence, so he directly got some virtual lotus pond water with his fingers and washed the wound for ash.

As soon as the wound was washed clean, the little guy ran back with a basket of needles and thread like a gust of wind.

"Sister, here you are."

Tian Yuqiao didn't neglect either. He put a needle and thread directly, and then stuffed his gray intestines into his stomach. This series of actions was done at one go, making the little guy stunned.

He thought, this needle and thread is used to sew clothes. Does my sister want to sew wounds with this stuff? However, the little guy didn't ask much when he thought that his sister was basically reliable. Because he also felt that his breathing was getting weaker and weaker, he didn't want to disturb his sister.

Tian Yuqiao was so serious for the first time, as if he had shielded everything around him. After sewing ash's belly, Zeng Changsheng has brought flowers to meet ash for the last time.

Hua Hua sobbed and growled, licking her gray nose, trying to wake it up. However, ash has been in a coma because of too much blood loss, and can't give Huahua any response at all.

Huahua wants to come and lick the gray wound, but Tian Yuqiao stops her: "Huahua, don't touch it, it will get better."

It seems that Hua Hua understood Tian Yuqiao's words. Hua Hua just accompanied her son on Ash's head and didn't touch the wounds on Ash's legs and stomach.

"This knife is so cruel that it almost cut off the gray leg." Tian Yuqiao said fiercely.

"Sister, I will not only study hard in the future, but also learn kung fu well. I must make myself strong so as to protect the people I care about and ash ~"

Looking at the way the little guy clenched his fists, Tian Yuqiao seemed to think that the little boy who usually likes to follow behind his ass and call his sister had become a lot taller.

After feeding some virtual lotus pond water to ash's mouth, Tian Yuqiao took out golden sore powder and put it on the wound. He also asked the little guy to get clean cotton strips and wrap the gray belly and legs tightly.

He gave it a whole bottle of gold sore medicine. Tian Yuqiao didn't know how much to give it. Anyway, more is better! After doing this, she wiped her sweat and went back to the main room.

When Wang saw that her face was covered with blood, he was very frightened. He quickly asked, "Joe, what's the matter with you?"

Tian Yuqiao remembered that he had forgotten to wash his hands and had just smeared his face with dog blood on his hand. So he smiled and said, "Mom, it's all right. I just went to help ash sew the wound. The blood is ash."

"Hey, if it weren't for ash, we would be miserable. When ash can eat by herself, my mother will stew it every day." Wang said.

"Elder sister, you can also get some special food for Gongsun childe. He looks like me..." Wang Xiuer cried again.

Huikong kicked everyone out, leaving only Tian Yuqiao. He smiled and said to her, "I know you have something good. Take it out quickly, or I won't help you save the boy. He has a lot of fate with your aunt. Can you die?"

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and said in his heart that he knew that he had an empty realm, didn't he? He's really an old fox. He can't hide anything from him.

"Well, you wait here. I'll go back to the house and take it for you." Tian Yuqiao said coldly.

After walking around symbolically, when I came back, I had a ginseng with seven grade leaves in my hand, and the roots of ginseng were faintly emitting purple light. There is also a variation Ganoderma Lucidum with red body. When Tian Yuqiao first picked it back, he remembered that it was not like this. Unexpectedly, he nourished it in the virtual environment for a period of time, and even absorbed some aura and mutated~

"Hey, hey, I'll take these two good things. I'll take them as the visit fee this time. If you keep them, I can prolong my life, ha ha ha."

"What, you don't want to save Gongsun's son, but keep it yourself?" Tian Yuqiao was about to roar.

"Yes, his boy's body is empty and unfit. Give him this thing to eat. If you waste it, you will send him to the West as soon as possible."

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