There was such a big thing in the village that the villagers naturally asked each other what was going on. After countless versions of rumors, the village head came forward to quell all kinds of speculation.

"Don't guess what you should do and continue to do. Now the county magistrate is injured and is recovering at qiao'er's house. Don't come to provoke you if you're okay. Be careful to get into trouble." the village head said to everyone at the entrance of the village with a straight face.

Before that, the villagers who helped Zhu Rongrong build a house naturally got the news one step ahead of others. They are now standing in the crowd, one by one like beating chicken blood. After all, I did my part to protect the county magistrate.

Although they didn't go up directly to fight people, at least they helped delay the time. After the people from the government came, they helped the Yamen and the officials to tie up the criminals. So they are very proud now, standing in the crowd with their heads held high.

"All right, all right, don't pestle here. The house over there should be completed as soon as possible." the village head urged.

As soon as everyone heard this, they thought it was reasonable, so they carried their tools and went to the end of the village.

The remaining villagers also chased after each other. After all, those dozens of people had seen the heart shaking scene yesterday with their own eyes.

"I said brother Zeng, aren't you in charge over there? You must know everything about yesterday."

"Yes, tell us quickly. What's going on? Who is the county magistrate mentioned by the village head?"

"Yes, yes, can you help us introduce ourselves and let us go to see the county magistrate and kowtow to others."

Father Zeng was haunted by people, and those people were all in the village. His relationship with himself was passable at ordinary times, and he was embarrassed to refuse. For a moment, he didn't know how to prevaricate, which made him blush.

Zeng Changsheng didn't care so much and directly told the group of people who were around his father: "uncles, it's not my father who doesn't want to say. After all, the county magistrate was attacked by criminals in our village this time. So now we need to keep his identity secret, and adults are still seriously injured, so it's inconvenient for you to disturb."

"Don't bother, don't bother. We just want to bring something to see the county magistrate and express our feelings."

"Yes, Changsheng, can you help me bring two chickens to the county magistrate?"

"Changsheng, we still have a basket of eggs. I'm going to give it to the county magistrate to mend my body."

Zeng Changsheng began to look big this time. His father smiled at his son and said that thanks to the boy, he had attracted the spearhead, otherwise he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my father and I have to go and help build a house. We'll talk about this later. I believe if the county magistrate's injury gets better, he will take the initiative to meet you."

When Zeng Changsheng finished, he pulled Zeng's father out of the crowd. Before the public could react, they had already run away.

Tian Yuqiao didn't expect that the whole mountain village would be boiling and sensational because he "hid" a county magistrate. Now, every time Zhao and Wang go out, they will be approached by women who are not familiar with their own family in the village. In the end, their words will turn to the county magistrate, which makes Wang's family unable to laugh or cry.

"I said, big sister, I heard that someone in your family was injured. For no other reason, I have half a basket of eggs and some pancakes I made myself. These are my little wishes."

"Old sister-in-law, when you first moved here, I was busy at home for a while. I didn't come to Kaikong to see you. It's not good. I heard that someone in your family was injured. Alas. This is my daughter's intention. She made snacks herself and added a lot of nutritious things. Take them back."

"I said, Joe, isn't there really a big man in your family?" Gao also squeezed out the crowd and said to Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and said that the villagers were really trying to send something to the county magistrate. At this time, if you accept it, you will be charged with corruption and perverting the law. If you don't accept it, it seems a little unsatisfactory. What can I do?

The little guy smiled and said, "hey hey, our guests are protected by people in the Yamen. The food and use are specially provided there. Just in time, our ash was hurt to protect me, and this ash can be eaten. If you don't mind, I'll thank you for ash."

"What, who is ash?"

"Like the watchdog in his house?"

"Wulang, you boy, aren't you sincerely making fun of the big guy?" Gao was immediately unhappy.

Originally, Li also asked her to bring an old hen that had been killed to inquire about the truth. When she heard the little guy say that she was going to eat for her own watchdog, Gao was immediately unhappy.

Twist your ass and turn away. Naturally, the chicken won't stay.

Other women are also a little speechless, but since they have come, whoever they give this food to, at least they have completed the task assigned to them by their own men.

The little guy smiled and took the big dog and the two brothers, the second dog, to carry the things people sent to the house. Although everyone doesn't bring much, there are many people who can't stand to send things.

Almost half the people in the village let their mother-in-law bring them all kinds of things. Tian Yuqiao carefully went over all the things we sent. Fortunately, there was nothing particularly valuable, and there was no need to pay back the favor deliberately.

Wang was a little embarrassed. While thanking everyone, he had to keep them from breaking in and disturbing the county magistrate's rest. It was really stressful.

Fortunately, the two yamen servicemen found the embarrassment of the Tian family, so they stood directly at the door, carrying waist knives, like two door gods, and scared the women from entering the house.

After they all left, Wang's breath grew.

"Mom, you don't have to worry. There are two big brothers of the Yamen service here. The villagers don't dare to disturb them."

"My mother is not that kind of stingy person, but I'm afraid they'll quarrel with my grandson to recover." Wang said.

"I know, mom. Oh, by the way, I've written down all the gifts from the villagers. When the new year comes, our family will give back two kilograms of meat and five kilograms of fruit to those who send gifts." Tian Yuqiao suggested.

Wang smiled and nodded.

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