Tian Yuqiao's family hasn't been calm since Gongsun Changyin happened. There are always people who want to come to see the county magistrate. These villagers are really racking their brains to see a senior official. It was inconvenient for the man to enter the Tian family and let his mother-in-law or daughter come over.

With a lot of gifts, Wang's family doesn't accept them. It's not good if they don't accept them. So the little guy came up with an idea, accepted the gift directly, and thanked everyone on behalf of ash.

That's what I said, but everyone knows that it's impossible to give all those things to the dog. In any case, as long as people receive their own gifts, the villagers will be very happy.

On the other side of the Tian family's old house, Li was angry when he saw that Gao had brought back the killed chicken.

"I said to the eldest brother's family, why do you have to work so hard? Other families have already given gifts to the county magistrate. Why did you bring this chicken back?" Li said angrily.

Without waiting for Gao's sophistry, Tian Guihua said with her mouth curled: "Mom, it must be my sister-in-law who can't bear it. Now it's good. Other people's houses have sent things, but our house hasn't sent them. The benefits will certainly have no share in our house at that time."

Tian Dajiang also said, "I say you're a black sheep. Why can't you do such a small thing well? Even if you take the chicken back, it won't be for you to eat."

Gao looked very aggrieved and said: "What's the matter with me? You think I don't want to. The county magistrate doesn't eat the food in the village at all. Qiao er's girl said it herself. She said that the food eaten by the county magistrate was specially sent from the Yamen. Oh, by the way, Wulang said that the big dog of his family was also injured and said that he would give the dog whatever everyone gave..."

"You stupid woman, you don't care who people give to eat. This is a cover. If you openly accept big guy's things, won't the new county magistrate become a corrupt official? You, you, are a heartless man." Tian Dajiang shook his head and despised Gao's face.

Gao Shi was also stupid. She didn't expect that things could be like this. "Then, what should I do? Why don't I go back and send the chicken."

"Forget it, I'd better let my third daughter-in-law go." Li said calmly.

Shushulang suddenly came over at this time. As soon as he entered the house, he saw a soil basket on the Kang and a chicken in it. He immediately brightened his eyes and said to Li: "Mom, my daughter-in-law doesn't like eating these two days. She's still in confinement now, so I took the chicken."

When he finished, he stretched out his hand to carry the basket on the Kang. Li quickly grabbed it and said, "fourth, she doesn't deserve to eat this chicken. Didn't her parents leave her a lot of money last time? She wants to eat this chicken and buy it with money."

"Niang ~ she is also your daughter-in-law anyway. How can you do that?" the scholar looked at Li with some confusion.

Is this still the mother who holds herself in the palm of her hand for fear of falling and holds herself in her mouth for fear of melting? Why, since she got married, she seems to have changed herself?

Li's strange look at his baby son immediately withdrew his hand. He hurried back and said, "fourth, mom doesn't mean that. It's not that I heard that your second sister-in-law didn't know when there was an injured county magistrate. My mom planned to take this chicken to the county magistrate. After all, it's our parent official, isn't it?"

"Mom, can the county magistrate give you grandchildren? Can the county magistrate help us continue the incense of Laotian family?"

Lee's Kam Kam Kam did not speak, but it was the words of Shushu Lang that inspired her. She jumped up directly from the Kang and said: "Yes, the county magistrate has heard that he is very young. He must not have married yet. Osmanthus fragrans is twelve years old this year. It's time to discuss marriage in two years. Why don't you go now and see if you can give the marriage between Hua'er and the county magistrate first."

The people in the old house suddenly felt the thunder rolling on their heads. They said that Li Shi was dreaming. Tian Guihua is only twelve this year. Although she is thirteen, she is still young after all.

Li Shi didn't care so much, so she directly asked Tian Dajiang to pick a big fat chicken in the yard and kill it. After the hair was burned off, she took two chickens and led Jiang Shi and Tian Guihua to Tian Yuqiao's house.

Tian Dadu has been happy all day since he got a hundred liang of silver. He went to the town to exchange the whole ingot of silver for loose silver. He took one or two liang of silver to the town every day to drink and gamble. He will be as happy as he wants.

That day, he was drinking and listening to books in the town pub. Suddenly, he felt that his eyelids were always jumping. He pasted a piece of white paper on his eyelids, which didn't work.

"Oh, this big brother, I'm a half immortal. I know half of the things in the sky and I know everything on the earth. According to my observation, you're going to be in great trouble. Look at your dark seal and bad luck."

A middle-aged Taoist with a goatee came up to Tian Dahu on his own initiative.

"Bah, I hate you charlatans. Don't play tricks with me. I don't like your tricks. I just haven't had a good rest recently and my eyelids are jumping." Tian Dahu said.

"The so-called left eye jumps wealth and the right eye jumps disaster. Little brother, after you jump a few times with your left eye, you always jump with your right eye?" Huang Banxian then asked.

Tian Dahu put down his wine glass. After being stunned, he said, "yes, it's transferred by itself. Why, can't it? I want you to take care of it."

"Hahaha, that's really good advice. It's hard to persuade the damn ghost. Please ask for more blessings, my husband, and I'll go ~" he said and got up with his flag to go.

As soon as Tian Dahu heard this, he was a little afraid. He grabbed the sleeve of Huang Banxian and said, "Taoist priest, wait a minute. You can't see anything below. Please show me a clear way."

"You first made a bad fortune, and then made a big mistake, and the disaster will come one after another." after that, he calculated it in his sleeve with his fingers, and then said: "if you don't make a mistake, you don't have many good days left. In these three or two days, the great disaster will come."

Tian Dahu was so frightened that he knelt down to Huang Banxian and said, "Taoist priest, help me. What should I do?"

"First of all, money is something outside your body. You must give the ill gotten money you have to me. I can help you do things and resolve disasters for you."

When Tian Dahu heard this, he was reluctant. But when I thought that my life was important, I agreed.

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