The old house of the Tian family is now on the verge of disintegration. Now everyone is divorced, and the last straw that crushed the camel is Tian Dahu's crime.

The official came to the door to intimidate and searched Li's coffin book by the way. In his anger, old man Tian decided to completely break away from Sanfang and directly find the clan to witness the separation of the family. Ma took advantage of the fire and left with Shulang. The premise is to let the Tian family return all the money she received before, or let the scholar go to the county city with himself as a door-to-door son-in-law.

After shouting in the old house for a long time, Ma was still unconvinced. Early the next morning, he asked the girl Qiuyue to go to the county and found boss ma.

Jiang had to bow to Wang for his own consideration. After breakfast, he went to Tian Yuqiao's house. Fortunately, Wang didn't go out today. He was helping Wang Xiuer prepare a dowry at home.

Seeing Jiang's door, Wang was not surprised. Because Tian Yuqiao had disclosed the old house to her before, but he just said he heard it from outside. Anyway, the story of Tian's old house has been spread in the village. There are many lice and they are not afraid to bite.

"Three younger brothers and sisters, I heard that you have separated from the old house?" Wang asked, pretending not to know.

Jiang moved a wooden pier across from Wang and sat down. He sighed, "Hey, second sister-in-law, I didn't expect my parents to be so cruel. Now they want me to repay the hundred Liang silver."

As she spoke, she even touched her tears.

Wang was originally a soft hearted person. In addition, Jiang's current situation and experience are exactly the same as he was at the beginning. This made her sympathize with Jiang, and she couldn't help but start to shed tears.

Tian Yuqiao hurriedly took some fruit from the backyard and said with a smile, "Mom, three aunts, you eat fruit."

"Hey, Joe, this girl is really sensible. Although I have many children, I don't have such clever children as your Wulang and Joe. Now we don't know where to die that day. How can we live with us?"

Jiang continued to stir up feelings, and Wang echoed: "yes, seeing you now seems to see me at that time. Unexpectedly, my parents separated you, too. Alas."

"There is no kinship there at all. I'm afraid that I'm in charge of the family will bring trouble to Xuelang. Alas, if it's true, it's God's will. For example, I don't want to be separated, but people have separated me. The old fourth daughter-in-law clamored to be separated, but they won't allow it." Jiang said.

As soon as Wang heard this, he was stunned and said with a stunned face, "what? What happened to the fourth?"

"Hey, don't mention it. Mahatma made a fuss in the room for a long time yesterday. He said he wanted to make peace with old four, and then asked the family to return the silver brought by their family to her. Where would my parents agree? Then Mahatma said, if the old house doesn't agree to make peace with her, let old four go to the county with her and let old four be their son-in-law."

"Well, I thought about it at the beginning. According to the financial resources of the horse family, it should be easy to find someone who cuts in the door. How can I get married here!"

"Second sister-in-law, there's another big thing. You certainly don't know."

As soon as Jiang said gossip, he immediately forgot his situation, and his eyes were still shining.

Wang Shi was quite uncomfortable by her burning eyes.

"Second sister-in-law, you don't know. It turns out that the old fourth daughter-in-law had difficulty giving birth when she gave birth. Guess what? When Mrs. Wen asked whether to keep the big one or the small one, the old fourth actually said to keep the small one. As a result, he thought that Ma fainted, but in fact it was not. Ma heard that the old fourth said to keep the small one. Now she took this opportunity to want revenge."

In fact, Wang had known about it for a long time. At the beginning, he saved it by himself. I didn't expect that Mahalanobis was a powerful man. As soon as he was almost raised, he began to find the right opportunity to turn against the old house.

But this can't completely blame others. Who makes the old house have no good intentions!

Just as they were chatting vigorously, the little guy outside hurried in with ash. He didn't expect to see Jiang at home. He was stunned at first, and then said, "third aunt, third uncle, he ~ he's back. Go to the entrance of the village quickly."

As soon as Jiang heard this, he was not willing to put down his hand and chewed half of the apple. He directly pinched the apple with his hand and ran out.

She had hoped that Tian Dahu would be all right when she came back. Maybe the old house was for the sake of flesh and blood. The couple went to say a few good words, maybe they couldn't be separated.

However, when she ran to the entrance of the village with the crowd, she suddenly looked silly.

I saw that his men were dishevelled at this time, and his clothes were dirty and messy. With a thick wooden flail around his neck and iron chains on his hands and feet, he still "clattered, clattered" when he walked.

Beside Tian Dahu, followed by four officers. One was carrying a gong in his hand, knocking while walking. In addition, there were two yamen servants escorting him on the left and right sides of Tian Dahu, and the first yamen servant in the back pressed the array.

"Bang, bang!"

"Folks, this is the criminal Tian Dahu. He kidnapped his own nephew together with gangsters. According to the investigation, he planned to stun and sell his own niece. The county magistrate has sentenced him to wander the streets for three days as an example!"

"You folks, the county magistrate took office, so he didn't give him a heavy sentence. So after three days on the street, he was directly sent to the border to build fortifications. After five years, he can be released after serving his sentence. Take warning and don't violate the national law."

The villagers in the village all stretched their necks and scratched against the wall to watch the excitement.

Next to the parade, there were many brave children watching the excitement, including the grandsons of the Tian family's old house.

Erlang wanted to go up to say hello to his father, but he was stopped by Silang.

"Second brother, you must not go there at this time. The officer has a knife in his hand. If you rush forward, they may think you are going to rob people again. What can they do with you?" the young ghost of sirang.

When Erlang heard this, he thought he was right, so he ran back to his old house like an enclave. As a result, I didn't see my mother. As soon as I got out of the yard, I happened to meet Jiang's gnawing an apple and trotting here from the end of the village.

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