Tian Dahu was parading around the mountain village in chains. Let alone, the boy's character is really not good. Over there, old man Tian told everyone not to go out to see. He didn't think he had such a son.

There are only three rooms. The whole family has come out. However, when Jiang saw his man's virtue, he was lost in mud by children along the way. I don't know who smashed Tian Dahu's head with rotten eggs that he wasn't willing to eat at home. Now he was as embarrassed as he was, and the smell could be smelled from a distance.

Jiang stopped several sons and daughters and said, "it's all your father's fault that we have ended up like this. Let's leave him alone. He can do whatever he likes."

"Mom, but I heard that my father was going to be sent to the border. It seemed that there was a war..." Saburo frowned.

Jiang bit his teeth and ate up the apple core in his hand. Then he said, "he'd better die outside. Without him, we can live better. As you said yesterday, your second uncle is not at home. Look at the life of others."

"Yes, Dad, he's too much to sell sister Qiao and brother Wulang." LIULANG said with a small face.

Jiang did not expect that the things his men did could make the children at home so disgusted with him. In other words, Tian Dahu did a lot of bad things, but the money he got didn't supplement his family. He took it out to drink and gamble.

When the procession passed by the gate of the Tian family's old house, Tian Dahu desperately looked inside, holding a glimmer of hope. However, when he saw the closed door on the other side of the upper room, all his hopes were dashed.

It seems that the family can't count on it. Do they really want to go to a place where the climate is cold and there are still wars? In that case, I'm afraid there will be no return.

The last thing he saw was Jiang's lonely figure and the disdainful eyes of several children.

After Jiang went back to the house and inserted the door, he hugged his daughter, and the mother and daughter cried bitterly.

The parade had to go to several other villages, so they soon left the mountain village. After the official escorted the people away, the village head and several ethnic elders immediately made a decision. That is to see Tian Dahu's performance after five years. If he can return from meritorious service on the battlefield, the village will be able to accommodate him. On the contrary, he will never be allowed to return.

As for his wife and children, it will depend on Jiang's own meaning. If she wants to remarry, the village will not stop her. Moreover, it seems that the children of Jiang's family are not going to want them at the old house of the Tian family. So the village head decided that as long as the children of Tian Dahu didn't follow their father and harm the village, they could stay in the village.

For such a decision, Jiang was relieved.

After watching the excitement, it's Ma's turn to get down to business. Boss Ma came this time and brought many people and several carriages. He was determined to take his daughter back. As for the scholar Lang of the Tian family, it doesn't matter whether he can go or not.

Li's side naturally refused to let xueshulang go, but if she left with him, she would not be able to pay others' money, so for a moment, the two sides immediately deadlocked again.

Ma Ma doesn't care so much. He directly asks Qiuyue and nanny to help him pack his things. As for Qi Lang, he was directly forced into the carriage by the horse owner. The child was a baby pimple, and he couldn't bear it.

When Li saw it, he immediately blocked the door and didn't let anyone out.

"I said to my in laws, if you want to take Qilang away, you can do it. After all, the child is a descendant of our Tian family. If you want to take it away, you must give us a sum of silver." Li said.

Ma Ma scolded carelessly, "bah, you godly old woman. I was born after a narrow escape. Why should I stay with you? Besides, can you afford this child according to the current situation of your family?"

Reading Lang blushed and said to boss Ma, "father-in-law ~"

"Go away, you spineless boy, don't call me father-in-law. When you chose to keep children instead of adults, our relationship was broken. Today, you can have a good talk, whether to go with us or stay? You decide. But don't forget, if you go with us, you can go to County School in the future. If you continue to stay here, In the future, we will wait to plant land at home for a lifetime. "

Boss Ma's words sounded like thunder over the old house of the Tian family. Old man Tian bent his back and still smoked dry cigarettes.

"Dad!" the scholar Lang hesitated.

"Hey, fourth brother, you know what's going on at home now. Now your third brother has an accident again. I'm afraid dad really can't afford to continue reading for you. Just think about it yourself and make your own decision."

When Mr. Tian said that, he knocked the ash in the cigarette bag pot, shuffled into the house.

Li still haggled with boss Ma: "no, he's surnamed Tian. If you want to take him away, I won't. give me at least 200 liang of silver, or don't want to take my grandson away."

The scholar Lang didn't expect that in his mother's eyes, there was nothing but silver. So he finally made up his mind and decided to go to the county with boss ma.

Li's side continued, while shushulang knelt down in the yard and knocked three heads in the direction of the east room.

"Father and mother, my child is unfilial. I think our ancestors must hope to have a scholar at home. Take care, two elders."

Reading Lang finished, tears immediately soaked his eyes. As soon as she heard that he was leaving, Tian Guihua rushed out crying and grabbed the scholar's sleeve.

"Fourth brother, are you really leaving like this? If you leave, what can parents do now? They have only one son, eldest brother."

Tian Dahu suddenly reacted at this time. Yes, now he is the only son of the Tian family. So, isn't it all his stuff in the future?

As soon as he thought that shushulang's departure could bring many benefits to himself, he quickly urged Gao Shi to let her open Tian Guihua.

"Hua Hua, stop it. Your fourth brother is also trying to honor our ancestors. It's nothing to step in. As long as he becomes an official in the future, I don't believe he can forget his roots. If that's the case, we'll sue him in the Yamen." Tian Dajiang threatened.

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