Boss Ma came to pick up his daughter. Xueshulang made his own choice, that is to go to the county with them.

Now the Tian family is already in turmoil. They are almost ready to eat the last meal, but there is no next meal. Shushulang has been spoiled by Li since childhood. He doesn't want to suffer with them.

Finally, the two sides reached an agreement that the Ma family would no longer investigate the money given to the Tian family's old house, but the scholar would be his own door-to-door son-in-law in the future. When there is nothing to do, the Tian family's old house shall not go to the county for any reason to meet the scholar Lang.

Even Qi Lang changed his surname and followed Ma, which is understandable.

The horses' boys loaded the Marseille flowers and cabinets and took them away. Looking at the back of shushulang who had no nostalgia, old man Tian couldn't help but shed two lines of muddy old tears.

That's the son he's always proud of. Now he's gone with others.

At this time, Tian Dajiang was so happy that he wanted to jump into the room and was studying with Gao at home.

"It's great that I say son his mother. The fourth brother and his family have left, and the house they used to live in is ours. Hey hey, don't you have something to do with Dalang's marriage this time? You'd better find a matchmaker to kiss our Dalang, and then we can get the new house in good faith." Tian Dajiang's eyes burst with laughter.

When Gao thought about it, he immediately opened his mouth and said with a smile, "Oh, I said that you are really good at being the head of the family. Why didn't I think of it? Then I'll go out and make a fuss. But now our family doesn't have so many bride price. Can other girls promise?"

"It's nothing. Now these five excellent houses are dignified in the village."

Now the fourth family has left, and the five new houses they built before have naturally been left to the Tian family. They are all excellent green brick houses, which are comparable to Tian Yuqiao's family.

At this time, Li Shi had no money in his hand, and old man Tian was worried that he didn't know how to live this winter. Suddenly I looked up and saw the place where the four rooms lived. The old couple had an idea.

"Old man, now the fourth is gone. If we sell this house, we can get at least 70 or 80 liang of silver?" Li said.

Mr. Tian said, "Hey, I'm afraid it's hard to sell. After all, it's in the same yard with our family. Such a family is not like one. Two families are not two."

"But we only have big houses now. The people on their side. Isn't it too wasteful to keep these old houses?"

As soon as Li finished, Gao came in with a big grin.

She just can't look at people's eyes. She doesn't see that the old couple are sad because of Shulang's departure. On the contrary, she is very happy at the thought that her son's marriage will be settled.

"Mom and Dad, let's discuss something with you. Now Dalang is very old. I look like the young county magistrate. People have been engaged. Our Dalang's marriage..."

Before Gao finished, Li was angry. Pointing to Gao's nose, he roared, "get out of here. Don't you see that I'm bored here?"

Gao said, "I've asked the matchmaker to find a suitable daughter for our eldest brother. Mom, they shouldn't come back. Their house is empty. Isn't it just right to keep it for our eldest brother to get married? It's just big. We'll give eldest brother and fourth brother one or two at that time, which is enough for them to get married."

When Li heard, he suddenly became angry and shouted, "why, you think that the old three and the old four are gone?" you can say, "no, I'm telling you, as long as I'm alive, the house has the final say that you can't make the decision. You think it's beautiful, I bah!"

Tian Dajiang stepped in from outside and saw that Li's attitude was not very good. Now, as the only son of the Tian family, he suddenly felt that his waist was also hard.

With a cold face, he said to Li, "Mom, now you'd better find out the situation. Now you and my father have only one son like me. Don't you have to count on me for anything in the future? The house left by old four should be given to us. Are you going to make it cheaper for the old three?"

As soon as Li Shi wanted to say something more, old man Tian said, "boss, go back first and wait for me to discuss with your mother. It's not urgent. Anyway, the house is there and won't fly long, will it?"

"Hum, you can think about it quickly. Don't affect our eldest brother's marriage." Tian Dajiang went out angrily.

After Tian Dajiang and Gao left, Li was so angry that he directly threw the broom on the Kang at the door and said angrily, "it's going to be reversed. They're both black eyed wolves. My God, what evil have I done..."

Old man Tian was already upset. Now he is even more upset to hear Li crying and Howling here.

With a big grin, Gao went to find matchmaker Liu, the only matchmaker in the village.

The matchmaker Liu also knew what had happened in the Tian family's old house, so when she saw Gao coming, she naturally wouldn't have a good face for her.

Gao smiled and said: "Matchmaker Liu, I'm here to introduce business to you this time. You know, our eldest brother has been looking at 18 this year. Now his fourth uncle has gone to the county, and there are people to study. I don't know when he can be a county official. Now he has left five big brick houses for our family. If there is a suitable girl, you must give them to our family When Dalang makes peace, he will never treat you badly. "

Matchmaker Liu immediately changed her smiling face.

"Oh, it's hard to deal with your family now. After all, people from all over the country know all about your three little uncles. I'm afraid no one will be willing to marry your daughter to your Tian family."

Gao said carelessly, "it depends on your ability, doesn't it? Hehe, now the Tian family only has our room. What other people have done has nothing to do with us."

"In that case, I'll try my best to help you. I also heard that there is a girl in Chenjia village, who is 16 this year. But she has some freckles on her face, but she is clever and can do both domestic and local work. Why don't you consider her?" Mrs. Liu asked tentatively.

As soon as Gao heard this, he immediately said, "Hey, our eldest brother can't support that beautiful girl. It doesn't matter whether she looks good or bad, as long as she is filial to her father-in-law."

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