On the other side of the Tian family's old house, after discussing with Mr. Tian and Li, he decided to divide the new house over there to Dalang and Silang. Although Shiro is still young this year, it's almost time to get married in two or three years, so he gave them the house over there.

Jiang was so angry that he gnashed his teeth and said that if the fourth family left before the separation, wouldn't he have two more houses? Now Erlang is not young, and he is still crowded with a lot of brothers and sisters.

"Mom, didn't you go to Joel's house today? What did the second aunt say? Would she help us?" asked Sanlang.

Jiang remembered that he had just finished the foreplay today. He finally cried Wang aside with himself. As a result, he forgot the serious things because of gossip!

"This ~ mother will go there again tomorrow. Today, I forgot to talk about the business because your father was escorted around the street."

Erlang said, "Mom, I'm good at climbing trees. I can help Joe's family climb trees and pick fruit. Moreover, I don't need a ladder to climb trees. Tomorrow I'll go to see Erlang with you." Erlang said with a sniffle.

Jiang Shi looked at his "idiot" son this time. In fact, although Erlang's brain was a little hard to use, the child was also filial, at least much better than his unreliable father.

Holding Erlang's head, Jiang cried and said, "Erlang, I'm sorry for you. Now your eldest brother is going to kiss. Our current conditions and your father's reputation are smelly. Now I'm afraid your marriage..."

Saburo said with a smile, "hey hey, the second brother has his ability in the future. Find me a beautiful sister-in-law."

Erlang blushed and said, "Oh, mom, I don't care if I have a daughter-in-law. As long as I can be with you every day, I'm actually very happy. If I have a daughter-in-law in the future, what can I do if she won't let me climb the tree? Just like you usually manage your father, he has to ask everywhere. It's really troublesome."

Jiang shidun was so angry that he said that the son was really short of heart. He really blinded her tears just now.

The next day, Jiang's family went to Tian Yuqiao's house as usual. After entering, he just said a few words to Wang's family. There was a big mess outside. Then he heard a child shouting, "the official is coming again. I don't know who to catch this time."

Now as soon as Jiang heard the word "official", his head was buzzing, for fear that he would be implicated by Tian Dahu.

However, she soon found that those officials didn't seem to come for herself, and she was directly ignored by others.

The two leading yamen servants were the two who had lived in Tian Yuqiao's house before, followed by more than a dozen people. Each of them carried a large mahogany box. From the carvings on the top, it is not difficult to see that the box should be very valuable.

"Mrs. Wang, miss Xiu'er, you are all here. This is the bride price that our county magistrate asked us to send to miss Xiu'er. Hey, hey, this is only part of it. There will be more in the future."

Wang Xiuer was so surprised that her eyes were about to fall off. Even if so many wooden boxes were empty, she never thought that she could get such a good bride price in her life.

Then several yamen servants opened the eight big wooden boxes. Good guy, Jiang's eyes almost fell to the ground.

The first wooden box is filled with high-quality silk and satin and materials, and the second wooden box is filled with unknown number of jewelry boxes. It seems that it must contain very valuable jewelry.

In the third box, there are some purses and handkerchiefs that women like very much. It's not worth much, but there's a box!

In the other boxes, there are some wedding cakes and drinks.

Wang Shi could see that these wooden boxes, together with the contents, should have spent all Gongsun Changyin's savings. I didn't expect that he should care so much about his sister. It seems that he can be trusted for life.

Wang Xiuer's eyes were wet, not because of how many things, but because it was the intention of Gongsun Changyin.

Tian Yutang called Zhao. Naturally, this thing should be sent to Zhao. So the Yamen servants carried the boxes to Wang Decheng's house. When they left, Wang specially asked: "you all come home for lunch later, and I'll get you something delicious."

The Yamen servants were not surprised, and said with a smile, "don't worry, sister-in-law. We'll come back as soon as we send it. Hey, I've heard them say that the food in your house is delicious. We've had a good relationship with the county magistrate this time."

Jiang Shi knows these people. He came here yesterday and escorted his man with a ferocious look. Today, they met Wang Shi and were so polite.

"That ~ second sister-in-law, I......" Jiang hesitated and didn't know how to speak for a long time.

Wang naturally understood her difficulties, so he smiled and said, "it's not easy for you to separate your families. You see, I'm very busy here. If you have time, come and help them with their work, and I'll give you twenty Wen a day."

Jiang Shi didn't expect Wang Shi to say it herself. She was so excited that she choked.

"Second sister-in-law, I'm not the head of the family. I'll make amends for him." Jiang said and knelt down to Wang.

This made Tian Yuqiao feel a little unexpected. She didn't expect that Jiang was really able to bend and stretch.

Wang quickly helped Jiang up and said with a smile, "Hey, we are all women. We should understand each other. OK, come and help me cook for those yamen servants today. Today is your day's work. Wulang, don't forget to write down your third aunt's name."

The little guy came over with a smile and said, "Oh, I see, mom, hey hey. Since the third aunt is from her own family, when the new year comes, our family will give you fruit and take it back to Saburo and them."

Jiang's tears pattered down. She didn't expect that someone would help her at this time.

These two days, as soon as she came out, she was looked down upon by the villagers. Everyone stopped gossiping with her. Seeing her is like seeing the God of plague. I'm afraid I'll be affected by her.

Now that Wang treated her like this, Jiang's heart was sour. She was ashamed at the thought of what her men had done to others. So he made up his mind to help the Tian family.

Wang has gone to the kitchen, and Tian Yuqiao and Wulang have gone to help. Seeing that the kitchen could not be opened, Jiang went to the vegetable field in the backyard with Wang Xiuer to pick vegetables.

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