In the twinkling of an eye, it entered the twelfth lunar month. Because there was an extreme lack of silver in the hands of the Tian family's old house, they planned to take advantage of the opportunity of Dalang's marriage to collect some things to survive this winter.

Matchmaker Liu really told Dalang about a daughter of the Chen family village. After they met, they both looked after each other. Chenjia village is the village of Mrs. Chen and Chen Jiabao. The overall situation of the villagers is poorer than that of the mountain village, so the girls in the village hope to marry to other villages.

The woman's name was Chen Mahua. As soon as Tian Yuqiao heard the name, he immediately sprayed out the soup he had just drunk.

My old aunt's name is Tian Guihua and my fourth aunt's name is Marseille flower. Now my sister-in-law is called Chen Mahua. It's really a gathering of three flowers!

Jiang has been helping Tian Yuqiao's family for a month now. During this period, she has also earned nearly one or two silver. Therefore, if she saves some money at home, she can survive this winter.

Coupled with Wang's intentional subsidies from time to time, now her life is almost the same as when she was in the old house. At least she doesn't have to worry about not having enough to eat.

"Joe, why are you laughing? There are many girls in our village called Hua'er." Wang said.

Jiang Shi smiled and said, "don't tell me. The girl that matchmaker Liu told Dalang has really come home. I've seen her once. The girl looks like she can work. Her face looks like a twist."

"Third aunt, what do you mean by that?" the little guy asked curiously.

"The pockmarks on his face are twisted. Anyway, they look scary. But anyway, as long as Dalang's child likes it himself. Alas, our Erlang's daughter-in-law hasn't found a place yet..."

Jiang Shi was still laughing at Chen Mahua's appearance. Now she remembered that her silly son had no daughter-in-law, and she immediately worried about it.

Ash suddenly barked several times. Tian Yuqiao looked out and found that Gao's big ass was coming.

Although Gao is also a regular guest of his own family, ash doesn't like to see her. He calls her when he sees her.

Now ash's injury has healed, and through Tian Yuqiao's careful feeding and the little guy's care during this period, he is even fatter than before. Now it looks like a calf. It's very deterrent from a long distance.

"Oh, I'm from the third family. I didn't expect you to come out to help people earn money now. Tut tut. I didn't see you so diligent when we were together before." Gao said with his mouth curled.

Jiang was too lazy to pay attention to Gao. When he was in his old house, Gao showed off and smelled in front of him.

"Aunt, you're here. What's the matter?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a smile.

Gao gave Tian Yuqiao a smiling face and said, "it's not something. Why, isn't it? Your brother Dalang is about to get married, and the date is set on Laba day. Don't forget to help with your mother and have a wedding drink or something."

Wang Shi didn't expect that Dalang's marriage was in front of Wang Xiuer. He was stunned.

"I said, second younger brother and younger sister, our eldest brother got married. You can't be too stingy as an aunt. You have such a good thing in your family. It's said that the county magistrate carried a lot of big and small boxes before. Alas, our old house is different now. You have to take care of your nephew."

Tian Yuqiao was speechless, and the little guy was a little angry. Wang felt that Dalang's marriage was a good thing, so he smiled and said, "sister-in-law, don't worry, Dalang is Dahe's nephew after all. His marriage is a good thing, and I will naturally bring gifts."

Turning around and looking at Jiang Shi, Gao Shi said, "I said that although we are separated, we still live in a yard. You can't look down and look up. Your gifts can't be too shabby, can you? Now my mother knows that you help make money here."

She then twisted her big ass and walked away. When she passed the gate, she deliberately bypassed ash.

After Gao left, Jiang said to her back, "bah, what? I have to support my family to make money, so I won't compensate you shameless."

Wang didn't know what to say, so he said to Jiang, "Da Lang is looking forward to getting married. Let's go and help then. I'll still pay you 20 Wen. As for gifts, you just look at them. Don't be too embarrassed."

"Second sister-in-law, I know. Gao usually runs on me. Even in the yard of her family, she draws a road. She says that she won't let us go through the main door and will open a small door for us alone next to the yard." Jiang said angrily.

The night was as cool as water. Tian Yuqiao lay in his room and looked at the white moon hanging in the sky.

Suddenly he found a dark shadow outside his window. Tian Yuqiao was so frightened that he got up and took precautions. I heard "Goo Goo".

Gold squeaked, and Gao's Tian Yuqiao was Daimei back.

Daimei is the pigeon that Tian Yuqiao gave to Fang Wenhao. Unexpectedly, it flew back by itself today.

Open the window and let Daimei in. Tian Yuqiao found a light layer of frost on Daimei's wings. Quickly wipe Dai Mei's feathers with a towel. Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to come back so soon. Did you run back secretly?"

"Goo Goo!" Dai Mei was speechless and said that people were not so unreliable.

Then on Daimei's leg, Tian Yuqiao found a bamboo tube, which was used to convey letters in ancient times. My heart was shocked and I quickly untied the bamboo tube.

Daimei shouted twice in protest. Tian Yuqiao thought that the little thing must be hungry when it flew back all the way. So he grabbed a handful of corn from the virtual environment and fed it to Daimei in the palm of his hand.

After watching it eat and drink, and then fall on the gold, Tian Yuqiao began to read the letter.

The content of the letter was probably to greet Wang and other family members first, and then to inquire about the little guy's homework or something. After that, they all reported peace, saying that they had arrived in the border town. The winter over there came early, and this year seems to be particularly cold.

In the letter, Fang Wenhao told Tian Yuqiao not to freeze in the cold

After watching it twice, Tian Yuqiao found that it was full of Fang Wenhao's concern for his family. He didn't mention the war in the border city.

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