Fang Wenhao takes people to Hu camp to inquire about intelligence, and unexpectedly finds out where the great wizard of Hu people is. With the slippery pill Tian Yuqiao gave him, he thought the great wizard had gone to the thatched cottage. To his surprise, just about to reach out for the antidote of LANBO pill, there was a harsh voice behind him.

Without daring to look back directly, Fang Wenhao first hit out two soft bone pills. Then he threw all the other bottles and cans on the table behind him.

The dead wood sheep's head crutch in the big wizard's hand was not vegetarian, so he heard his words. Then two small green snakes came out from the horn of the sheep's head crutch.

The two little green snakes jumped directly at the two soft bone pills thrown by Fang Wenhao. After swallowing them, they fell on the ground and couldn't move. Only the tail was crawling feebly there.

Seeing this, the great wizard immediately said angrily, "good boy, you dare to hurt my Xiaoqing and Xiaolv. No matter what you're doing here, you'll die."

At this time, Fang Wenhao had bypassed the table and continued to hit the great wizard with those messy things behind the table. This time he did not wear a long knife, but a short dagger. Now he is holding a dagger in one hand, and the other hand continues to destroy the great wizard.

However, when he extended his hand to a box on the second floor of the table, two purple lights came out, and then he couldn't move.

The two purple lights were actually two purple snakes. After they rushed out of the box, their bodies continued to enlarge, and soon became the thickness of someone's arms. Firmly bound Fang Wenhao, the dagger in his hand also fell off, and there was no chance to parry.

"Damn! What the hell are these?" Fang Wenhao gnashed his teeth in anger.

The two purple snakes have now turned black as black iron. On their heads, there are two more red sarcomas. Fang Wenhao immediately felt that the two guys looked familiar, even similar to Tian Yuqiao's "belt".

He knew the toxicity of cockscomb snake, so he didn't dare to struggle. On the left and right sides, two huge snake heads were so close to Fang Wenhao's face.

Fang Wenhao could feel that the fishy smell from their mouths and their tongues sticking out from time to time had touched their faces.

"Hahaha, smelly boy, you dare to bang the baby at the bottom of the box. You really don't know how to live or die." the great wizard smiled ferociously.

"You old monster, what are you going to do to me?" Fang Wenhao shouted hysterically.

The great wizard walked towards Fang Wenhao with a smile and said ferociously, "what are you doing? You'll know later. Hahaha ~ you're such a good body. Naturally, you're used as a vessel to refine poison."

When he finished, he came to Fang Wenhao and squeezed Fang Wenhao's shoulders and arms with his hands like dead branches.

"Yes, yes, it's really a good cauldron. I failed to try with cattle and sheep before. Now I finally found the right one, you boy. You should be proud. Your body will be made into a good container and become an immortal existence."

Fang Wenhao looked at all kinds of poisonous insects drilled out of the great wizard's head, and his back suddenly cooled. It turned out that the big wizard's head was not thick braided hair, but terrible poisonous insects! It could also be a bug. However, these are not the scope of Fang Wenhao's consideration. What he is worried about now is, what should he do next?

"You old monster, my brothers will come to save me. At that time, an evil man like you will certainly be divided into five parts and die hard. Those who know the truth had better let go of me and let's fight." Fang Wenhao wanted to split his eyes.

"Hahaha, I'm a great wizard. It's natural that I'm not the opponent of the younger generation. Just die. I won't be fooled."

He then waved his hand to the side, and then the two black cockscomb snakes dragged Fang Wenhao to the cross stake.

Then they turned into two ropes and tied Fang Wenhao to the stake.

Fang Wenhao had little poison left on his body this time, but they were all searched by the great wizard.

"Yo Yo, that's good. I didn't expect you to have so many strange things. To be honest, who gave you these things?" the great wizard asked, squinting at Fang Wenhao's eyes.

Fang Wenhao suddenly felt that the big wizard's eyes were like two deep whirlpools. His soul seemed to be sucked in and couldn't move his eyes at all.

The first thing in my heart is to turn it over. My heart is not good. This old demon can do magic! But it was too late. Despite the fierce struggle, Fang Wenhao was finally hypnotized.

People who have been hypnotized will tell you exactly what others ask you, and will not hide anything from each other.

The great wizard brought a chair from behind, sat opposite Fang Wenhao and asked, "who gave you the poison on your body?"

Fang Wenhao said deliciously, "it's Qiao er's sister."

"What are you talking about? Is it a little girl or younger than you?"

The great wizard "Teng" stood up from his chair with an incredible face. At this moment, he even wondered if his hypnosis didn't work. How could there be such a young poison trainer? This is absolutely impossible.

He has seen the poison. It can make Xiaoqing and Xiaolv paralyzed. It is definitely not something that ordinary poison practitioners can refine.

Fang Wenhao nodded and said with a dull look, "Qiao Er is very powerful. She can refine poisons that others can't solve."

The great wizard came back and asked, "who's Joe? Where is she now?"

Fang Wenhao's expression was struggling, but he still spoke out where Tian Yuqiao was.

The great wizard narrowed his eyes and remembered the name of Tian Yuqiao and the specific location of the small village called relying on the mountain village.

The next day, he asked his dozens of capable disciples to dress up as Han people and let them find Tian Yuqiao.

In order to improve the success rate this time, he had Fang Wenhao transferred to the dungeon. The two cockscomb snakes were sent to rely on the mountain village by him.

At this time, Fang Wenhao seemed to have a long dream. He didn't know why he wanted to tell people where Joel lived. The only thought in his mind was that Joel might be in danger!

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