Fang Wenhao was caught. Under the influence of hypnosis, he even told the great wizard the specific location of Tian Yuqiao. The great wizard has sent more than a dozen of his proud disciples to the mountain village with the two cockscomb snakes to bring Tian Yuqiao. However, at this time, the backer village is holding a wedding banquet for Tian Yufu, a Tian Dalang, and Chen Mahua, a Chen village.

Chenjia village has always been poor, and the surrounding villages are second to none. So after Chen Mahua's parents came to see the Tian family's old house once, they immediately fell in love with Dalang ~'s house.

In Chenjia village, even the house in the village head's house is not as magnificent as the five houses in the Tian family's old house, so the old couple of Chenjia think their daughter will enjoy a lot with Tian Dalang.

They had heard rumors about Tian Dahu before, but this did not affect their idea of letting their daughter marry Tian Yufu.

After all, the great lake has been taken away, and the old couple of the Chen family are very pleased to think that their daughter can live in such a bright and magnificent house in the future.

Only a small number of people in the village had to follow the members, so there were more than a dozen tables of banquet prepared at the old Tian house. After all, there are some Chen Mahua's parents from Chenjia village. They also want to eat here.

Most of the villagers came with eggs and cloth. Those with better conditions, such as the village head Wang HENGJIA, were represented by Fang and sent a string of copper money.

For the Tian family's old house, nothing is more worth looking forward to than giving them copper money. Of course, what they expect more is silver! I'm afraid the only person who can get the silver is the second room.

Early this morning, Li looked at the yard door eagerly. Jiang didn't go there to help, but stayed in the old house to help cook. People like Li's are naturally from Wang's side.

Sure enough, after having breakfast at home, Wang took Tian Yuqiao and Wulang to the old house. Wang's clothes are quite casual today, but they are also clothes without a patch all over. Gao's heart is sour.

It was the first time that the village head didn't come in person. Before, the village head would almost come to any family in the village to do things. Now, because of Tian Dahu's relationship, the village head said he couldn't get away with something, so he asked Fang to come over.

The elders in the village are all sensitive, and they all find similar reasons to let their younger generation come to the Tian family's old house with copper coins.

When old man Tian saw his grandson get married, all the dignified figures in the village didn't show up in person. His upright waist suddenly collapsed again.

"Oh, what a sin! I didn't expect that our Tian family would end up like this. They are not willing to pay attention to us." old man Tian sighed.

Li smiled and said, "isn't that good? Even if those ethnic elders come over, what can they do? If they don't come at the right time, we can save a lot of wine."

She doesn't care so much. Now she has no silver in her hand. Li Shi seems to have lost his soul. I'm going to take advantage of Dalang's marriage opportunity to make a good profit. I have to survive this winter.

Wang and Tian Yuqiao had already discussed it when they were at home. She only sent two baskets of fruit to the old house this time, and gave them to the villagers when they had a banquet. There are also more than 20 big fish in their own fish pond.

These are for the old house. Wang also prepared a gift for Dalang alone, and even Tian Yuqiao prepared a gift for Chen Mahua.

Taking advantage of Li's lack of attention, Wang handed ten liang of silver to Dalang and told him not to write it on the account. Even if he gave him the silver privately, let him keep quiet so that Li wouldn't be happy.

Big brother took the heavy silver and tears came out immediately. But he bit his teeth and endured it. It was the first time he had touched silver, and it was still so heavy.

"Second aunt, thank you." Dalang said and knelt down directly to Wang.

Wang quickly helped Dalang up and whispered, "all right, put it away quickly. Don't let people see it. If your mother knows, she will go. It's even worse if you know."

Big Lang nodded with tears. Seeing that the time was almost over, he borrowed Tian Yuqiao's carriage and went to pick up the bride.

"Oh, it's such a grand carriage. Tut Tut, it's still your second brother and sister. You have a lot of money." Gao tilted his mouth and smiled.

Dalang ignored Gao and rode directly on Tian Yuqiao's little donkey. Over there, Chen Jiabao drives the car. After all, he is familiar with the road in chenjiacun.

Accompanying the wedding procession were Erlang, Sanlang and Shiro, as well as some villagers who wanted to go with them to see the excitement. As for the trumpeter or something, the Tian family's old house was not willing to hire, so they went like this.

But even so, the big carriage in Tian Yuqiao's house can only be seen in the county, which is rare in the town. To a certain extent, it still earned a lot of face for the Tian family's old house.

After the relatives left, Li began to ask Gao and Wang to help cook quickly, while Jiang washed the fruits brought by Wang and saved them for the villagers who arrived in advance.

The carriage soon arrived at Chenjia village. Chen Mahua's parents, brother and sister-in-law and brother had already been waiting outside the gate. Their family is rather poor. There are many boys in the family, so they didn't prepare too much. They just borrowed red cloth and tied a few lines at the door.

"Coming, coming, the welcoming team is coming." a little boy with a runny nose shouted in the village.

When Chen Mahua's parents saw that it was a luxurious carriage coming to pick up the wedding, they immediately felt a special light on their face.

Even the villagers who followed the crowd in the village said, "Yo, your Mahua has married a good family this time. Look at this big carriage. How magnificent it is."

"Yes, people in this village, whether they marry a daughter-in-law or a daughter-in-law, have never been so ostentatious."

"Hey, it's really enviable. Tut Tut, your daughter has a good home this time."

Father Chen smiled and said, "Hey, you haven't seen their big house. They are all newly built green brick houses, which are bright."

Mahua Niang said, "yes, I went in and sat down. The windows are made of colored glass. It's like nothing outside."

"Ah, it's so good. We have to go and see if we have a chance. I didn't expect that the people in the mountain village are so rich."

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