Tian Yuqiao, huikong and Huang Banxian united to deceive Wang. Wang was so dizzy that she agreed to let her daughter follow her up the mountain to learn Taoism. Later, she thought about it. Qiao'er is a girl. Why do you want to learn Taoism?

But it was too late. They had left long ago. The little guy feels a little strange. Usually, after my sister goes out, Caicai stays at home to look after the house. Why did my sister take all the small animals away this time?

The little guy immediately flattened his mouth and came to ash. Ash came forward with his tail wagging, pulled the snow on the little guy's cotton shoes with his small claws, and rubbed his head against his legs.

"Hehe, it's better to be gray. In the future, the family will depend on you. You can't relax." the little guy patted Gray's brain bag.

"Woof woof!" there were two loud barks outside the door. Except for the Thor, no other dog in the village can bark out such a sound.

The little guy hurried to open the door. Sure enough, he saw a dark shadow rushing in like lightning. As soon as Thor came in, he quarreled with ash and ash.

Wang Shi was puzzled. The Thunder God helped take care of the temple at Nanshan Temple. How could he suddenly go down the mountain now?

The little guy turned his eyes and immediately figured it out. So he said to Wang: "Mom, this time my sister went to the mountain to learn magic from that old Taoist Huang and took away all the pets at home. Maybe master huikong was worried that ash would be lonely at home, so he asked Thor to come and accompany him."

"Yes, that's great. Now that our house is so big, the Chen family have gone there again. Hey, it's really empty to live." Wang sighed.

The girl had just left for a while, and she had already begun to think.

"We don't have to worry this time with the help of Thor. Don't worry, mom. My sister will certainly learn very well."


Tian Yuqiao took a turn in the mountain and left the town from Baijiagou. After Yuanji and Yuantong sent Huang Banxian and Tian Yuqiao to the town, they said goodbye to them according to the previous orders of old monk huikong.

Along the way, Huang Banxian didn't say a word. Tian Yuqiao felt that he was like a ghost and couldn't feel any of his breath at all.

Caicai is responsible for warning the movement around, and Jinjin keeps listening to the sounds around.

Huang Banxian pasted a yellow amulet on each of his legs, and then his walking speed seemed to fly. Tian Yuqiao is in a hurry. He can't catch up with others at all.

"Hey, Taoist priest, you walked so fast that we agreed to go together." Tian Yuqiao forked his waist and stood in place for breath.

She is still young now. How can those two short legs walk better than adults? And she seemed to think that Huang Banxian was deliberately embarrassing herself.

It's too much for Xin to say that the old miscellaneous hair ox nose is an old Taoist.

"Little girl, you've just been out of town. Hey, if you keep going at your current speed, it's estimated that the boy you want to save has become a container for raising insects."

Tian Yuqiao had no choice but to gnash his teeth and quickly toss his two short legs. Fortunately, she simply packed a small package. Now she was too lazy to pretend and threw the package directly into the virtual environment.

Caicai suddenly stopped, looked at Tian Yuqiao with disdain and said, "the old guy uses two divine talismans. You can't run away from him at all. It's not difficult to catch up with him unless I grow up and carry you away. But in that case, it's a little too ostentatious."

Hong Hong said disdainfully, "hum, I can grow up too."

Tian Yuqiao's face was black, and his heart said he'd better forget it. If he rode a big snake in the street, he wouldn't have scared everyone to death?

"Hey, Taoist priest Huang. I said that since we want to compete in speed, we won't cheat. Do you dare to take off the two yellow papers on your legs? Or you can stick me two like that." Tian Yuqiao shouted.

Huang Banxian smiled and said, "little girl, I want to take you as an apprentice. If you kowtow and worship the teacher, I'll teach you how to draw amulets?"

Tian Yuqiao said, "forget it, I'm not interested in being a Taoist aunt with you."

"Oh, you little girl is stubborn, but I like it. Now I don't accept half of my disciples because they have low qualifications. It's hard to take good care of you little girl, but you're not willing. Do you know how many people in the world want to worship me as a teacher?"

"I don't know. Why should I know? What I want most is to earn money. I'm not interested in becoming an immortal."

Huang Banxian still didn't give up and continued to say, "if you promise to be my disciple, I will promise to help you save people. What do you think?"

"I can save myself! It's impossible for me to be a Taoist." Tian Yuqiao still insisted.

"I didn't say I had to make you a Taoist nun. You should do whatever you normally do, as long as I don't lose my skills. You see I'm so old and don't have a qualified disciple. Do you really have the heart to let my skills be buried in the Loess with me? Besides, I can not only draw talismans, but also have a lot of research on alchemy." Huang Banxian said proudly.

As soon as Tian Yuqiao heard about alchemy, he became interested. Now, although she has learned several pills, she has only the pill in her hand. The poison code did not record other precautions for alchemy, not even the basic techniques.

"Can I just learn alchemy from you?" Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Of course, as long as you admit that you are my apprentice."

Huang Banxian was in a good mood and his wish was finally achieved. The reason why he came to rely on the mountain village this time was also because he noticed that there was an anomaly in the sky here, and a phoenix star would come. So he came here specially and planned to start by himself when Feng Xing was not stable.

Sure enough, when he first saw Tian Yuqiao on the mountain, he noticed that there was an unusual light around her body.

Now I take her as my disciple. It's because I haven't practiced the Taoist Dharma in vain. Although the little girl doesn't like learning this now, as long as she agrees to call herself master, he still makes a lot of money.

Tian Yuqiao naturally didn't know that he had been calculated. He was very beautiful in his heart. Thinking about it, someone can help save people. As long as Fang Wenhao is all right, she will be relieved.

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