Tian Yuqiao was successfully fooled by Huang Banxian and became his only disciple. Now there is a yellow amulet on both legs. It was Huang Banxian who stuck it with saliva. Vomit~

But disgusting, she felt as light as a swallow. As long as you move your legs gently, you can walk fast and effortlessly. I didn't expect that there is such a magical thing in the world. It seems that although my master looks unreliable, he still has some real skills.

Thinking of this, Tian Yuqiao was finally relieved. Anyway, the master and apprentice is just a title. Can he force himself to do anything harmful? She just didn't understand why the old Taoist had to let herself be his disciple.

I'm too lazy to think so much now. Anyway, take one step at a time.

According to the current speed of her and Huang Banxian, it was faster than the carriage. Just one day after they left, they were already in a small village where they didn't know where it was.

"OK, let's find a place to stay tonight. Oh, by the way, it's too troublesome for you to dress up like a poor man."

When Huang Banxian finished, he pulled out a small Taoist robe from his treasure bag. He threw it directly to Tian Yuqiao and said, "good disciple, put on this clothes so that we won't have so much trouble together."

Tian Yuqiao had no choice but to find a big tree and hide behind. When no one noticed, she went directly into the virtual realm and changed her Taoist robe, and then came out of the virtual realm.

Seeing that Tian Yuqiao had changed his Taoist robe and turned his hair bun into a Taoist child, Huang Banxian smiled and said, "it's good, it's worthy of being a disciple who I'm optimistic about. As expected, he has a clear mind."

Tian Yuqiao said silently, "then hurry up and go. It's going to be dark."

However, as soon as they entered the village, they found that there happened to be a group of people walking towards the village from the fork on the other side.

Tian Yuqiao was curious and just wanted to look over there carefully. He heard Huang Banxian whisper, "don't look at them, my dear disciple. They walk very steadily. They can be so steady in this ice and snow. If I guessed correctly, they should come from the West."

"Xibian'er? Shifu means that they came from the battlefield of the border town?"

"It's hard to say, but judging from their appearance, they are definitely not our people. Only people who live in places where the snow does not melt all the year round can walk so quickly in the snow. They are probably Hu people, but they don't know what their intention is to sneak here." Huang Banxian said.

Tian Yuqiao pointed to a short man in the group and said, "you see that man can't walk steadily. He slipped several times just now."

At this time, the team had come close to them. Just after walking, Tian Yuqiao found a familiar figure.

Then he hurried back two steps and looked at the man's figure from behind. He unexpectedly felt that the man was very similar to Tian Dahu.

Patted Jin's head, Tian Yuqiao whispered, "go and see if you know the man in the middle."

The gold rushed out like a golden lightning and soon ran back. To Tian Yuqiao, he shook his head and "squeaked".

"Is that my third uncle?"

"Squeak!" gold nodded.

"Sure enough, it's him. Hasn't he been sent to the border town to serve?" Tian Yuqiao whispered to himself.

Huang Banxian smiled and said to Tian Yuqiao, "let's follow them and have a look. It's all clear."

"I know the man who can't walk steadily. He's my useless third uncle. He used to sneak around and do bad things. Now he's assigned by the county magistrate to work in the border town, but he's actually mixed up with the Hu people." Tian Yuqiao said.

"Wuliang Tianzun, no matter how much, I'm a little hungry. Do you still have delicious food there?"

"Er ~" Tian Yuqiao didn't understand what Huang Banxian meant.

"Don't hide with me, Shifu. I knew you had an invisible treasure bag. You should have brought a lot of delicious food? Take it out quickly. You're welcome."

Tian Yuqiao said without a word, "who is polite to you? It's clear that you are very rude, okay?"

"Cough, then ~ pay attention to your attitude when talking to Shifu. Now you are an apprentice, and now you are a little Taoist boy around the teacher. That is, you do chores for me. Do you understand? If we don't do this, we will help."

Tian Yuqiao regretted that he really got on the thief ship. Let's see. It's not much yet. I'm beginning to set up the spectrum of being a master.

There was no way. In front of huikong's old monster and the old pervert in front of him, Tian Yuqiao felt that his secrets were not secrets. Now that everyone else knew, she didn't bother to hide and tuck in. She directly took out some of the delicious food she had hoarded and handed it to Huang Banxian.

As they ate, they followed the group. Originally, I thought they would go to the village to find a place to stay. Unexpectedly, the group went directly into the mountain, built several shacks with snow, and fell asleep like that.

Tian Yuqiao felt that it looked like small tombs one by one. It looked white and seeping.

Gold approached the gang according to Tian Yuqiao's instructions. However, when it was about to enter the largest snow shack, two huge figures suddenly came out of it, which scared Jin Jin to flee in confusion.

"No, there is a situation." Tian Yuqiao responded at the first time.

Huang Banxian, like an ape, climbed up an old tree nearby. Tian Yuqiao was so angry that he didn't expect that at this critical moment, the old man, who was the master of others, ran away first.

She can't climb a tree. She can only hide under the tree and observe the situation.

The two shadows in front are linear, and they grow when they see the wind, and soon have the thickness of the mouth of the bowl.

Although Honghong should hibernate at this time, it seems to detect a familiar smell. Vaguely, as soon as I opened my eyes, I saw two of my own kind approaching this way.

Honghong's first reaction was to block in front of Tian Yuqiao and then fly out. The body also expanded rapidly in the air, and the size was even larger than the two opposite.

The eyes of the two cockscomb snakes were green and faint, and they said red: "run, master, they have changed. They are controlled by insects in their bodies. They are basically outlaws, and people may not be able to stop them."

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