The man sent by the great wizard met a team of officers and soldiers escorting the prisoners to the border town on the way. As a result, seeing that there were not many officers and soldiers escorting the prisoners, they directly killed all the officers and soldiers of the team, and then released all the prisoners, including Tian Dahu.

Tian Dahu knew that his reputation in the village could stink 800 miles against the wind, so he didn't intend to go back. Seeing that those people were all tall and big, and dared to kill officers and soldiers, he immediately came to his senses.

Take the initiative to talk to the leader and say that you are willing to follow each other. The Hu people took Tian Dahu because they didn't know the way and needed a guide.

Unexpectedly, when the boy heard that these people were going to rely on the mountain village, he suddenly felt refreshed and said that he came out from there.

Hu was overjoyed and asked him about Tian Yuqiao. As a result, Tian Dahu gritted his teeth and said, "hum, I can recognize that smelly girl film even if it turns into ash. It is because of their family that I have failed repeatedly. Now I can't return home."

"We only ask if you know where she lives. We don't want to hear your nonsense."

"Yes, this adult is a little talkative. I know her. She is my niece and lives very close to my family. If you want to find her trouble, just take me with you, and I have an account with her." Tian Dahu quickly expressed his loyalty.

"OK, good, hahaha, then your boy will follow us."

Tian Dahu was very happy when he saw that he had been taken in. It's flattering and flattering to others. Even the pet snakes of the two great wizards were offered by him to his ancestors.

"Don't mess with them. Try to take us to live in the mountains because they have to hunt and eat by themselves. They usually eat human flesh in our place. Now there's no way but to find some game to eat. We don't want to be too ostentatious, so we can't let them hurt people."

"Yes, the villains are familiar with the mountain roads here, and it's not far from our destination. We can get there in three or five days." Tian Dahu quickly replied with a smile.

At this time, he was making a toast to the Hu people in the snow shack, and the two black cockscomb snakes went out to kill their prey. This is how they come every night, so when the two snakes see gold, they will be wild and have to swallow it directly.

Fortunately, gold is flexible enough, otherwise it will really turn into snake shit.

Tian Yuqiao didn't know that the other party was still carrying two such big guys, because gold and wealth had no warning. If gold had known for a long time, it would not have rushed in.

"Hey, apprentice, come up quickly and hold my rope."

Tian Yuqiao saw a hemp rope coming down on his head, so he quickly climbed up with difficulty. You old man has a conscience, or you will be disciple Ke's life!

Gold also went up the tree with Tian Yuqiao and squatted on her shoulder. Caicai squatted on the sarcoma on his red head and helped resist the other party's attack from time to time.

At first glance, the two snakes often hunt together. Now they can cooperate perfectly with each other. Fortunately, there is money to help, otherwise Honghong is really a little overwhelmed.

Tian Yuqiao frowned at it, thinking whether to leave some poison behind? Anyway, there were many soft bone pills in the virtual environment, so she took the opportunity to throw them at the two black snakes.

To her disappointment, the two guys were not afraid of poison at all.

"Disciple, they should be the poisonous insects raised by the old thing. They are just transformed by poison gas. They are not afraid of knives, guns and poisons. They need to hunt because they need blood to supplement themselves." Huang Banxian said.

"Do you know any way to solve them?" Tian Yuqiao blinked and asked.

At this time, the fight under the tree had entered a white hot stage, and the two snakes were merged into one. Now they are one tail and two bodies, and their bodies become very large after they are combined.

This move is their must kill skill. It is often used when hunting large animals. The red tail had been hurt. It was so angry that it shook the sarcoma on its head and sprayed the venom opposite.

The two snakes over there are huge bodies composed of countless small poisonous insects. They are not afraid of red poison at all.

Honghong is so angry that she turns around. Fortunately, Caicai is a spiritual body. It looks no different from the opposite, so it's not hurt. However, Caicai can cause damage to the things opposite, because they are gathered by a group of poisonous insects, so this time it was the Huang Banxian's miscalculation.

He threw down a dispelling spell, which had no effect on the insects at all.

Caicai found that the two things opposite seemed delicious, so he opened his big mouth and directly bit the tail of the giant snake.

When he sucked into his mouth, a large number of black insects were swallowed by Caicai. However, its shape has also changed at this time, because those poisonous insects are not easy to die. Today, although they are in the belly of Caicai, they still have their own consciousness.

Inside, Caicai is like an illusory big net bag, trapping those poisonous insects firmly.

The female insects continue to fight, and they can reproduce insects indefinitely. Now it depends on whether wealth is swallowed quickly or whether it is born quickly over there.

It seems that Honghong also found a clue, so she said crisply: "rush, it turns out that the opposite side can be eaten separately, ah hee hee. You've just eaten enough to prepare for hibernation. Don't eat all your money."

Huang Banxian almost fell from a tree. She said that the snake was not easy. I can speak without saying anything. I'm so cute.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and said in a low voice, "you solve it quickly, or you will be in big trouble if you recruit the people inside."

Now Honghong has no time to reply, but opens her big mouth and swallows it greedily.

When those poisonous insects gathered together at the beginning, they couldn't see any flaws at all because the group density was too large. Now, after being broken by Caicai, Honghong is not afraid of each other and eats directly.

Although she will be bitten by the poisonous insect occasionally, it's nothing to Honghong at all. It's a big deal to shed a skin or something at that time.

In order to eat, it can be desperate. Not to mention Caicai, although its stomach turns into an arrow shape and a flat circle at this time, it can't break anyway, so eat it heartily.

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