The two black cockscomb snakes, which were gathered by a large number of black poisonous insects, were soon discovered by Caicai in the battle with Honghong and Caicai. After the first bite, the money was out of control. It hasn't eaten such delicious food for a long time. Compared with those low-grade poisons refined by Tian Yuqiao, these poisonous insects taste much better.

"Yiya, the taste is really good. Caicai, you can eat so many delicious food at ordinary times. Don't rob others this time?" Honghong said softly.

Caicai naturally won't miss this good opportunity, so he said, "it's a big deal. I'll give you all the little insects outside. What about the two mother insects?"

Honghong was greedy, so she agreed. Caicai and Honghong regard the great wizard's lifeblood as booty, and divide it up in front of the two female insects!

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help being speechless about the heavy taste of the two guys below, while Huang Banxian over there looked with relish.

"Yes, that leopard like a little cat is not a mortal thing, is it? Tut Tut, I didn't expect that there are so many rare animals around you." Huang Banxian touched his chin and said with interest.

Tian Yuqiao immediately had an ominous premonition and hurriedly said, "Hey, I said old things, you can't think about them. As a master of others, you just didn't give your disciples any gifts. But no matter what you say, you can't rob your disciples."

"Look at what you said. Although you are my disciple, look at your attitude towards talking to master. Tut Tut, there is no distinction between inferiority and dignity. How can you be such an apprentice?" asked Huang Banxian.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless. When she met such a real and stingy master, she could only admit that she was unlucky.

At this time, the battle under the head is coming to an end, and the son Gu produced by the two female Gu can no longer supply the crazy swallowing of the two big stomach kings. Now the two black snakes have disappeared. There is only a group of red poisonous insects. They expand into two blood red skeletons in the air.

"What is that?" Tian Yuqiao pointed down in surprise.

Huang Banxian said, "the red sarcoma on their heads should be the first generation of female insects. Those are very powerful, so even if your two little pets can eat ordinary insects, it may not be so easy for the first generation of insects."

After eating all the black insects, now the two green female insects, like meat insects, are hiding in the skeleton composed of the first generation of blood red insects.

The first generation of red insects are closely related to each other, and it is difficult to be dispersed by Honghong and Caicai. It is impossible to swallow them all if they are not washed away. So now Caicai is desperately using his minions to break the deadlock.

Honghong rushed up, opened her mouth directly, and bit the red skull on the left. As a result, there was nothing wrong with the skull, and the red mouth couldn't be closed~

"Oh, that group of red poisonous insects opened Honghong's mouth. Now Honghong is like biting a ball, and her mouth can't be closed. Master, you should think of a way quickly." Tian Yuqiao urged anxiously.

"Hey, to tell you the truth, your master, I'm good at literary fighting and not suitable for martial arts. By the way, do you have any more powerful weapons in your hand? If so, please borrow your master first."

Tian Yuqiao thought for a while and quickly searched in the virtual environment. He took out a hoe and asked, "is this OK?"

"Apprentice, are you playing as a teacher?"

And then spit out a shovel. "Master, is this OK?"

"Don't take Shifu as a three-year-old child!" Huang Banxian was almost furious.

Suddenly a knife came out. Tian Yuqiao couldn't remember it after not using it for a long time. That's the pig knife Fang Wenhao left her for self-defense. When Huang Banxian saw it, his eyes suddenly burst out with two lights.

"Yes, that's it. OK, this knife is called thousand pig chop. It has killed thousands of pigs. It's really a good thing. We have it..."

"Old man, stop talking nonsense and hurry down."

Tian Yuqiao directly pushed Huang Banxian down, but he was caught by Honghong in time.

"You smelly girl, it's too much to dare to throw Shifu down as a persimmon." Huang Banxian yelled as he fell.

However, his roar was not as loud as the wind. It was naturally dispersed in the cold wind.

Huang Banxian stood on Hong Hong's head, and at this time, the wealth floated into the air. One moment I jumped on the skull on the left, and another moment I jumped on the skull on the right.

Holding a pig killing knife, Huang Banxian took out a stack of yellow talismans from his waist, chanted words, and beat all the Yellow talismans on the pig killing knife. And the pig killing knife after the blessing of the Yellow talisman, even in this dark night, gave off a red light visible to the naked eye.

With the roar of pigs, Tian Yuqiao seemed to see a big fat pig rushing forward where the knife light passed.

"Eat a knife, ah ~"

Huang Banxian jumped forward and stabbed the pig killing knife into the eye socket of the right skull. Then I heard a bang, and the skull burst.

Those red first generation insects were stunned by the shock. When they saw red, they rushed over and swallowed all the scattered insects on the ground like eating sugar beans. After eating, he even had a beautiful burp.

A whole body is green, like jade. The mother Gu with thick and thin fingers falls on the ground. Caicai saw the right time, jumped down directly and swallowed the female Gu.

Huang Banxian succeeded in one blow. Then he waved a pig killing knife and turned and ran to another skeleton.

There is telepathy between the two female insects, and they are a pair of son and mother insects. When the two are combined, they can exert great power, and when one of them is injured, the strength of the other will collapse.

Huang Banxian easily broke up the other skeleton, while the surrounding air still exuded the smell of pig blood. Tian Yuqiao seemed to see the scene of "ten thousand pigs galloping", and felt that the big trees he held tightly trembled.

After eliminating the two female insects, Caicai went into the virtual environment for the first time, and Honghong fell into a sleepy hibernation state because she ate too much. Because it needs to digest, it is not easy to digest so many poisonous insects at one time, so it can only hibernate temporarily.

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