Huang Banxian used his superb Taoism to control all the twelve disciples sent by the great wizard. The only one who ran away was the guy who was sucked away by Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao had a very comfortable life during this period. The only thing that upset her was that the black and soft bug liked to have close contact with her all day.

The insect's body is cool and greasy. He always likes to take cold breath and stick it on Tian Yuqiao's face. Tian Yuqiao felt that he was going to be neurotic. He really wanted to break up the stinky bug.

However, Huang Banxian said, "disciple, this is also your creation. Although this little thing is a poisonous insect, it still plays a great role. For example, it can detect the same kind. If someone wants to poison you, it can come out to help you at the first time. Therefore, don't always treat it like that."

As if he could understand Huang Banxian's words, the black insect came out of Tian Yuqiao's ears and eyes, and shouted happily.

Tian Yuqiao helplessly put the black and chubby insect in the palm of his hand and looked at it carefully. It seems that it has no eyes and its mouth is also sharp. How do you think it is ugly.

I poked it with my fingers. It's really fun to be soft. Moreover, the spikes on his body can be retracted by Tian Yuqiao's poke, and then can bounce out by himself. Tian Yuqiao happily poked the thorn on his body, which made the little thing excited.

"Well, I'll call you xiaoruan in the future. Xiaoruan is your new name. Do you remember it?" Tian Yuqiao said solemnly.

"JOJO!" Xiao Ruan turned a somersault in the palm of Tian Yuqiao's hand.

When Huang Banxian heard the news from Tian Yuqiao, he smiled and said, "that's right. You should get along well. You'll be partners against the enemy in the future. You can't dislike Xiao Ruan's ugly."

"JOJO! Bad guys, don't say my master."

Tian Yuqiao looked at the little soft in the palm with a surprised face. Unexpectedly, it could also speak. It's really wonderful. How come the animals you meet are so unusual?

"It's not surprising that xiaoruan is a poisonous insect. It may have existed for thousands of years. It's normal to be able to speak human words. However, xiaoruan must not come out at will in the future, otherwise it will cause trouble to your master, you know?" asked Huang Banxian.

Xiaoruan nodded, and then returned to Tian Yuqiao's body. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help feeling sick. He said to Xiao Ruan in his heart, "Hey, don't go in from my mouth in the future. Do you hear me?"

"Oh, well, I'll go in from my ass," replied Xiao ruanmeng.

"This is even worse! You just go from your ears. It's really troublesome." Tian Yuqiao said helplessly.

Because Huang Banxian doesn't let Xiao Ruan appear at will and communicate with Tian Yuqiao, Tian Yuqiao also hates that guy running around from his body at will. So he threw the little soft into the virtual environment and let it play there.

Honghong and Caicai, who are resting inside, don't know that there is a little devil in the virtual environment. They are trying to absorb the nutrients of those insects, but they are interrupted by xiaoruan.

Xiaoruan didn't mean it, just because it was an active character. It's not like a Gu at all. As soon as he went in, he wandered around, but he didn't find anything to play with him. I finally found Honghong and Caicai and saw them sleeping. How can I do that?

With its very persistent belief, xiaoruan insists on making trouble for Honghong and Caicai. It's hard to wake up Caicai. There's no way. Caicai is the guardian spirit here. Everything that comes in from the outside world should be checked.

Because of indigestion, Caicai spit out the two emerald green letters. As soon as the two guys came out, they planned to revenge Caicai, and Caicai still couldn't move at this time.

At this critical juncture, I saw that xiaoruan rushed out directly, and his body instantly expanded into a puffer fish. Directly knocked the two child and mother poisonous insects out. It's not over. The soft thorns on its body turned into sharp spikes like steel nails at this time.

The two son and mother Gu have just lost a large number of offspring who can provide them with nutrients, and have been refined by Caicai in his stomach, so their ability is very weak at this time. Xiaoruan was very excited. He didn't expect to find two similar people.

When Tian Yuqiao noticed the wrongness of the virtual environment, he took time to go in and have a look. It doesn't matter. I found two more green insects.

She's most afraid of insects, but now it's a double whammy. It's not easy to get a small soft one. There are two green ones. What's the ghost? Oh, no, what is it?

"JOJO! Master, they are big villains, but we can let them have more children without killing them. Then we will have more food rations, JOJO ~"

Tian Yuqiao's face was covered with black lines. He said in his heart, is this her secret space to be used as a Gu breeding ground? She would never allow it.

Although the two son and mother Gu have no small soft and advanced, they are also spiritual. They kowtowed to Xiao soft and Tian Yuqiao. It was like a courtier visiting the king.

"What do they mean?" Tian Yuqiao asked curiously.

Xiao Ruan proudly shook the two tentacles on his head and said, "they are obedient to me! Of course, if they work for me, it is also your master's hand. Do I swallow them or keep them to serve us?"

"Forget it, you'd better keep them. Lest I find you food everywhere when you're hungry. It's our traditional virtue to have plenty of food and clothing by yourself." Tian Yuqiao said solemnly.

"Yeah, Hello!" Xiao Ruan jumped up from Tian Yuqiao's shoulder excitedly and fell directly in front of the two green insects.

"In the future, you two will reproduce here. If you are not honest, I will eat you immediately."

At this time, Caicai finally woke up completely. He yelled directly at Xiao Ruan, "Hey, what are you? It's too much to dare to accept my little brother here."

"Boss Caicai, people also want to provide you with more food. Our master is so weak that we can't eat enough. The biggest feature of raising them is having babies. Then we won't worry about starvation, boss. Do you think so?" Xiao Ruan kept flattering Caicai.

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