Dai Mei kept going back and forth between Hu Ying and Tian Yuqiao during this time, trying to convey the situation there as much as possible. Judging from his expression, Tian Yuqiao can be sure that Fang Wenhao's life is not in danger at present. Just looking at Daimei's anxious look, she couldn't help urging Huang Banxian to hurry as soon as possible.

With the nourishment of food in Tian Yuqiao's virtual environment, Huang Banxian's whole appearance looks fuller than before.

"Apprentice, you don't have to worry. I told the boy that he was just in danger, so you don't have to care too much about him. It's you. These people are actually coming for you this time." Huang Banxian said with a frown and a beard.

"Come for me? I can't hit them with more than 180 poles?" Tian Yuqiao frowned immediately.

"Then I don't know. When I searched their memory before, I found that their obsession this time is to find you and catch you back."

"Isn't it? You can even search other people's memories. This move is really abnormal."

Huang Banxian said helplessly, "good disciple, your focus seems to be unique. Shouldn't you care about your own safety? Instead, you care about your master's ability."

Tian Yuqiao coughed and said, "cough, well... Since you can check their memory, can we find Fang Wenhao's location soon?"

Huang Banxian shook his head: "no, they said they were all puppets of the old thing, just like a group of walking corpses. This was also for absolute loyalty, so the old immortal would do so. So in their heads, only the memory of this task was sealed."

Tian Yuqiao was shocked. He felt that the amount of information he received today was a little large. For a moment, he couldn't digest it. But it seems that strange things have happened since my house was burned down. Now even if someone told her that men can have children, it is estimated that she would smile and would not be surprised.

"Fortunately, that bird can show us the way, but we must make the most comprehensive preparations. The old man has a very strong sense of prevention. If he doesn't pay attention, he will find us. Moreover, he is good at using insects. If he doesn't pay attention, we will be found by insects. At that time, everything will be over, and our previous achievements will be wasted this time."

Tian Yuqiao saw such a dignified look on Huang Banxian's face for the first time, and he was a little nervous and uneasy.

During this time, with Daimei leading the way and Jinjin constantly helping to check the terrain, Tian Yuqiao and their journey went very smoothly. And because I had entered the deep mountains and forests along the way, I didn't meet those who were begging for a living in the mountains.

Those puppets with yellow talismans are still dancing tirelessly in the mountains.

In order to speed up the travel, all the other things are solved during the travel except for convenience. Even so, Tian Yuqiao felt a little uncomfortable because he had been fixed between his narrow arms for a long time. However, at the thought that the other party not only caught Fang Wenhao, but also planned to hurt himself and the people in the village, Tian Yuqiao clenched his teeth and hurried day and night.

The two masters and disciples were on their way with all their strength, and there were two scouts, Daimei and Jinjin, so they had arrived near the western border city in less than ten days.

Tian Yuqiao felt that he was about to be blown into dried radish. The cold wind here was really biting. If she hadn't been wrapped in three cloaks, she would have been frozen stiff. I really don't know how people here survive, let alone war. She can't stand walking alone.

It's also thanks to the big bug in the virtual world. Occasionally, she asked xiaoruan to bully the two poisonous insects and asked their offspring to help burn hot water, and then poured it into the pig urine bubble as a warm water bag.

When he killed pigs at home before, Tian Yuqiao thought about keeping pig urine bubbles as warm water bags and warm hands when he went out in the future. I didn't expect to use it so soon. It's really timely.

Xiaoruan has now become a small overlord in the virtual environment. Of course, this is because Caicai and Honghong are still sleeping.

He commanded the two female insects and asked them to command their offspring to form a "human" shape. In the empty world, he kept doing rough work according to Tian Yuqiao's instructions.

For example, watering the medicine field and boiling water and cooking for Tian Yuqiao.

Those two poor female insects can only lay eggs endlessly. Those little insects are even more pitiful. Who has ever seen people use insects as servants? Even let them cook, Kuitan Yuqiao can think of it. It's even harder for her to eat.

Although the skills of those poisonous insects are not very good, the ingredients used are all produced by the virtual environment, so the taste is passable.

At least in this cold mountain, it is really a kind of enjoyment to be able to eat a mouthful of hot food.

The beating team under him finally stopped. Tian Yuqiao was wondering why he didn't leave. He saw Huang Banxian turn back and said, "disciple, now we can see the camp of the Hu people. Now as a teacher, we have to use the secret method to let these puppets lead the battle first, but this medicine can't take action until the evening."

"Oh, that's great. I can finally rest on the flat ground. I'm so tired these days."

"What's your point? I eat and drink fat all day. When I went out to practice as a teacher, I had to eat dry steamed bread in the ice and snow."

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help turning his eyes and said, "it's like I'm eating alone this time. You obviously eat more than me, okay?"

"Cough, I don't dislike the food you gave me. There are one or two poisonous insects occasionally. You're so happy to mention it."

As soon as Tian Yuqiao heard this, he immediately felt a tumbling in his stomach. Then he directly held the tree next to him and retched.

"Hahaha, you girl, I lied to you. I didn't expect you to look very precocious. You're just a little girl." Huang Banxian was in a good mood.

Tian Yuqiao was not ashamed of his evil taste, but there was no way. He and himself were alone along the way. If he didn't kill time in this way, the journey would be too boring.

They continued to eat some food, and Tian Yuqiao specially asked xiaoruan to help check it. She was relieved to make sure that there were no poisonous insects in her bowl. But my heart has been a little diaphragmatic. After all, the "people" composed of so many poisonous insects occasionally lose one or two hair or something, Er ~ it's disgusting!

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