After walking in the ice and snow for more than ten days, I finally reached the western border city through mountains and mountains. Huang Banxian proposed to start again in the evening, and this time he used the dozen puppets to help.

Gold suddenly "squeaked" a few times, waved its small claws and pointed to a small Bush diagonally in front, and then it ran out directly towards the other side.

Tian Yuqiao had an ominous premonition that the pig killing knife suddenly appeared in her hand. And Huang Banxian over there also took out his copper coin sword for the first time, looking ready.

Daimei soon flew back, followed by gold, and behind them, there seemed to be a small group of white figures moving towards this side.

Tian Yuqiao could not help frowning. He said in his heart, what the hell are these two little things going to do? Did you find the enemy over there?

She soon saw each other, a total of twenty or thirty people, all wearing white cotton robes and cloaks that could be integrated with the surrounding environment. The leader is still his old acquaintance. Isn't that big head!

Big head saw Demi coming back, and then he saw gold. He was shocked and followed Dai Mei and Jin in disbelief.

After the two sides met, there was some excitement of "meeting an old friend in another country".

"Sister Joel, I didn't expect to meet you here. But how did you come here? And how did you dress like this?" the big head asked in a low voice in surprise.

Tian Yuqiao was a little embarrassed, but Huang Banxian over there took the lead in saying, "boundless Heavenly Master, I'm accompanying my apprentice to save her. Be careful."

Fortunately, the soldiers behind big head didn't get too close, otherwise if they heard it, it was estimated that everyone's chin would fall into the snow. Even so, the expression on the big head's face is a little strange.

Tian Yuqiao stepped forward angrily and stepped on Huang Banxian's toes! It hurt so much that he immediately threw all his copper coins and swords into the snow, holding his feet and began to jump around in place. Don't say, that action is really not standard compared with those puppets.

"Hehe, big brother, his name is Huang Banxian, which I picked up on the way." Tian Yuqiao said with a sweet smile.

Big head touched his head in embarrassment. After greeting Huang Banxian, he told them about the situation here.

"Hao'er took us to spy on the enemy that day, but we all found out the number of the enemy. When we waited for him, we found that he didn't return. Later, I wanted to organize people to go in again, but the defense over there had been strengthened. Fortunately, Dai Mei could sneak in, and now we have confirmed the specific location of Hao'er's detention." the big head frowned.

"What are you going to do here today? With you people, do you still want to break through?"

"Hey, what can we do if we don't break in hard? Now the leader has given us an order to get the antidote. All our people have been poisoned, and we haven't been dripping water for several days. If we go on like this, we'll all die of thirst without others calling in." the big head said helplessly.

In fact, the effect of LANBO pill is strictly limited to Tianshui City and its surrounding areas. As for the snow here, it can still be used to boil water. But now there are not many soldiers in the city who can play. The people brought out this time, in addition to investigating the situation every day, are also responsible for transporting the snow back here. The efficiency can be imagined.

As soon as Tian Yuqiao heard this, he immediately felt that it was not a matter at all. She has an empty realm in her hand, but now it's not convenient to do it herself.

Seeing Huang Banxian covering his feet next to him, Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "don't worry, my master. He can become a soldier, and he can call the wind and rain. It's no problem to help you get some water and food."

Huang Banxian almost choked to death by the north wind. Unexpectedly, his apprentice was not easy to mess with. It's not so bad, so I gave him the old man.

But at the thought that the little girl had many secrets, she must have done it herself this time. It's also good that you don't have to do anything and you can get a good reputation by the way.

"Ha ha, I'm right. I can help you solve this problem. But it will cost a lot to cast a spell ~"

"Don't worry, as long as you help solve the crisis in the city, we will certainly thank you." the big head assured him.

"Well, in that case, I'll let you go to the city. It's not too late to solve the problems in the city. I have to do something in the evening to make those Hu people look good."

Not to mention, when Huang Banxian said so, big head and the soldiers behind him were excited one by one. If it weren't for being too close to Hu camp, they would all cheer.

Big head, they hurry up and push back the scooter they brought to pull water. Huang Banxian said, "as I said, I will solve the problem of drinking water for you. Just throw this thing here."

The soldiers looked at each other. They had never heard of such a magical thing. Can water come out for no reason? When they are all three years old!

However, seeing the big head nodding, they can only put down the barrel and cart in their hands. Some people were worried that Huang Banxian was talking big. They also desperately grabbed some snow and stuffed it into their mouth.

After Huang Banxian and Tian Yuqiao entered the city together, the city was depressed and as silent as death. There are many houses in the city, and some shops are still covered with masks. Just because they are in disrepair for a long time, they look very messy.

When they entered the barracks, the soldiers in charge of guarding at the door saw that they had come back, but they didn't see them pulling snow back. Just mentioned the spirit, suddenly wilted again.

Seeing that everyone was listless, Tian Yuqiao immediately frowned. All of them had sunken eye sockets, and each one was as thin as cheekbones.

Without a word, the master and apprentice found a large house and a well that had been dry for a long time in the yard.

After removing all the messy things above, Huang Banxian said to Tian Yuqiao, "disciple, you can do it yourself now. As a teacher, go to the house and have a rest. Call me when you're done."

Tian Yuqiao was so angry that he gnashed his teeth. He said to himself, you guy, let you lose your reputation for no reason. At least you can help!

However, it was too late to argue with him. Tian Yuqiao quickly opened the virtual environment and put the lotus pond water into the well.

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