After learning that the purpose of those evil slaves in Zhangjia today is to make trouble in the backer village, Tian Yuqiao decided to solve them as soon as possible, and then it's not too late to go to Sishui county.

Fortunately, the heavy snow blocked the road. Otherwise, it is estimated that those people will arrive at the mountain village in a short time. In addition to the wicked is equivalent to doing good deeds. After comforting himself in his heart, Tian Yuqiao changed his original plan.

After entering the virtual realm, Tian Yuqiao directly asked Xiao Ruan to call the two son and mother Gu.

"You ask them to gather some of their descendants according to my two drawings and condense them into these two vases." Tian Yuqiao took out two drawings and said to Xiao Ruan.

Xiaoruan was shaking her tentacles and wanted Tian Yuqiao to "hug". Unexpectedly, Tian Yuqiao sneezed directly and sprayed xiaoruan's soft waxy body into the nearby lotus pond.

"Hey, where's xiaoruan? It's strange that she was here just now."

"Chirp", the small soft cry came from the nearby lotus pond. Tian Yuqiao looked down and saw that the little guy was being chased by the virtual shadow Koi in the water.

Once the poisonous insects enter the water, it is difficult to come out by themselves. I'm afraid this is their only weakness.

Looking at Xiao Ruan's short, fat and round body, as well as the thorns on it, it turned into something similar to the feet of skin shrimp at this time. At this time, xiaoruan was carrying her and kept fleeing the pursuit of Koi.

Tian Yuqiao looked curious and cheered beside her: "come on, little soft, run, little soft..."

"Chirp, alas, master, you are good or bad. Hurry up and save others. Sobbing ~" xiaoruan began to ask for help.

Caicai couldn't see it anymore. He jumped directly onto the water and suspended himself on it. One claw scattered the most fiercely chased Koi.

Fortunately, the Koi and small fish here have been transformed by aura for a long time. Even if they are scattered by wealth, they will soon condense again.

Xiaoruan took the opportunity to "whew" and hugged Caicai's "thigh" with a dead face.

"Wow, wealth is still powerful and domineering. People will be your little brother in the future. You must cover me."

Looking at Xiao Ruan's bear like appearance, the two son and mother Gu kept shaking all over. Tian Yuqiao didn't know why, so he frowned and asked, "aren't they sick?"

Xiao Ruan said angrily, "ah, you dare to laugh at me. Believe it or not, I'll eat you for dinner."

It was so powerful that it scared the two emerald children and mother insects to lie down on the ground. It's like pretending to be dead. I even forgot to lay eggs.

"Come on, don't make trouble. You quickly let them condense according to my drawings. I have difficulty communicating with them, and I have to leave it to you. If you can't do it well, I'd like to eat braised sea cucumber at night." Tian Yuqiao threatened.

"Hum, the master wants to eat people. You're terrible. It's more terrible than that old monster."

Although there was a lot of resentment in his heart, Xiao Ruan did it according to Tian Yuqiao's instructions.

It uses the two tentacles on its head to communicate with the two son and mother Gu. Tian Yuqiao is curious about the way of communication between them. Unexpectedly, it uses "touch".

The two mother and son insects quickly climbed onto the two drawings, and then they began to gather their children and grandchildren.

Soon a group of poisonous insects crawled over there. Tian Yuqiao, as a person with more or less dense phobia, couldn't help feeling numb all over at this time. It felt like an electric shock. There was no way. She had to go out first.

"When you're ready, come out and find me. Remember, I went to bed first."

Early the next morning, as soon as Tian Yuqiao got up, he saw two more jade vases on the table of the inn.

After looking around them for two times, he pretended to be the matrix of "pattern" on the bottle. Seeing Tian Yuqiao approaching, he raised his small head, as if he were greeting Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao was so frightened that he hurried back two steps. When he looked carefully, it was really. The son and mother Gu unexpectedly found a pattern suitable for their hiding and hid their body shape inside.

He pressed the little thing's head back. Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "you're good. Just follow my instructions."

Small soft "chirped" around Tian Yuqiao, full of the meaning of asking for credit.

"OK, I know it's all your credit. It's a big deal to remember it for you." Tian Yuqiao smiled and pressed xiaoruan's soft little belly, which made xiaoruan tremble, like being touched with itchy meat.

"Come on, let's demonstrate it again. Caicai, are you ready? We're going to start."

When Tian Yuqiao finished, he stroked the vase on the left and shouted, "the flowers bloom in spring."

Then Caicai mobilized the virtual lotus pond water, and the "Emerald vase" condensed by Gu insects was like a fountain.

"Well, that's good," said Tian Yuqiao. He took a withered flower out of the bottle and inserted it directly into the jade bottle. Soon the flower recovered its vitality under the moisture of the virtual lotus pond.

The function of the other bottle is the same. With the pair of vases, Tian Yuqiao is absolutely confident that he can pit the Zhangjia people.

After changing her clothes, in order not to let the other party recognize that she is a Taoist child, she specially put on her clothes that can scare people today, and specially asked Gongsun Yu to go with her.

Murong Bo, with a dark face, kept silent all the way and accompanied Gongsun Yu behind him.

"Joel, what are you doing?"

"Just wait and see a good play. Oh, by the way, let's make a big noise this time. Can you let your bodyguards follow in the open?"

After thinking for a while, Gongsun Yu nodded and said, "OK, let 20 people follow us. It should be strong enough."

"Unexpectedly, you are a rustic girl. After changing your clothes, you look OK. You look a little similar to our maid. It's good." murongbo said seriously.

Tian Yuqiao didn't care about him. After all, there are more important things to do now.

The party went to Zhangjia jewelry store. Today, the waiter and the shopkeeper were happy to see the battle. One by one, like a dog leg, came forward to curry favor. Even the manager of a hemorrhoid at the corner of his mouth didn't dare to hold it up. He didn't want to miss the opportunity to make friends with rich people.

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