Tian Yuqiao asked the bodyguards brought by Gongsun Yu to follow him and put the two bottles made of poisonous insects in two very high-grade brocade boxes.

The two bodyguards closely followed Gongsun Yu and Tian Yuqiao, holding the box tightly in their hands.

"Joe, what the hell are you doing? Why didn't we know your family still had such valuable things?" Gongsun Yu asked in a low voice.

"It's called the secret of heaven. It's a treasure given to the twelve princes when the eldest prince came to build a mausoleum for the twelve princes. I found a shop by chance yesterday and thought they would like it." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

When she went in yesterday, she glanced and found two vases in the Zhangjia jewelry shop. It's just that the two bottles don't look very valuable. At least they must be weak with the two drawings she drew.

Today, Tian Yuqiao wears a woman's dress, and her own design is added to it. She didn't wear much at home before, because it was too dazzling.

Now even here, if she wears this, others will walk around her. I'm afraid she's the daughter of the prince's family. She'll get into trouble then.

"Hey, are you dressed like this just to sell things?" Gong SunYu whispered.

"Hehe, what do you think? I don't sell things when I dress like this. I'd better go on a blind date."

"Er ~ you don't have to go on a blind date. There are two handsome men around you. Who dares to go on a blind date with you with us?" Murong Bo said proudly.

"Poof! Eh, do you want to be so narcissistic?" Tian Yuqiao sprayed directly.

After entering the shop, the steward paid off the original shopkeeper of the shop. He personally received Tian Yuqiao and others.

"Oh, I don't know two CHILDES and young ladies. Where are you from? I'm so clumsy that I didn't go to the door in time to meet you. Please don't be surprised."

The steward was originally a servant in a big official's house in the Imperial City, so he had some eyesight when looking at people. As soon as he saw these three people, he knew that they must come from a big family, especially the little girl. The eighth floor is a princess or something. He came out to play with these two sons.

So this time his attitude towards Tian Yuqiao became more flattering and positive. He ordered his men to serve them good tea and snacks quickly for fear of neglecting the noble man.

"We're going out to play with our family behind our backs this time. You shouldn't ask. Don't ask." Gongsun Yuban looked up.

This time, he must help Tian Yuqiao to do enough. He is the son of King Jing. It's nothing to frighten these ignorant evil slaves.

"Hahaha, I understand, I understand. I just don't know what's the matter with several distinguished people this time?"

Murong Bo waved behind him. The two bodyguards with big knives immediately came forward and put the two brocade boxes on the table.

"Is this?" steward Zhang was curious, but he didn't dare to touch it.

"Just open it and have a look. It's my father's treasure. It can't be seen in ordinary places." Tian Yuqiao deliberately pretended to be proud.

And her appearance made the steward determine his previous guess. Those two young men who look extraordinary must be the foil, and the identity of this little girl must be not low.

So he sent someone to the counter to marry him a pair of gloves, and then he carefully opened the two brocade boxes.

"Are these two bottles?"

"Yes, these two bottles are not ordinary bottles. They can make withered trees spring, and they can also call the water of Tianlong." Tian Yuqiao began to talk nonsense solemnly.

Naturally, the steward doesn't believe it, but it's hard to look suspicious. The expression on his face was as strange as diarrhea, but he couldn't find a hut.

Tian Yuqiao took out the two bottles and put them on the table. Then he gave a wink to the money hidden on the table, and then said, "if you don't believe it, I can hide it for you."

The steward saw that the vase was actually carved with the dragon pattern of five clawed Golden Dragon. It seems to be a royal thing and a good thing given by the royal family. I'm so excited to see such a good thing today.

He was trembling all over. After Tian Yuqiao said "warm flowers in spring" to the vase, the water in the bottle flowed out.

"God, this bottle can really run water by itself?" some people around, including Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo, were surprised to lose their chin.

Murongbo took the lead in responding and quickly held his jaw in his hand. He was very glad, but fortunately, he didn't drool. Otherwise, wouldn't you lose face in front of that smelly girl?

Tian Yuqiao knew that their expressions would be exaggerated, but when she saw the people's expressions, she still had a sense of achievement in her heart. That's the effect. The more surprised you are, the better it can sell, isn't it?

"Do you have any dead branches here? Bring me one." Tian Yuqiao ordered.

"Yes, yes." the boy next to him ran out quickly and quickly picked a dead flower branch from the vase next to him.

Tian Yuqiao put the flower branch into the bottle. Soon, the withered bud and withered branches on the flower branch became full of vitality.

Looking at the withered flower branches all winter, they miraculously recovered, and everyone's eyes stared at them without blinking for fear of missing any details.

"Spring flowers bloom in bottles. They are a pair of bottles that my father likes very much. But I recently saw something and didn't have money to buy it, so I took it out secretly."

"Miss, what price are you going to sell this bottle?" steward Zhang asked with a smile.

"Er ~ well, my father said that this thing is priceless. Since it is priceless, I don't know how much it is suitable. Well, I don't want much, just 100000 Liang." Tian Yuqiao casually said such a figure.

"What, 100000?" Gongsun Yu couldn't help but be surprised.

After all, it's just a bottle. Although it's amazing, he won't spend so much money on a decoration that doesn't work much.

Zhangjia is different. Lao Cai Zhang has silver. The steward also thought of this. Once the bottle is taken back, the master will appreciate himself, because it may be a royal treasure.

Even if it's not worth the price, it's worth buying this bottle and making friends with a powerful man.

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