Tian Yuqiao named his bottle "blooming flowers in spring", which sounds very auspicious. In particular, its magical function can actually bring plants back to life. It really has the function of "rejuvenation".

The steward saw me and immediately liked it. However, I'm afraid I have to put up this shop and put all the gold, silver and jewelry in it.

It's just that there's only one chance. If you miss it this time, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to develop in the future.

Thinking of this, he said to Tian Yuqiao, "Miss, we don't have so much cash on hand. Let me discuss with the shopkeeper first. The banquet is ready. Please have dinner here at noon. When you finish eating, we will certainly be able to discuss and measure the results."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "even if you eat, you should study it quickly. If you don't want it or can't afford it, we won't hang it from your tree. Anyway, there are so many merchants here. It's estimated that someone knows the goods."

The cold sweat on Manager Zhang's forehead came out. His heart was really at war between heaven and man at this time. What the hell should I do? This hundred thousand taels of silver is not a small amount. I'm afraid it's bad to make decisions without authorization. But once you miss this opportunity and are known by the master in the future, you will not be able to afford it.

"Wait a moment, guys. Let's have a rest and drink tea here. Our snacks are bought from bafangzhai. They taste very good. We'll make a decision soon. Wait a minute, guys."

When steward Zhang finished, he took the shopkeeper and muttered behind him like a gust of wind.

Jin Jin told Tian Yuqiao the process of their research. Tian Yuqiao remained calm and tasted tea there.

"Steward Zhang, it's a big deal. The master asked us to open a shop here just to buy some rare treasures at a low price. But look at those people outside, they have a lot of connections. Maybe we'll provoke the emperor's relatives and relatives again, that's too bad luck."

"Bah, what do you know? It's just a toad at the bottom of the well. We can't see how big the sky is. It's because they may be royal relatives, so we need to find ways to make friends with them. Do you think our master needs money? It's certainly not bad, and this baby may be a royal treasure, and we've all seen the magical effect."

"Steward Zhang, what do you mean?" the shopkeeper's heart was beating violently.

"Well, let's decide and buy the bottle. 100000 taels. It should be OK to convert the shop and the goods in it. Once the master has such a baby, he will like it very much. Then I'll change you to a better place to be the shopkeeper. Maybe I can change from being in charge to being a confidant."

As soon as they thought of their bright future, they immediately decided to take the bottle. Anyway, it's decided by two people. Even if the master blames him, at least there's one on the back, isn't there?

People have such a mentality that they don't dare to do things. Once they are accompanied, they feel more confident.

They soon came out, smiled and said to Tian Yuqiao, "Miss, we have decided to take your bottle. We just don't have so much silver in our hands for the time being."

"What? What are you going to do without silver? Do you want to give me an IOU?" Tian Yuqiao was angry immediately.

Seeing her angry, the steward quickly nodded and bowed and said, "no, no, no, that's not what we mean. We mean that there are thirty thousand liang of cash in the shop. For other debts, we'll use the title deed of the shop and all the items in our shop. I don't know if we can?"

Tian Yuqiao frowned and looked at Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo.

Both of them are dizzy at this time. I don't know what Tian Yuqiao is going to do. A little village girl can bring out two valuable things at once.

The eldest prince did come here, but why didn't they know there was such a magical bottle in the palace?

However, since they were invited by Tian Yuqiao to "support", they naturally want to help her.

"Even if that's the case, we'll suffer a loss, but who makes me hurry to use money? Well, let's sign an agreement now."

The agreement was signed soon, because this is a three regardless boundary, so the title deed doesn't need to be sealed by the government. However, there is also a set of rules formed here, so Tian Yuqiao signed the contract according to the rules here.

After receiving the title deed, she let the twenty bodyguards watch here.

"It will be mine after here. Watch it carefully. Don't let them steal it later."

Steward Zhang and the shopkeeper in the store are walking around the bottle at this time. When they wanted to take both bottles away, Tian Yuqiao suddenly buttoned one of the boxes.

"100000 Liang, do you want two bottles? If you like it, you can take another 200000 liang of silver. These bottles are a pair, and I can't sell them all to you." Tian Yuqiao said with a straight face.

Gongsun Yu also said, "yes, we're just talking about selling your bottle, not a pair."

The two people were silly at once, but they said one by one. After all, such a good thing.

"OK, OK. We read it wrong. Why don't you leave an address and decide whether to buy another one after we ask the master. What do you think?"

Tian Yuqiao thought about it and said, "OK, but you should hurry up. We'll leave in a few days. During this period, if someone offers more than 200000 Liang and can get cash, I'll sell it to others."

"Yes, we will as soon as possible."

After murongbo left the address of the inn, several people left with another bottle.

Caicai is unlucky. It has to stay next to the bottle all the time. What if someone comes to "inspect the goods"? So Caicai can't leave until Tian Yuqiao sells another bottle to Zhang laocai.

Back at the inn, Tian Yuqiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, Joel, what kind of medicine are you selling? This bottle is really so magical. Why didn't we see it when you came out from home? I still think it's a little incredible."

"I said, Gongsun, how could I have such a good thing? Have you heard of juggling? I actually use that principle. After I sell another bottle, that method won't work."

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