Tian Yuqiao and Caicai made a cover up together, frightening the evil slaves of the Zhang house one by one. After returning to the inn, close the doors and windows. Tian Yuqiao began to count the silver tickets in his quilt.

I can't blame her financial fans. It's thirty thousand liang of silver. It's the first time she's seen so many silver tickets since she's been here so long.

All of them were five hundred taels and one thousand taels of silver, which made Tian Yuqiao's mouth water.

"Ha ha, I'm rich. I'm finally rich this time. Zhang laocai, the old turtle, dares to bully my aunt. I'll make you pay a painful price this time, hiahiahiahia~"

He wiped the corners of his mouth, but at least his saliva didn't flow out. It's just that I took so many people today. It doesn't seem good to keep all the silver by myself. Forget it. Tomorrow I'll continue to take you to the jewelry store. It's a big deal for each of them to choose some jewelry and take it back to their relatives.

Thinking of this, Tian Yuqiao fell asleep with a handful of silver notes in his arms.

Early the next morning, Tian Yuqiao took a large group of people to the jewelry shop. The people and guys in the original shop who had been forcibly expelled by her had all moved to a Chuang Tzu.

At the door stood two bodyguards who stayed to guard. When they saw Gongsun Yu coming, they quickly opened the door of the shop.

"Everybody, come in. I'm not a stingy girl. It's been a hard trip. Call those brothers who are hidden in the dark, and each of you can choose some things you like. Hurry up and choose. After this village, there will be no shop." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

There are things that Bai took. Gongsun Yu and murongbo are also children's minds. And this time they saw with their own eyes how Tian Yuqiao came to the shop, and there was a proud look on his face.

They greeted each other, and all the bodyguards appeared in the shop.

"Let's listen to miss qiao'er. Everyone should choose a few. Don't take too much. Everyone can choose at least five kinds. We can't be too greedy." Gongsun Yu said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao took a smoke from the corner of her mouth. Originally, she wanted everyone to choose three kinds. Now that people have spoken, ah, five is five.

"Hey, hey, thank you, young master. Thank you, Miss Qiao."

One by one, the bodyguards ran to the shop and began to choose jewelry.

"Hey, take this to my mother when you go back. It's not easy for him in his life."

"Hey, hey, this is for my daughter-in-law Chunlan who hasn't passed the door. She will like it very much."

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect that we would just follow the swagger. There are so many benefits. It's really a good job to follow the young master out."

Tian Yuqiao looked at the old men silently with a bright smile on their faces, and said in his heart that this thing was given to you by my girl, okay? It's hateful to thank your young master.

Murong Bo said with a smile, "I said, girl qiao'er, we two helped you make up the scene yesterday, so you shouldn't mind if we choose more?"

Tian Yuqiao always thinks that this boy is full of bad water. She knows that she loves money, so this is definitely a deliberate provocation!

In front of so many people, she was embarrassed to say no, so she nodded and said, "well, after all, your Yaowang villa is a big family and spends a lot every day. Hey, take more so that you can have a better life when you go back."

This time it was murongbo's turn to turn black. His hand, which had originally stretched out to a pearl necklace, suddenly stiffened in mid air.

Gongsun Yu chose an emerald trigger and an obsidian necklace, and then stopped and looked at the other candidates.

Murongbo was described by Tian Yuqiao as having too many families to afford to eat. Especially when all the bodyguards looked at him with strange sympathy, he finally chose only a white jade Buddha Pendant.

After everyone had chosen the things with satisfaction, Tian Yuqiao said, "wait for me, and then hide in the dark. We have to go to the shop that made concealed weapons before."

The bodyguards were trained and disappeared from Tian Yuqiao's vision, which made Gongsun Yu's master a little embarrassed. When did those guys start listening to girl Joel?

Tian Yuqiao himself smiled and went to choose some jewelry for his family and friends. While choosing, he secretly threw it into the virtual environment. I don't know. I thought she was just checking the goods. When she had almost chosen, she stopped.

"Things shouldn't be finished so soon. What are you doing there, Joe?" Gong SunYu asked with a frown.

"We can't take this shop away. Anyway, the jewelry shop is also used as a cover over there. It's better to give them here. It's a big deal. I'll lose some money. I prefer silver tickets to the shop."

"You're really good. You can think of it." Gongsun Yu smiled.

Murong Bo snorted coldly: "hum, I always feel that she has no good intentions."

When he went to the concealed weapon shop, Tian Yuqiao was naturally warmly received by the landlady. When she took out the title deed and put it in front of the landlady, the landlady suddenly looked silly.

"How dare you win my only competitor? The backstage of Zhangjia jewelry shop is unusual. I'm really curious. How did you do it?"

"This is very simple. I sold them one thing, and they couldn't get so much money, so they used the shop to pay the bill."

Although Tian Yuqiao was careless when she said it, it seemed to the people around her that she was a typical manifestation of being rich and powerful.

"Hahaha, girl, you are really not an ordinary person. Make an offer. How much is the shop for me?" the landlady asked with a smile.

"It's simple. I'll charge you 80000 liang of silver if I count all the jewelry inside. If you don't have that much money, you can also use your concealed weapons to pay for it."

Gongsun Yu's heart also admired Tian Yuqiao's business mind. Originally, the shop and the things inside were worth 70000 liang of silver. Now they have chosen a lot of things, and now she has changed hands by 10000 Liang. It's really no fraud or business.

Murong Bo almost blurted out, but forced himself to endure it. After all, take other people's hands soft, who let himself take a pendant?

No way. His grandmother believes in Buddhism, so she must like the pendant very much.

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